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  • Jun 8, 2007, 03:47 PM
    Receding gums, how much longer do I have?
    I'm 23 year old female and the last time I went to a dentist it was at a free clinic so they could pull a rotten tooth. I have several cavities that need to be filled from over a year ago, and I hardly have any enamal on my teeth you can practically see through the top two. Also my gums are receding very badly on my front bottoms. I have been bulimic for almost 10 years, and I'm in recovery now but my teeth are in horrible shape. I haven't worked in years, or had insurance or money to go to a dentist. I am moving, and have a job lined up but not sure when insurance will kick in. In the mean time is there anything I can do to help my teeth and gums? I have extreme pain in my fronts to hot and cold, and my gums are so receded that you can see part of the root and I'm afraid my teeth are just going to fall out.
  • Jun 8, 2007, 04:36 PM
    If you have any money at all, use it to get your teeth looked at, you are desperately in need of root canal treatment.
    If you don't, it might still be worth visiting a dentist to explain the situation and ask if they will do the work now and accept payment later - a note from your employer will prove that you have a job.

    Don't eat anything too sugary - including drinks - and rinse with mouthwash once a day.
    Until you get dental treatment you're going to have to dose up on paracetemol or aspirin; I can't think of much else you can do.

    For what it's worth, in years to come you may have enough money to have your teeth put back to a condition where they feel and look normal: Veneers are damned expensive but they are worth it. There are even 'screw-ins' now which replace missing teeth (but are extremely expensive).

    I hope you can get your teeth fixed soon, I've had mild toothache once or twice and that was enough.
  • Jun 8, 2007, 05:47 PM
    Bad teeth and gums are dangerous to you health. Believe it or not but it can cause heart and brain trouble from all the poison in your system.
  • Jun 8, 2007, 05:56 PM
    You should see a dentist as soon as you can.
    First and foremost you need to be brushing and flossing every day. Don't worry if your gums bleed, that's actually a good thing for now (you're getting rid of any infection you have in your gums). If your teeth are sensitive to brushing use warm water and a real soft toothbrush. Be sure to brush from the gumline, DON'T SCRUB!
    Sensodyne has a new paste out for eroded teeth (what happens with regular vomiting) it's called "ProEnamel". I'm not sure it's available in the USA but if we have it here in Canada you MUST have it in the US.
    If your gums are sore from brushing and flossing rinse with warm salt water. Try to avoid rinses with alcohol in them. The alcohol is not good for your gums.
    When you get to a dentist, prioritize your treatment. Take care of any large cavities first - perhaps they can put sedative fillings in them as a temporary fix until you have enough cash to treat properly. Make sure they do a thorough cleaning before doing any major treatment. If you don't have a good supporting structure (gums and bone to hold them in) it's not worth spending the money on root canals and crowns.
    Just because you can see roots does not mean your teeth are going to fall out. Don't panic!

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