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  • Jun 5, 2007, 02:48 AM
    Mystery pain in right side
    Hi. I have been experiencing terrible pains in mainly my right side for about 7 years now. I am horribly sick to my stomach all the time. Eating ANY type of food gives me HORRIBLE stomach pains for up to 24 hours... which has turned me into a involuntary bulimic of sorts. I throw up almost ALL meals because of the terrible pains I get from food. I have tried cutting out all kinds of things over the past 7 years, and nothing really helps. I am constantly sick to my stomach and constantly feel like I have a very upset stomach. Maalox and pepto bismal will help... but not totally. I drink a lot of that, which I know is very bad over a long period. I constantly have very sharp gurgling in my stomach that is very loud and embarrassing, and sometimes painful. I am 27 years old and obese. I also have polycystic ovarian they think, because I do not have periods.
    If someone could please give me some type of clue as to what is going on, it would be great! I have seen the top specialists at Northwestern hospital and NO ONE has ever been able to figure it out. They've tried sooooo many tests, that it's crazy. They even removed my gallbladder just to make sure it wasn't gallstones that they couldn't see, and nope. I actually have been more sick in all the years since that happened.
    Whatever is wrong is KILLING ME honestly. My vomiting is making me lose my teeth and giving me tears in my esophagus. It honestly makes me suicidal because I can't live a normal life at all. I can't go out to dinner without knowing there is somewhere to throw up afterwards. I can't plan on too many activities because I don't know if I will get horrible stomach pains or get diarrhea. And it does get worse when I am super stressed. And if I have been puking more than normal. I am so tired of being embarrassed by this and soooo inconvenienced.
    I also do NOT have insurance so I can't even go to doctors anymore.
  • Jun 5, 2007, 03:04 AM
    I don't know what is going on with you, to be honest. And, maybe someone here will have a clue as to what is going on with you. I am hopeful of that. They may give you some ideas and what they think is helpful advice. And, it may be helpful to you. But, please realize that no one's advice on this site is a substitute for the one-on-one advice and subsequent treatment recommendations that a physician can give to you. For someone to give you advice here and make recommendations without being a physician and actually examining you would be irresponsible on their part.

    I hate to hear of your suffering. You describe being examined by top medical specialists and not getting anywhere with a diagnosis? Surely there is a way for you to see a doctor again. I have no insurance, and if there was really something wrong with me physically, I am sure that my friends would come up with something. I am hoping that you are in a similar situation.
  • Jun 5, 2007, 03:24 AM

    Originally Posted by Clough
    I don't know what is going on with you, to be honest. And, maybe someone here will have a clue as to what is going on with you. I am hopeful of that. They may give you some ideas and what they think is helpful advice. And, it may be helpful to you. But, please realize that no one's advice on this site is a substitute for the one-on-one advice and subsequent treatment recommendations that a physician can give to you. For someone to give you advice here and make recommendations without being a physician and actually examining you would be irresponsible on their part.

    I hate to hear of your suffering. You describe being examined by top medical specialists and not getting anywhere with a diagnosis? Surely there is a way for you to see a doctor again. I have no insurance, and if there was really something wrong with me physically, I am sure that my friends would come up with something. I am hoping that you are in a similar situation.

    Yeah. It's really insane that no one has been able to figure it out. I had a doctor at a free clinic in chicago who really went out of her way to set me up with specialists, and no one could tell what the problem is. And I have had every test you can think of. They have started to really question whether it is psychosomatic or what. But I definitely know the pain is REAL. And it's definitely not something I exaggerate or make-up. Everyone close to me has been able to see how real and horrible this is for me. And I have tried EVERYTHING to feel better and I actually eat really healthy. Which is ironic that I am 100 pounds overweight, which is also a mystery. And it's not a thyroid thing. The only time I can even remember feeling better is after my surgery, when they had me on an IV for 10 days and I had NO FOOD in my system. Food and a lot of drinks are so toxic to me! It's all really strange. And I know this is not a place to get treatment... I just REALLY would like people to possibly give me any ideas on what they think may be the problem. So that I could possibly take that to a doctor and not appear to be crazy! :rolleyes:
  • Jun 5, 2007, 03:34 AM
    Are you diabetic? That may help some people in providing an answer to you.
  • Jun 5, 2007, 03:48 AM
    Mom mom is 48 and has had something similar and It is actually more common then you would think though..

    As for the nausea... you can take medication that will help you so that you will NOT vomit. My mom has been nauseus since she was in her 20's and they cannot figure out what is wrong. She has taken every test in the world, I am telling you that there is no test that she has not took. She had to take dozens of tests for acid reflux, which can cause neausea and they were all normal. She has also took tests for kidneys, gallbladder, colon, infections, parasitic, and millions of other things.

    I have to tell you that I threw up for 3 months before when I had pin worms, I had diarreah that was very wattery sometimes and other times it was different and smelly and then I had severe nausea. My stomach burned all over too and it rattled... Very painful and annoying. I took a stool test which was normal but I knew that I had something wrong and I was sent for a colonoscopy and they found that I did have SEVERE pin worms, although there was not many signs. The only signs was occasional anal itching, not often and then nausea, vommiting, and stomach upset.

    There can also be a number of other things that can cause this that have been over looked because many things cause nausea. My mom NEVER found a cause and she has been on nauseaus medication for over 20 years. No kidding! My mom had more tests and they found that her prolactin was high because of all of the nauseaus medication that she was on throughot the years. They switched her from Finegan to taigan (don't know about the spelling) to help her proactin and plus they gave her prolactin medication. My mom sais that if she goes a day without nauseaus medication that she can't work or do anything.

    My mom has yet to find a cure or a cause for the vomitting and I promice you that she has had tests for over 20 years now. Some things have helped her... My mom takes a vitamin called acidopholic which is good for digestion and she also takes other vitamins. My mom eats small meals and she also takes medication for acid reflux and other medications as well. Eating healthy and losing weight has helped her but she still have to take nauseaus medication every day.

    I hope that you will keep searching for new answers but I have heard that a lot of people have uncurable nausea.. I had it for several months and my mom for over 20 years and my mom is coping well with it. There is no use in suicide over this because there is other people that are suffering from wose things then nausea. I know how bad nausea is and I know how painful it is to wait in the hospitals for hours at a time. I would throw up to the point where I had dry couph and could not breath, I had chills and felt hot all over. It is very painful and I wished that I would die at the time the pain was there because it was so bad. I don't want to go in to detail but I had many other symptoms as well because after the pin worm problem was cured I developed Lupus and severe joint pain.

    Keep searching for answers and if it was too serious you would have already found out what it was from being in the hospital from dehydration and anemia as well as other problems.
  • Jun 5, 2007, 04:26 AM
    Go to your local emergency room. They are obligated to treat you even without insurance.
  • Jun 5, 2007, 05:09 AM
    The emergency room will give temporary medication because I had been there several times for vommiting and diarreah. They gave me fluids through IV, and then they ran nauseaus medication and something for stomach upset but that's it. Sometimes they would try to run a blood test but they said it came back normal. One time I went to the hospital for feeling so tired and they did nothing, they ran a quick blood test and said it was okay. I don't have insurance and then after that I saved up money, my moms doctor agreed to see more for only $50 for the office visit. The first thing they did when I went back there was to poke my finger and then I went to the back room to see the doctor. He said your anemic, I was shocked because the hospital did not tell me that. The doctor did not even run blood work, he only poked my finger. I was in and out of the office in 15 minutes.. The doctor also scheduled a test for lab corp to have blood done to test my thyroids, etc. I went right over to lab corp and had blood drawn and lab corp sent me a small separate bill for that. The doctor said to save me money that he would just call me and let me know the results. Everything else was normal, besides the fact that I was severely anemic and had to take repliva (iron) prescription for a LONG time. I find that hospitals will treat patients because they have to, to an extent but as many times as I have been there for problems they have not helped me at all. They gave temporary medication and then told me that I needed to see a specailist to see what is the cause...
  • Jun 5, 2007, 05:11 AM
    It's time to go to social services and get some assistance.
  • Jun 5, 2007, 05:57 AM
    I hope that she will find out what is wrong with her and that she can at least take medication to be able to enjoy a better life... I cannot work do to the many physical problems that I have right now and cannot apply for medicade because I have no kids. I didn't want to apply for Social Security because I didn't want a government check but I was told that I had no choice since I couldn't work and had no kids. I did apply for Social Security and got turned down.. The lady that was interviewing me said that it was hard to get it and said that most people don't there first time applying but I still applied and went to the paid appts, etc and still got turned down. I was told there was free clinics that I could go to and there they basically said that I needed a specailist immediately and they couldn't help me. There should be something to help people medically when people do not have insurance. My friend who is the same age as me has medicade and doesn't even need it or she never goes to the doctor but she has two kids. I have no kids and so I can't get any help and cannot apply for medicade! :(
  • Jun 5, 2007, 11:30 AM
    Brandy---did yr mom find that she was more sick after she just woke up or anything? That's the WORST part of my day normally, is when I first wake up. So it is extremely hard to hold a job because I am constantly late in the mornings because some days are much worse than others. But I am super sick for like the first 2 hours after I wake up. My stomach is horribly rumbly and upset. It feels like if you had like reallllly spicy food or something the night before. And then I get the bad pain in my right side too. Sometimes, it feels like I have been stabbed in my side. And it has always been in the Same location and doctors have told me there is no organs where I am pointing to. It's so ridiculous!

    To answer the diabetic thing... I don't know if I am... but I would bet on it. Years ago they told me I was borderline. And I have a lot of the signs of being one now. Especially the insatiable thirst.

    I also forget to mention this weird thing too. But I don't think it's related. When I need to urinate, I get a bad pain that runs down my right leg from my hip to my knee. And if I have to urinate and I am laying down, I get terrible pains in my legs very very similar to restless leg syndrome. But only if I have to pee. The doctors, again, told me they've never heard of anything like that before. Seriously. Everyone thinks I am INSANE. And then they try to prescribe me medicine for depression! Even though I know that some of it can be related to yr stomach...

    Also... as for assistance... I too have tried really hard to find somewhere. My town is really bad about healthcare assistance. They only place we have, STILL charges you sooooo much money even though it's supposed to be a free clinic. And when I did go, and they charged me $225 for no reason, they didn't help me AT ALL. Our whole healthcare situation right now is RIDICULOUS. NO ONE SHOULD HAVE TO LIVE IN PAIN!!

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