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  • May 31, 2007, 01:05 PM
    Hypocrites and haters
    Why is it that people who claim to be "christian" usually seem to be closed-minded and judgemental (the very opposite of Christ)? I am not trying to insult anyone in particular, I am just saddened because I feel like I am losing my faith... I don't proclaim to know all about God, or have any answers, but why can't people accept the fact that we will NEVER have the answers? I have faith in a higher power/intelligent designer (God) and believe that Jesus, if he in fact existed, was surely one of the most spiritually advanced humans to ever walk the earth. I WANT to believe... but lately it is getting harder and harder--the so called "bible churches" and "non-denominational" churches seem to be the worst at proclaiming their truth as THE truth, and judging other people as unworthy.
    I was raised Catholic and after trying a bunch of different denominations, I have come back to the catholic church, as it is the one I feel the most comfortable in, and I have had a great experience with my priest. I was pregnant when he married me and my husband, and he was so kind to us both. Many of my baptist friends think the catholics are evil and pagan and blablabla. I am so tired of hearing it. Why can't we all just get along? I'm starting to think if jesus came back to earth, he wouldn't attend any church at all, he woul probably be more at home sitting in silence with a buddhist monk in nature.
    Anyway... does anyone else have this problem? :rolleyes:
  • May 31, 2007, 01:27 PM
    Please don't say "usually" :) If "usually" is your experience, then I am truly saddened.

    Indeed there are hypocrites aplenty on this earth, but hopefully it's not a person's typical experience of a religious group whose foremost teaching is to love their neighbor.

    Aah Rome Sweet Home (Rick ducks :) )

    Peace and Blessings to you, rachie.
  • May 31, 2007, 01:34 PM
    I get that to. Sometimes I think people take things too literally. Some people are just too pushy with religion. Someone should be tricked, bribed, or forced into any religion, but should go by their own free will. There shouldn't be threats either. As said in the movie "saved" "the bible isnt a weapon" and "if God wanted us all to be the same, then why did he make us so different.?"
  • May 31, 2007, 01:39 PM
    I really don't see a question in your rant. Quit worrying about what others think of your faith and follow what Jesus teaches. By the way, who is the Hypocrite? You did a lot of bashing yourself in that rant of yours. Makes me think of that old glass houses adage. Lastly, Church should make you feel a little uncomfortable. If you seek a church that accepts you the way you are (sins and all) are you really being challenged to growing spiritually or have you found a social club? Remember, true Christianity is God centered not self-centered.
  • May 31, 2007, 01:39 PM
    All kinds of people experience this. From all faiths and denominations. From all cultures. No one will ever have all the answers, as there are some things we are not privileged to know but we are to trust and have faith. That should not change, no matter the denomination. Someone comes along proclaiming to have the "keys" to all the mysteries? Run the other way.

    Yes, there are denominations that claim ot be the only Way. There are non-denominational churches who say that too. They have a perception, an interpretation, a religious belief based on their translation of the Bible. If you feel the Roman Catholic Church is right for you, then be blessed by that. Of course you will hear from people who are not Catholic that the Catholic church is the harlot of hell, that the Pope is the AntiChrist, etc. and so on. That has been going on for centuries. When I was growing up (as a Catholic) we had all sorts of names slung at us. It is just people's intolerance and while it is not right, getting back to them in the same manner does not resolve anything.

    My question to you is, why do you think Christ was an "IF"? There is documented history, not just from in the Holy Bible but also in Roman writings and other ancient texts. Maybe that is part of your angst. Recognizing that Christ did live, He came so that there would be redemption for all mankind, and He is still working. That cross did not defeat Him.

    I do agree with you - if Christ were a physical presence today, He most likely would not attend an established church. He already established His Church and Him coming back would be to gather His fold.

    Anyway, I hoped this helped you a little bit. Catholics are not pagans, they don't worship any false god. What they do show is a deep reverence for the Word of God.
  • May 31, 2007, 01:44 PM
    Just make sure that everything you believe and accept comes from scripture. Jesus said that many false prophets would go into the world to deceive many. Check out different religions, see what makes sense to you and get them to show you from the scriptures what they expect you to believe.
    Catholicism cannot be Christian... it originated with pagan Rome, and the Pope states that he is Gods representative on the eart... where does it say THAT in scripture??
    The Bible say "keep testing to see if you are in the faith" Do that... prove it to yourself and you will be satisfied.
  • May 31, 2007, 01:49 PM

    Originally Posted by Jualsy
    Just make sure that everything you belive and accept comes from scripture. jesus said that many false prophets would go into the world to deceive many. Check out different religions, see what makes sense to you and get them to show you from the scriptures what they expect you to believe.
    Catholicism cannot be originated with pagan Rome, and the Pope states that he is Gods representative on the eart.....where does it say THAT in scripture???
    The Bible say "keep testing to see if you are in the faith" Do that...prove it to yourself and you will be satisfied.

    Ma'am, you are forgetting that there was no Scripture for the first 300 years of Christianity.

    Where does it say in Scripture that "everything you believe should come from scripture?"

    ... but sorry, I digress from the original post :o
  • May 31, 2007, 01:52 PM
    Christianity itself originated from Pagan beliefs... and if you ask me the bible or scripture was not meant to be taken literally. It is a group of stories written by human men. These human men wrote this things to help simple minded people understand the teachings. You can not take everything written there literally. These human men were influenced by spiritual forces, but they are not the direct words of God. Religion is about Faith, not about memorising and following a book word for word.
  • May 31, 2007, 02:10 PM
    That is the KEY alkaline, the bible stories are not words from Gods mouth. And they are not meant to be taken literally! Very good answer. I choose not to get my butt to church because when I go, I get the feeling some of us are being fake for about an hour or two then, BAM we get in our cars and leave and until next Sunday we just keep doing what we were doing before. NOT ALL, but some of us. I know I am guilty of it. I used to love going to church until I realized one thing, GOD is with me where ever I go and I will try my hardest to be better than yesterday and ask forgiveness when I think it is necessary. I have talks with God all day long, whether in a full sit down and bow my head prayer or just between the dishes and walking outside to call the kids in for dinner, I am always talking to him. Also, I find myself being a Christian but only in the fact that I would go to a non-denominational church if I were to go again. It is so hard to believe in something you cannot see but, look deep inside and go from there. That doesn't mean that it will be God you find either.
  • May 31, 2007, 02:10 PM
    It seems that everyone makes their faith up as it goes along. The Jews were held to hndreds of laws, recorded for reference and now available as the Hebrew scriptures. Jesus kept those laws and his apostles recoded other books through divine inspiration. The Bible is referred to as Gods Word is it not?
    I prefer to see things from Gods point of view rather than mans, but we all have choices to make in this area.
  • May 31, 2007, 02:15 PM
    And that is your choice, but to tell Rachie that the only right thing to do is what scripture says is proving the very problem that she posted about. People of religion need to realize that other people may think different from them, and that is their choice. It is not our duty to tell others they are wrong because they don't see things the same as us.
  • May 31, 2007, 02:23 PM

    It is not our duty to tell others they are wrong because they don't see things the same as us.
    I agree 100%
  • May 31, 2007, 02:26 PM

    Originally Posted by Jualsy
    Just make sure that everything you belive and accept comes from scripture..

    Sorry, maybe I misunderstood you, I just didn't get that idea from this comment. Many religions do not believe in scripture.
  • May 31, 2007, 02:27 PM
    Yup, we should not be allowed to go knocking on doors and pushing ourselves into home to tell them they are going to HELL if they don't get on the band wagon. Agreed! I get confused with God just as anyone does that believes in him. I am touched with miracle stories and think he has something to do with them! And I am hurt at the evil things that I think the Devil has to do with. I say as you grow, you "see" more, whether it be what I see or what someone else sees. Let it be your own and don't get pushed around.
  • May 31, 2007, 02:30 PM

    Yup, we should not be allowed to go knocking on doors and pushing ourselves into home to tell them they are going to HELL if they don't get on the band wagon.
    Who does that??
  • May 31, 2007, 02:33 PM
    Some historical background for you, Rachie.

    History and Time Line of the Life of Jesus Jesus Central
    Looking at Evidence for Jesus in History
    History of JESUS CHRIST
    Jesus - History or Myth?
  • May 31, 2007, 02:38 PM
    There are a few religions who do go around to peoples homes. The Jehovahs witnesses and the Mormons to name a few... at least that is who has come to my door before.
  • May 31, 2007, 02:41 PM
    Yup, me too and if it gets extremely annoying. I know it was besides the point but I had to say it!
  • May 31, 2007, 02:44 PM
    No way do the Witnesses say anyone is going to hell... do the Mormons?? I haven't heard that.

    Who created Hell??
  • May 31, 2007, 02:50 PM
    Hell was created by God. This excerpt from, "The Reality of Hell" by Donald Perkins:
    The Reality of Hell

    "The Word of God declared that this place was prepared for Satan and his angels (Matthew 25:41). "

    "And the Devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night forever and ever." - Revelation 20:10, Isaiah 14:9-19

    God created Hell to destroy the rebellion of Satan and to put an end to sin. In the beginning, Hell was not created for man, but when man first sinned in the Garden of Eden, God had to accommodate man's fall. Hell was created to rid God's creation, (meaning God's heavens and the perfect earth,) of sin. "

    Of course, this means you believe the Bible is the Word of God. If you do not believe that, then why believe in Hell or Heaven?

    Other sources:
    Why did God create hell? - Catholic Answers Forums - interesting explanation of how Hell came about from a Catholic Apologist.

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