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  • Apr 17, 2007, 02:33 PM
    My cat has stopped laboer and not deliverd all of them
    my cat went in to labor last night she delivered 1 baby at 600pm another at 630pm and a nother at 1000pm and 1030pm she has not had any more yet but i can still feel some in there with her last litter she had one 2 days later boren alive from what i can tell the baby in there now is still alive when is it should be concerned she seems fine shes eating and drinking i can't afford to take her to a vet what do i need to watch for if things start to go south?
  • Apr 17, 2007, 03:05 PM
    Could you just be feeling placenta, after birth inside her ? If she is an older cat, then her litter would be reduced considerably each time. She knows what to do, and cats are survivors so just wait and see.

    I noticed you are still on line so give us an up date :) and stay cool.
  • Apr 17, 2007, 03:34 PM
    Gizmo, you are not going to like what I have to say but I am shocked! If you don't know what is going on with your own cat, how are we supposed to know? The list is way too long of the signs that could mean she "is going south." What a question to ask! To expect people to give you a diagnosis on line is very irresponsible. Her health may be at risk now. How can you sit around waiting to see if someone is online that can help you?The result can always be death if she isn't given the proper attention for whatever is ocurring with her at the moment. All we can do is guess as to what is happening. If she doesn't deliver those kittens soon, you will need to bite the bullet and spend the money for a the vet, unless your pocketbook is more important than the well being of your cat. Where are your priorities at?

    I know you don't want to hear a lecture but use your common sense! How many litters has that poor cat had to go through. Spaying her is not that expensive. If you have financial problems, there are many shelters and vets that are in a program in which the government will pick up the bulk of the cost, if not all of it. If you did this to begin with, you wouldn't be going through this now. Call your vet!
  • Apr 17, 2007, 03:37 PM
    shes not that old at all this is her 4th litter she did this same thing last time she had 5 kitens then 2 days later she had 1 more im allmost positiv it is a baby i can feel it move evrey now and then she mad me stay in ther with her and i had had to pull evry one of them out they wher stuck and all breech i never had a cat wate 2 or more days too deliver the rest i know i can care for the kittens if somthing hapens to the mother but i have allso herd if thy dont deliver all of them in a certon time the mother and babies (still in side) will die
  • Apr 17, 2007, 03:42 PM

    Originally Posted by gizmo_48401
    i have allso herd if thy dont deliver all of them in a certon time the mother and babies (still in side) will die

    You heard correctly.
  • Apr 17, 2007, 03:45 PM
    i had full intention of get her fixed she was stolen from me and was gone for 3 monhts she has just returend not even a week ago and preg i was not happy at all i did not want to deal with a nother litter of kittens but some how she got out and disaperd for 3 mos and now is back with babies last time she got preg she knocked out my screen and got out side i thought i caught her in time but i dint.
  • Apr 21, 2007, 08:22 PM
    well it has been five days mom has not had any more babies im starting to think she only had 4 or one is still in ther just not ready yet she is showing NO sings of laboer or that anything is wrong she is comes out now when the babies are sleeping and is eating and of cores geting fat babies are geting bigger and i was toled as long as mom is eating and not bleeding or in hard laboer to just let her be if she does have one more it is verry posibal that that one is younger then the others and can be up to a week and a 1/2 later as long as she is not hard pushing or laboring longer then an hr she is ok so i now i play the wating game they allso toled me it is pasibal it died b4 labor started and she will have it in a week or so
  • Apr 22, 2007, 08:20 AM
    Umm... have you thought of taking her to a vet?? If the kitten is dead, it is possible for her to get an infection from the decaying kitten, which could result in emergency surgery, and in you having to hand-raise the living kittens. If the infection is bad enough, it is quite possible that the mother cat will die.

    Please get her in to be checked out, NOW. And PLEASE get this cat spayed as soon as you can!
  • Apr 24, 2007, 01:11 AM
    I'm calling the vet in the moring but there is no way I can aford to have her fixed it will cost me $130.00 and that's with help from the local humain socity and I can't keep her in the house she beats up the other cat who stays in the house is not allowed out side if I can't fined her a home with the kittens I will probably take her to the HS as mutch as I hate to
  • Apr 24, 2007, 06:08 AM
    I think it would be a very wise thing to surrender her with her kittens to the HS. They will take care of all the medical necessities. I don't know where you live but I have to tell you, I have never heard of a spay for a cat costing $130. That is over and above any price I have ever been quoted without the benefit of financial aid. The vets usually participate in a low cost spay/neuter program that is run by the state. You need to do a little more research in your area. Call the State Veterinarian's office. If you can't find the phone number ask your vet for it.
  • Apr 24, 2007, 09:48 AM

    I volenteer at a cat shelter and what you are doing is abuse, you can not treat thease animals like this without medical care, if you can not afford medical care, than you should not have thease animals, BE RESPONCIBLE!
    Your local animal shelter will help with the cost of spaying and neutering your pet.

    Personally I am extreamly angry reading your post, if you have any compassion in your heart you would realize that maybe you are not financially capable to take care of this cat and her kittens and give it to your local humane society where they can get the medical attention and love they deserve.
    WHY WHY WHY are you breeding her in the first place?
    OMG I AM SO ANGRY , don't you understand that she is a creature with emotions and feelings, by not having her fixed your leaving her as a target for the other males in your neighborhood. Cats can get raped too you know!

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE GIVE HER UP TO YOUR LOCAL SHELTER! And wait until you are financially able to medically care for a pet before getting another one. If you really want a cat, make sure they are fixed.
  • Apr 24, 2007, 09:52 AM
    There is no excuse for this kind of action. You shouldn't be breeding your pet! I don't know what kind of conditions you live in, but your pet doesn't deserve this.
  • Apr 24, 2007, 05:33 PM
    FYI i took her to the vet today they said she is fine it cost me an arm and a leg and i asked is ther any low cost spay i can get for her thy toled me the HS will help with a small amount of the cost i got a quote on the total cost to spay her it is rediculos offic viset is 35 then you add shots at 20 each then testing for felv and other deseases that 25 each and that spay itself is 90 for female the HS will only pay 40 of it it is still high and i did not breed her!!! i was planing on geting her fixed 3 days b4 i was to make the appt she disapered somone was in my house when i was not here and let her out i was keeping her in the house not leting her out at all she disaperd for 3 mo then showed back up at my door preg!!!! i dont know why you ASUME!! that evry one is perposly breeding ther animal i dint and just cause you have a bad day or work in a shelter you take it out on me well thats not right!!! and i have never abused an animal. its not ther falt this crap happens but it does and we deal with it however we can you dont know my situation SO DONT JUDGE ME!!!! you are unconcideret and cruel shake your head and wake up i dont have a trust fund i can dip in to when im in trouble UNLIKE PPL LIKE YOU!!!
  • Apr 24, 2007, 06:28 PM

    Originally Posted by RubyPitbull
    I think it would be a very wise thing to surrender her with her kittens to the HS. They will take care of all the medical necessities. I don't know where you live but I have to tell you, I have never heard of a spay for a cat costing $130. That is over and above any price I have ever been quoted without the benefit of financial aid. The vets usually participate in a low cost spay/neuter program that is run by the state. You need to do a little more research in your area. Call the State Veterinarian's office. If you can't find the phone number ask your vet for it.

    Just as a reference point, I paid around that much to spay my cat about 10 years ago. But, that was deluxe... pre-anesthesia blood screens, continuous monitoring during the surgery, pain treatment afterwards, etc. In California, which adds to the cost. I could have had it done much cheaper if I needed to, but I had the money and wanted the best for my kitty. So yes, it can cost that much, but no, it doesn't generally have to.
  • Apr 24, 2007, 07:50 PM
    In the shelter when we find a stray female who is pregnant and is still early in the pregnancy we abort the pregnancy and spay the female, this is less expencive than deworming and first set of shots for all those kittens.
    AND I AM NOT ASSUMING YOU SAID Yourself THIS ISN'T HER FIRST LITTER, how many litters has she had and it sounds like breeding to me.
    I really recommend that you visit a shelter and see the poor conditions cats are left with when no one wants them. Maybe than you will come to your senses.
    I understand your going to be defensive but I hope you realize how important it is to spay her afterwords, I have had dozens of cats in my lifetime and not one of them got pregnant so that is no excuse!
  • Apr 24, 2007, 07:52 PM
    Aborting the pregnancy while the mother cat still thinks she is deseased is far more compassionate than letting her indure labour and becaoming emotionally and physically attached to her borned kittens only to have them taken away from her.
  • Apr 24, 2007, 08:05 PM
    The cat was given to me and was pregnant I didn't know till it was to late when I confronted the person that gave her to me that is when I founed out she had to prier litters and I worked in a shelter so I KNOW what it is like
  • May 29, 2007, 05:31 AM
    Call your local spca it will help you it will only cost $35 or so my 45 if she still has a kitten in her because it can be conceterd an abortion I hope she is OK
  • May 29, 2007, 08:10 AM
    In Ontario they don't spay or neuter in animal shelters, not allowed to. It cost me $120. Two years ago at the animal clinic.
  • Jun 3, 2007, 04:56 AM
    It really depends upon where you live. But in the U.S. usually, if you call your State Vet's Office, they will tell you who participates in the low cost spay/neuter programs in your area. $120 is not uncommon in clinics. But, I have seen people get it done for $35 - $45. When you are on a fixed income, you have to do your homework and find out what the options are that are available to you. When people complain they can't find anything, it usually means they haven't been as thorough as they could be.

    Tickle, I know that Alley Cat Allies has an amazing network of resources both in Canada & the US for low cost spay/neuter.

    Gizmo, if you are still hanging around & get this post, here is a link that should help you locate one somewhere near you. Look at the site very carefully and check out all the resource links listed. Right at the very top of the page is exactly what you are looking for. Click on that link. Spay/Neuter

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