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  • Nov 26, 2017, 05:08 AM
    Company scam
    Does anyone know who I could REPORT this to. I had a book published and set it for a certain amount at the publisher's own website, but also have it on Amazon.Today I discovered Amazon HAS LOWERED THE PRICE OF MY BOOK WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!I cannot reach anyone there.Their customer reviews are ALL NEGATIVE I see.Any suggestions?Thank You.
  • Nov 26, 2017, 06:03 AM
    I suggest you contact your Publisher and make sure you read the contract with your publisher. Most likely that contract gives retailers the right to set the retail pricing for anything they sell. I believe it is illegal for manufacturers to dictate retail pricing. So I before you start throwing around accusations, you need to understand the contract.

    Your contract with your publisher should specify the royalties you get from each sale of the book. You will get those royalties no matter what the retail price of the book.
  • Nov 26, 2017, 09:35 AM
    Hard to say what is a scam and standard business practice without knowing what your contract says. Maybe the holidays have everything shut down but try again Monday morning first thing to contact someone. READ your contract first.

    Retailers discount EVERYTHING to move products. Tis the season.
  • Nov 26, 2017, 06:42 PM
    Normally you will have a price you receive but may not always have control of the final selling price. You need to read your contract. It may not and most not likely a scam more you do not fully know all the contract "fine print"
  • Nov 27, 2017, 01:47 PM
    Wholesale is one price... retail is another, don't confuse the two. Retailers never pay retail as they have their own profit margins to make, because THEIR selling price is Retail, they pay wholesale (which always varies by volume) when they buy to resell.. and they alone determine what retail actually is. What your contract most likely specified was the WHOLESALE price. As you publisher probably does not do direct sales, and if they DO, then the retail part of the agreement would be with them. YOU have to be a REALLY BIG high demand business to try to influence retail APPLE corporation...A little guy doesn't have that clout. Retailer would simply refuse to carry your product.
  • Nov 27, 2017, 02:14 PM
    ''Why are some titles discounted while others are not?
    Our decision to discount products is made internally and based on a number of strategic considerations which can vary over time. As it stands now, we offer discounts on hundreds of thousands of selected titles. However we cannot confirm when, if ever, a title will be discounted or how long a title once discounted will remain so.'' --from the FAQ page for booksellers

    When you agreed to sell there, you agreed to that.

    They don't actually look at the books they are deciding to discount. It's all done by formula.

    What customer reviews are 'all negative?' Those who looked at a page of your book, or those who are selling books, or those who are reviewing other books?
    I have never ever seen ALL negatives. Amazon sorts the most liked reviews into positives and negatives, best of each, at the top of all the others.

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