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  • Apr 7, 2007, 08:23 PM
    Changing probation officers?
    Would I have the right to change officers, if my assigned one is always on the road? I never see him face to face, on check in day, and they are not helpful at all. I am treated like a murderer each time I go there. My charge was a second d.u.I. no one was injured, I haven't had alcohol in two years, but still get treated like crap. Fayette county, Pa. Please help.
  • Apr 8, 2007, 05:11 PM
    Hello Michelle:

    No, you don't have any rights like that. Sure they're pricks. Whadya expect? IF they're violating your rights, there's a lot you can do. But all you said is they treat you like crap. If you want to be specific about what they do, maybe I can help.

  • Apr 8, 2007, 06:43 PM
    [QUOTE=excon]Hello Michelle:

    No, you don't have any rights like that. Sure they're pricks. Whadya expect? IF they're violating your rights, there's a lot you can do. But all you said is they treat you like crap. If you want to be specific about what they do, maybe I can help.


    I guess they are not violating anything by making me speak through another officer, but it is a pain to see someone different each month. In their job description, they are depicted as someone that is there to help, not hinder and drive into a nervous state of mind. I guess that I will just have to grin and bear it. I would say that they jeopardize my sobriety, with their intimidating attitude, but that would be a lie, and he would then send me to some alcohol classes at my expense. I don't have the time or money for that, so I will just put up with them for another nine months.
  • Apr 8, 2007, 06:50 PM

    Originally Posted by Michellerenee
    In their job description, they are depicted as someone that is there to help, not hinder and drive into a nervous state

    Hello again, Michelle:

    And you believe them?? Hee hee, snicker snicker.

    The fact of the matter is, like any cop, they're there to BUST you.

  • Apr 8, 2007, 08:11 PM
    There to help?? I have know 100's and never knew they were there for that, they are there to check up and see if you are working, to see if you have broken any new laws. They are there to cross the "t" and dot the"i" of the paper work keeping you out of jail.

    They write down you check in. read you a riot act every few visits.

    And if they order you to take alcohol classes, of course you are to pay for them, who did you think was going to pay for them?? And guess what if you don't take them after they tell you to, you will be picked up and visit the judge again. ( violation of probation)
  • Apr 8, 2007, 08:15 PM
    Thanks for the heads up. I guess that bringing up their job description would be to my demise. I would look like your photo, shortly afterwards! Once again, great website! I mean excon's photo, I just got another answer.
  • Apr 8, 2007, 08:24 PM
    Yes, don't start telling them what their job is, believe me,
  • Jun 1, 2007, 10:14 PM

    Originally Posted by excon
    Hello again, Michelle:

    And you believe them??? Hee hee, snicker snicker.

    The fact of the matter is, like any cop, they're there to BUST you.


    Yeah, Im finding that out, luckily, I get one more thirty-day period to get clean. I have pressed my luck with the medical marijuana viewpoint.
  • Jun 2, 2007, 09:32 AM
    Many things you will learn, in some misdemeanor probation, you merely report to a department, and will just see who ever is there on duty at that time. Even if you have one assigned they may even be in but busy and you merely see the next one open.

    But in most you are assigned, but if yours does a lot of field work, basically the check in, is just to make you do things, you don't want to do, I mean they could just have you call in to a computer system, if they just wanted to hear from you, they make you do something, show up at certain times and days, and do random drug tests normally.
  • Jun 2, 2007, 08:51 PM

    Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck
    Many things you will learn, in some misdemeanor probation, you merely report to a department, and will just see who ever is there on duty at that time. Even if you have one assigned they may even be in but busy and you merely see the next one open.

    But in most you are assigned, but if yours does alot of field work, basicly the check in, is just to make you do things, you don't want to do, I mean they could just have you call in to a computer system, if they just wanted to hear from you, they make you do something, show up at certain times and days, and do random drug tests normally.

    Another thing that I was not aware of, is,an early release from probation, I had no clue and that info. Is not handed out by the POs
    So, now I need to get a public defender to "petition" the judge, and that makes me happy.
  • Jun 11, 2007, 06:02 AM

    Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck
    Many things you will learn, in some misdemeanor probation, you merely report to a department, and will just see who ever is there on duty at that time. Even if you have one assigned they may even be in but busy and you merely see the next one open.

    But in most you are assigned, but if yours does alot of field work, basicly the check in, is just to make you do things, you don't want to do, I mean they could just have you call in to a computer system, if they just wanted to hear from you, they make you do something, show up at certain times and days, and do random drug tests normally.

    Do you know of proposition 215? Since I live in Pa. would one from my docs. In West Virginia be valid, if not, I can change my address to WV. Do you know if I can still be released early from probation even if I failed a pee test for thc?
  • Aug 30, 2011, 03:07 PM
    I'm supposed to be on probation and today my P.O. told me I now have 6 P.M.-6 A.M. curfew. She is even making me send in my college class schedule to make sure when I should be out of my house and when I shouldn't. She is making me install a landline at my house even so she can call whenever she wants to make sure I'm home. I thought I was on probation, now it sounds a hell of a lot like house arrest, is this a violation of my rights or just part of the bull**** that comes along with being on probation?

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