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  • Mar 19, 2014, 10:51 AM
    Why do I feel a need to compete with my friends?

    The majority of my friends and I are all in our last semester in college and will be graduating soon. Recently, I constantly feel a need to compete with all of my friends in terms of life after college. For example, who's joining what firm or how much their annual salary is, or even how amazing their spring break was. I honestly just want to live a comfortable life but certain friends of mine like to brag about their recent ventures and amazing experiences and I guess it just brings me down.
  • Mar 19, 2014, 11:51 AM
    Its human nature... you want something better... getting it means competing for it because nobody just hands people the best jobs... or any jobs randomly. THey go to the best qualified people who work the hardest to get them... Like you your friends also live in this reality.

    You will be doing this for some years to climb the corporate ladder... unless you are (figuratively speaking) happy working in the mail room your entire life.
  • Mar 19, 2014, 02:52 PM
    Competition can drive you to accomplish great things or leave you curled into a ball on the floor. Only you know if this desire to compete is helpful or harmful to you.
  • Mar 19, 2014, 04:15 PM
    You will evolve and no longer pay much attention to what friends compete about, if they continue to do so. At least I stopped, so long ago that I can't remember when. In fact I and my friends have huge arguments about all sorts of differences among us, and it still doesn't destroy our friendships.
    Practice a few stock responses, such as rolling your eyes and saying 'Who CARES' or 'Fine, earn the most, get the best, I'll love you anyway.' A little wry humor goes a long way.

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