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  • Feb 10, 2005, 05:25 PM
    Cat acting weird
    Help, my cat has recently started acting different. It started the other night. One minute she was fine, and then all of the sudden she kinda "freaked out" and started running around crazy and now she is hiding under covers.
    She acts like she has fleas or something, but the vet said she does not.
    She kinda twitches and then starts licking herself. She will come out to eat, but then runs right back under the covers..Any ideas???
  • Feb 11, 2005, 06:35 AM

    Could something have scared your cat? A loud noise outside perhaps?

    How old is she? Have you ever had labwork done? Is she healthy otherwise?

    I know... so many questions.

    Have you treated her with any over-the-counter flea control such as Hartz? Did you recently bathe her? Does she have dry skin?

    If it's a dry/itchy skin problem, try up grading the diet to Iams Hairball if you don't already feed it. Iams Hairball has extra vegetable fiber and oils that help the lube the intestinal tract and the skin/coat as well.

    Also, if you bathe her, try backing off. Cats are very clean animals and bathing them more than once per month (unless they get into something) is very drying to their skin.

    See if there are strange cats hanging around outside. If there are un-neutered males or intact females roaming around marking territory, your cat may be intimidated by them.

    If you think this issue is more psychological than physical, you can certainly try Feliway Comfort Zone plug in. That is a device which works just like a glad plug in only it emits a phermone that helps cats feel calm, happy, and less stressed.

    You can find Feliway at your local pet supply store or ask your vet.

    I hope you find the problem! Good luck.

  • Sep 7, 2012, 10:30 PM
    My cat has started doing the same thing the couple days. Have found out what is wrong?

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