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  • Mar 26, 2007, 10:56 AM
    is ged a good idea?
    I'm a freshman and I guess I don't do good in school... well I definitely don't do goodthis quarter I got n u u n u u f and last quarter I got a 57 average and only passed one class( the way my school works is the firrst quarter of every term you get alpha grades like S G E U or N) and my mom bought me 2 ged books and I have been practicing she said I can take it if I def no I can pass it but I don't no if I will regret leaving high school after I do.. =/
  • Mar 26, 2007, 11:43 AM
    If you cannot apply yourself now in high school, where there is tutoring available and extra time for study - where and how are you going to apply yourself in any later life?

    Yes, you can drop out of high school, I believe you have to be 16 in order to drop out, but your state may have a different law regarding that. Just because you do drop out, do not think you can come back the same year and go for a GED. It is not that simple.

    If you drop out now, what can you possibly think of for future employement, until you would obtain your GED, should you pass the GED test?

    Why don't you go and talk to your school's guidance counselor and talk to him or her about your problems. That person can direct you to tutoring, after school help, etc. Also that person can best advise you to what happens when you drop out.
  • Mar 26, 2007, 12:06 PM
    A lot of people said that to me " if i can't pass my freshman year how do i expect to pass the ged" but its worth a try although I don't want to actually drop out... its confusing my mom always tells I'm really smart she doesn't understand why I don't do good inschool I don't know..
  • Mar 26, 2007, 02:18 PM
    What-- you again? [teasing]
    I do not know which state your in but the 3 states I checked have a minimum age of 18 to even take the test.
    Just out of curiosity what where your grades 2 years ago?
    I really have a problem with a mother encouraging a kid [I know you hate that word] to drop out. [but also know am hearing 1 side lol] -- Savage
    Edit please post english that a oldie can read
  • Mar 26, 2007, 02:48 PM
    I'm in New York.. and here you can take it at 16.. I graduated my junior high school with a 65 I started getting really bad grade in 6th grade.. its not so much my mom encouraged me because she doesn't want me to at all she says it's a plan B we are going to try tutoring and what ever but she said if it really comes down to it she will let me
  • Mar 26, 2007, 03:27 PM
    Honest answer here -- be honest to your self- are you really trying or are you letting things[ie boyssss] distract you?-- Savage
  • Mar 27, 2007, 03:16 PM
    Haha you know me well... kidding well I don't no... boys do take part in a lot of my life but at the same time I am going to be honest right now I really do try hard.. maybe not as hard as I should but there is effort going on but nothing I learn seems to click ; nothing seems to go through my head or at least be absorbed enough to be able to go home and do homework or pass a test
  • Mar 27, 2007, 03:36 PM
    Ok your online == Have you ever tried to search for the idiots manual to any of the subjects that your stumbling on? One girl that was having math problems I did a few searches and found a few sites like that.

    Please note that I am not calling you a idiot -- that's a old book referance.

  • Mar 27, 2007, 03:41 PM
    No I haven't, ill look into it but since it's the end of the year alreay do you think its too late to pass the 9th grade?
  • Mar 27, 2007, 04:09 PM
    That would be something that you will have to talk to your teachers/guidances councilors about. They are there to help you and with enough get off my butt and try -- who knows what can happen -- but its up to you to go to them and say what can I do to pass and stick to it. -- savage

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