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  • Mar 24, 2007, 09:16 AM
    Do we have a ghost visiting us?
    Several things have happened that make me think we have a visitor. Here is a list of things that has happened on more than one occasion:
    TV changes stations on its own and I am the only one in the house. We live in the country so not much chance of a prank
    Candles relighting themselves after being out for 5-10 minutes
    Touch light in bedroom coming on by itself.. not just one level but two levels
    Son has seen a person walking through hallway with a white house robe on just to find out no one is there
    Light smoky like shadows at the end of my bed
    Orbs in photos
    Several other things have happened but these are the most prodominent ones that stick out in my mind
    What do you think?
  • Mar 24, 2007, 10:37 AM
    Hello xxbreezy,

    I cannot say that I am a believer or non believer in the existence of ghosts, I am simply very open minded. Neither am I an expert in this field, but what you describe would make me feel that further investigation would be in order.

    How much do you know about the history of the house you live in? It could be an idea to try to out something about its past and its past residents. If there has been someone living in the house that could fit the description of the person in the white robe.

    Some of the things you describe could possibly be explained. The touch light going on and the TV changing channels could be due to a fault. If you see the smoky shadows at night it could be because you are only half awake and it is simply your imagination. The same applies to the seeing of the spectre in the robe, especially if your son is quite young. Their imaginations are normally quite sharp. The orbs showing in your photos could be down to a fault in the camera, unless of course they have appeared since the photos have been developed and framed.

    I am certainly not saying that any of these explanations is the case, but it is probably the kind of thing which an genuine psychic investigator might consider.

    What does intrigue me is the candles lighting up again after they have been extinguished for several minutes. I can't think of an explanation for this.

    If, and I only say if you are experiencing a paranormal occurrence and it is worrying you, I would suggest you look for a genuine psychic investigator and let them know what is happening. They will be far better equipped to advise you and let you know what they think. If they feel it worthwhile, they may even offer to conduct some research in your home.

    The good thing about your experiences is that what is happening does not appear to be malevolent.

    I do wish you every success in solving this problem. Please get back to us and let us know what you find out.

  • Mar 24, 2007, 11:07 AM
    Thank you for answering. The only thing I know about the house is that our landlord who lives next door, well... his mother lived here until she died. If or whatever this is, seems to be friendly and associated around me. My son is 30 yrs old and just moved here about 8 mo ago and was staying with us for awhile. He actually saw the women in the white robe twice and BEFORE we told him about the things that have been happening. Also, the pictures were taken at Christmas last year on my daughters digital camera and not all the pics had orbs in them. They seemed to be placed around my grandchildren. They were of different sizes and density. But, the white smoky image I saw at the end of my be also appeared in one of those pictures. Still... it could be the camera. The touch light and the TV are new so not sure what that was about. Also I might mention its odd because things may not happen for awhile. Then when we might be discussing things that have happened here, it seems to start happening again... usually the same things. Kind of like someone is saying... No... I'm here don't forget me! LOL... One time, we were playing a poker game and there we're just 3 of us playing. I KNOW we dealt chips out for only 3 players. When the game was over, we divvied up the chips again only to discover the were chips enough for the 4th player. Anyway thanks for answering... its very interesting though because I was never totally convinced about ghost but now feel there may be something to it!
  • Mar 24, 2007, 11:36 AM
    Hi again xxbreezy,

    Thanks for getting back and for the extra info.

    I think virtually everyone has their share of strange occurrences, I certainly know I have.

    To be honest if it was me experiencing these phenomena I would want to try to get to the bottom of it.

    I believe you can find several organisations who will investigate your experiences with an open mind, subjectively and scientifically.

    If you do eventually solve this I would love to know.

  • Mar 24, 2007, 02:26 PM
    Thank you again. Its not something that I will probably investigate much further. Of course, unless something more predomidant happens. I'm sure like you said, everyone has freaky stuff happen from time to time. If nothing else, its entertaining to talk about or explain to those who don't know yet... lol!!
  • Mar 29, 2007, 08:26 AM
    Just wanted the readers to know that out of curiosity I put a hand held tape recorder in my bedroom to see if I could hear anything. Most everything seems to revolve around that room or me. On the second day of recording, OMG... I heard what sounded like a man!! Kind of like when you get the wind knocked out of you 2 grunting type sounds OMG... this total freaked me out! I guess I really wasn't expecting to hear anything!! What you think?
  • Mar 29, 2007, 08:30 AM
    It just might be a ghost. I've had my experiences. They're bound to leave you alone sooner or later. =]
  • Mar 29, 2007, 08:33 AM
    Thanks very much for your input!! I'm waiting to listen to the rest of the tape until my husband hears this. I'm afraid I'll lose the spot but OMG!! Its crystal clear!! Will keep you posted if I hear anything else! Scary though I have to admit!!
  • Mar 29, 2007, 08:37 AM
    You're welcome sweetie! No worries, you can always get one of thoes ghost scarers, or whatever they are, to do werid dances and sprinkle dust in your living room if things continue. =] Hehe. I'll keep checking in to see how things are going.
  • Mar 29, 2007, 08:40 AM
    LOL Rock... think I did a little dance myself when I heard the recording!! Alls I need is a cross and some angel dust maybe!! Not to make light of my situation just trying to keep from being scared to death!!
  • Mar 29, 2007, 08:42 AM
    Haha. Yeah don't let it get to you honey. You should try recording again. If it happens again, get the angel dust! =]
  • Mar 29, 2007, 12:12 PM
    Just thought I'd let you know that my husband also suggested listening to the tape with headphones. So I did and you can actually hear a baby laughing. You couldn't hear that without them... lol... guess we may have more than one ghost
  • Mar 29, 2007, 03:11 PM
    I'm no expert by any means on the paranormal, but I've had more than my share of experiences with things that... well, can't be explained any other way than there was a ghost or at least another presence causing things to happen. Let me say that if all you have going on are the things you've described then (in my opinion) it doesn't sound like you have anything threatening, but definitely be aware of the happenings in your house and if you notice sudden changes in "its" behavior, then I would suggest having a priest of some sort come over and check it out.
    I'll share a quick story with you: when I was stationed in the UK, our second house was a converted schoolhouse (still connected by an archway to the church that was converted into our landlord's house). We had a ghost there and we named him William. He was able to 'move' between the way the house was as we were living in it to occupying areas in the house from when it was a school. The school was one-story, but our house was two-story. Sometimes he would play on the stairs (could hear him on the stairs and giggling) and sometimes he would walk through the door to the washroom (the door and washroom existed when it was a school, but not when we lived there). After awhile he basically stopped, either that or we were so used to it that we didn't notice anymore. At no time, though, did he ever actually move anything. I could tell you a story about that, but I'll save it for another time! :)

  • Mar 29, 2007, 03:55 PM
    Beverly Novak

    Originally Posted by xxbreezy
    Several things have happened that make me think we have a visitor. Here is a list of things that has happened on more than one occasion:
    TV changes stations on its own and I am the only one in the house. We live in the country so not much chance of a prank
    Candles relighting themselves after being out for 5-10 minutes
    Touch light in bedroom coming on by itself..not just one level but two levels
    Son has seen a person walking thru hallway with a white house robe on just to find out no one is there
    Light smoky like shadows at the end of my bed
    Orbs in photos
    Several other things have happened but these are the most prodominent ones that stick out in my mind
    What do you think?

    It sounds like a polterguist, and evil spirit, it is important not to get scared because they can use your fear to posses you, I hope you believe in God because God really is your only hope of freeing your-self, I suggest try getting a cat, evil spirits are afraid of cats for some reason, it worked for me, and a friend of mine, don't try to run from it, it will more then likely fallow you. Good luck, God bless and protect you. Your newest friend Beverly Novak
  • Mar 30, 2007, 07:04 AM
    Thanks Beveryly and AF Guy!! I loved your ghost story AF. Would be a treat to actually see some real activity here... I think... as long as its nice!! LOL Anyway, we downloaded wavepad and took out the background noise... basically cleaned up the tape. Through different sets of heaphones, our ghost sounded like 2 different things. Once it was cleaned up, it was the same noise... no baby though. I imagine the quality of each head set had something to do with the different sounds. We actually figured out what the ghost was saying which was... "Give Up". Not sure if I can put it on here or not. If I find a place to put it I will let you know. Thanks again.
  • Mar 30, 2007, 03:40 PM
    I am a studier of this, the orbs in the photos, if u zoom in, if u have a digital camera, you can see a face of a person, it looks kind of like a photo of a person, try it out
  • Apr 2, 2007, 04:21 AM
    Thank you lax... will give it a try!!
  • Apr 4, 2007, 06:26 PM

    Originally Posted by xxbreezy
    Several things have happened that make me think we have a visitor. Here is a list of things that has happened on more than one occasion:
    TV changes stations on its own and I am the only one in the house. We live in the country so not much chance of a prank
    Candles relighting themselves after being out for 5-10 minutes
    Touch light in bedroom coming on by itself..not just one level but two levels
    Son has seen a person walking thru hallway with a white house robe on just to find out no one is there
    Light smoky like shadows at the end of my bed
    Orbs in photos
    Several other things have happened but these are the most prodominent ones that stick out in my mind
    What do you think?

    I think you have some paranormal activity in your house. There is an easy way to conform your house is haunted. Follow this link

    16 Signs That Your House is Haunted
  • Apr 5, 2007, 05:12 AM
    Thanks for you post... checking it out now. A few things have happened since this post which seem to fall into the guidelines of a haunting. First of all, I wasn't feeling well last week and while I was lying in my bedroom watching TV, my bedroom opened by itself about 6-8 inches. This door sticks terribly. I mean you have to almost pound it open because it sticks so bad. So not much chance that it just "came open" on its own. A few days after that I went into my bedroom to make my bed and pick up a few things and smelled a strong odor of tobacco... sweet smelling. I though a cigar but my husband suggested a pipe... most likely. I had no candles burning at all in my home at that point. Then, night before last, even though things have been fairly quiet lately, my husband and I we watching a movie in the living room. I have a candleier, electric candle like you use at Christmas, in my living room picture window. All of a sudden it was going on and off. I thought maybe the bulb was loose so I checked it and it was fine. I also though maybe the bulb was getting ready to blow but its still working fine 2 days later. I had asked our ghost to quit messing around and the candle blink one more time. It has stayed on ever since. You'd think if it was getting ready to blow out... it would have done it by now. Anyway, thanks for the information and what do you think about all this?
  • Apr 5, 2007, 04:51 PM
    These encounters are semi convincing but consider this? The smell of smoke could most likely have been your husband. With your door, it could have had a day where it felt like co-operating. This is not uncommon. With your lights flickering, was there a heavy wind storm or something? It could have been just natural. Lights do tend to flicker randomly.

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