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  • May 20, 2013, 07:42 PM
    40 weeks pregnant and no doctor
    Hello, I was due on may 15th. I have no doctor!! and I'm wondering if I go over 41 weeks should I just go to the ER?? would they admit me and induce my labor? Or would they turn me away? I'm asking this cause most doctors don't let pregnancies go over 42 weeks. Please help!!
  • May 20, 2013, 07:45 PM
    Have you gone the entire pregnancy with no doctor? If so, why? Very dangerous for both you and baby.

    How did you get your due date?

    No, they will not induce you without a doctor, however the hospital cannot turn you away once you are in labor. The ER will do nothing for you, you will be sent to the labor and delivery department once you are laboring.
  • May 20, 2013, 07:55 PM

    Originally Posted by J_9 View Post
    Have you gone the entire pregnancy with no doctor? If so, why? Very dangerous for both you and baby.

    How did you get your due date?

    No, they will not induce you without a doctor, however the hospital cannot turn you away once you are in labor. The ER will do nothing for you, you will be sent to the labor and delivery department once you are laboring.

    I have been to doctors a couple times last time was at 36 weeks. So if I go over 42 weeks ,wich is dangerous!! The ER won't care? They will just send me home? I'm 3cm and 65% effaced, I've been having strong contractions for about two weeks now.
  • May 20, 2013, 08:02 PM
    The ER doesn't deliver babies, you will get sent to the labor and delivery department of your hospital.

    Going 42 weeks is dangerous? How about no prenatal care? That's even worse! How do you know you don't have gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, Group B Strep? How do you know your dilitation and effacement?
  • May 20, 2013, 08:11 PM

    Originally Posted by J_9 View Post
    The ER doesn't deliver babies, you will get sent to the labor and delivery department of your hospital.

    Going 42 weeks is dangerous? How about no prenatal care? That's even worse! How do you know you don't have gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, Group B Strep? How do you know your dilitation and effacement?

    Ok, Women have been going threw pregnancies for thousands of years without having to see a doctor 50 times! I would know if something is wrong like preeclampsia or high blood pressure! come on you act like being pregnant is rocket science. Anyway, have been to the doctor a couple times. The last time I went was 36 or 37 weeks and she said I was 3cm and 65% effaced. Since then my insurance got cut off since my husband got laid off. I have been taking prenatal vitamins since I found out I was pregnant and drink lots of water. I'm just worried about going over 42 weeks. Since I have no doctor or insurance now. And you still haven't answered my initial question.
  • May 20, 2013, 08:24 PM
    Rocket science huh? Do you know, without looking it up on the internet, what an acceleration or a decelration is? How about the difference between a late decel or an early decel? What causes variables?

    I'm a labor and delivery nurse who just shipped out a full term baby by helicopter to a NICU because mom didn't get prenatal care and she turned out to be a gestational diabetic.

    Yes, I already answered your questions.

    1) No, the ER won't help you. They don't deliver babies.

    2) The hospital cannot turn you down if you show up in labor.

    3) No, they will not induce you.

    Unfortunately, since you don't have a doctor, you have no choice but to wait until you are in labor.

    Yes, women have been giving birth for thousands of years with no prenatal care, however the mortality and morbidity was much higher than it is now.
  • May 20, 2013, 08:51 PM

    Originally Posted by J_9 View Post
    Rocket science huh? Do you know, without looking it up on the internet, what an acceleration or a decelration is? How about the difference between a late decel or an early decel? What causes variables?

    I'm a labor and delivery nurse who just shipped out a full term baby by helicopter to a NICU because mom didn't get prenatal care and she turned out to be a gestational diabetic.

    Yes, I already answered your questions.

    1) No, the ER won't help you. They don't deliver babies.

    2) The hospital cannot turn you down if you show up in labor.

    3) No, they will not induce you.

    Unfortunately, since you don't have a doctor, you have no choice but to wait until you are in labor.

    Yes, women have been giving birth for thousands of years with no prenatal care, however the mortality and morbidity was much higher than it is now.

    Ok this is her husband, sorry if I spell anything Wong but she is on iPhone. I'm not to sure who is dumber her looking on the Internet or you giving advice on the Internet. First off if you did know something you would not be on here? But who knows I'm sure you know everything because you went to heritage college for nine months. She had Insurance the first 7 1/2 months then my job cut back and they have messed up the COBRA. She had an easy question that I could have answered maybe you need to head back to school or to a school? And my son who is 12 and little athlete has never had a shot or imuzation shot in his life. That's bad too? to not give him mercury that they give these kids pop out with ADD autism clif plaits down syndrom. Was it like that 20 years ago! Wake up! She and my son are fine maybe you should not scare people and try to do your job better? She eats very well takes care of herself and the 3-4 times we been to dr got sonograms everything is normal but I'm sure you know everything huh.
  • May 20, 2013, 09:03 PM
    I went to heritage college? I've never heard of heritage college. I went to school for 5 years and earned my degree, not diploma or certificate. I graduated nursing school 5 short years ago. They don't let CNAs or LPNs deliver, only RNs. Yes, I am a Registered Nurse. I've delivered approximately 100 babies without a doctor present.

    Please tell me all about GBS. What happens when a woman delivers vaginally and has GBS. Will that baby be fine? Maybe, maybe not. Tell me about gastroschisis. I'm sure you have delivered a baby with that, probably one or two more than I have. Tetraology of Fallot? You know about that too right?

    Can you explain to me how the circulatory system of the fetus changes immediately upon delivery and why a vaginal delivery is healthier than a cesarean section? Of course you can. You looked it up on the internet.

    In the end, the ER won't deliver, they don't know how, so she would get transferred to L&D. An induction is an elective procedure, so they won't induce. Without a doctor, she will have to wait until she goes into labor and then will deliver with the on-call doctor.


    I'm sure you know everything huh.
    No, I don't know everything, but I know a he! Of a lot more about pregnancy and labor and delivery than you do. The internet can be a dangerous place when placed in the wrong hands.
  • May 20, 2013, 09:04 PM

    First off if u did know something u would not be on here?
    I volunteer my free time here.
  • May 20, 2013, 09:09 PM
    The question was answered in the beginning. Lets put this in small words for you:
    The ER (emergency room) will NOT deliver
    They will transfer you to Labor and Delivery. That is where all women go to have babies (who deliver in hospitals)
    You need a doctor to say yes induce this lady.
    Nice people you are for being rude to someone giving you facts and the truth. Maybe she should have BSed you and said yes go to the Er and they will induce you. Would that have felt better? I know I would rather have the truth but meh not everyone appreciates honesty.
  • May 20, 2013, 09:17 PM
    Look, I understand not having insurance, and losing jobs etc. Times are tough, I get that. However, I was asking legitimate questions. She said she didn't have a doctor, and I asked why, or how she got a due date. All of this was taken from the original post, not the information added later.

    While pregnancy can be the healthiest time in a woman's life, it can also be the most dangerous.

    Yes, I have seen babies die, I have seen mothers die. Both with and without having doctors. It's not always a happy place where I work. That's a fact, a sad fact, but a fact nonetheless. I have also seen good outcomes. Having said that, there is nothing you can do, without a doctor all you can do is wait until she goes into labor.
  • May 20, 2013, 09:23 PM

    clif plaits down syndrom
    You mean cleft palate or Down's Syndrome?

    Can you tell me which of the trisomy's Down's Syndrome is?
  • May 20, 2013, 09:26 PM

    Originally Posted by J_9 View Post
    I went to heritage college? I've never heard of heritage college. I went to school for 5 years and earned my degree, not diploma or certificate. I graduated nursing school 5 short years ago.
    They don't let CNAs or LPNs deliver, only RNs. Yes, I am a Registered Nurse. I've delivered approximately 100 babies without a doctor present.

    Please tell me all about GBS. What happens when a woman delivers vaginally and has GBS. Will that baby be fine? Maybe, maybe not. Tell me about gastroschisis. I'm sure you have delivered a baby with that, probably one or two more than I have. Tetraology of Fallot? You know about that too right?

    Can you explain to me how the circulatory system of the fetus changes immediately upon delivery and why a vaginal delivery is healthier than a cesarean section? Of course you can. You looked it up on the internet.

    In the end, the ER won't deliver, they don't know how, so she would get transferred to L&D. An induction is an elective procedure, so they won't induce. Without a doctor, she will have to wait until she goes into labor and then will deliver with the on-call doctor.

    No, I don't know everything, but I know a he!! of a lot more about pregnancy and labor and delivery than you do. The internet can be a dangerous place when placed in the wrong hands.

    Woww lol you are amazing I'm very glad you know more than me in your field if I asked you about anything about botny you would be clueless as well I have 1 business degree from k-state 112 hrs of botny and 64 credit hr anyway to get criminal law degree if I ever wanted to go back. You are not only person to attend school. And yes they could induce her is the dr on call says she is over 7 cm I would bet whatever you want they would keep her and induce her If they needed to. I understand this is your area of expertise but I just hope/ pray you do not give advice to many people on here. Do u get paid for this? Only thing you have said that is true is her talking to people on the Internet like you! Try to be an anostiologiest or a real dr. Might make little more cash? Looks like u need more school? Or get into botny lol good luck!
  • May 20, 2013, 09:32 PM
    I don't care about botany, thank you. Funny thing is that you have a degree in it and you can't even spell it.

    No, they would not induce her at 7cm, they would augment her. There is a difference.

    No, I don't get paid for this, hopefully you don't get paid for your botuny, or is it botny? Degree either.

    Again, with that said, if she goes to to the hospital and is 4cm, she would be considered in active labor and they would keep her and augment her, not induce her. An induction is an elective procedure and an augmentation is assisting the labor to progress faster.

    Botuny! I love it! Looks like someone else needs more school! Spelling class perhaps?
  • May 20, 2013, 09:32 PM
    Since you know it all just go to the ER and see what happens. Why bother posting if you are going to be a jerk to someone trying to help you by not sugar coating it.
  • May 20, 2013, 09:48 PM

    Originally Posted by mogrann View Post
    The question was answered in the beginning. Lets put this in small words for you:
    The ER (emergency room) will NOT deliver
    They will transfer you to Labor and Delivery. That is where all women go to have babies (who deliver in hospitals)
    You need a doctor to say yes induce this lady.
    Nice people you are for being rude to someone giving you facts and the truth. Maybe she should have BSed you and said yes go to the Er and they will induce you. Would that have felt better? I know I would rather have the truth but meh not everyone appreciates honesty.

    I would assume to explain that to her without asking a million questions but what do I know it's your job? Trust me I understand what you are saying my point is doctors can't some things are left in gods hands.
  • May 20, 2013, 09:55 PM

    I would assume to explain that to her without asking a million questions but what do I know it's your job? Trust me I understand what you are saying my point is doctors can't some things are left in gods hands.
    No, it's not Mogrann's job, but it is my profession.

    You are right that some things are left in God's hands. I agree. Totally. But like I've said, she will not get induced as it is an elective procedure, and without a doctor she will need to wait until she goes into labor.
  • May 21, 2013, 02:41 AM
    I know Cobra isn't cheap but I hope you sign up for it within the time limit after losing your job.

    I hope your wife will be OK.
    You seem to have a serious case of "help me help me I don't need your bleeping help."
  • May 21, 2013, 10:10 AM

    Ok, Women have been going threw pregnancies for thousands of years without having to see a doctor 50 times!
    Do you want to see the stats on those pregnancies, how they ended? Before prenatal care the death rate for both the mother and the baby, was extremely high.

    Bottom line, you came here to ask a question, then, like so many others, when you weren't told what you wanted to hear (because we refused to lie to you) you got upset and suddenly claimed to know everything about the very question you came here to ask.

    If you know everything, why did you ask?

    We can only give advice, it's up to you, the poster, to decide what to do with that advice. No one can force you to do the right thing, we can only tell you what the right thing is. The rest is up to you.

    Attacking the very people that volunteer their time here, is the lowest of the low. Frankly, I'm shocked that J9 spent as much time with you as she did, you certainly don't deserve her expertise.

    Good luck.
  • May 22, 2013, 08:17 PM

    degree from k-state 112 hrs of botny
    Why does the image of a potted plant come to mind?

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