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  • Apr 26, 2013, 10:58 AM
    my cat won't walk
    my cat stopped walking. He crawls/ drags himself around. He is still eating/drinking/ going to the bathroom. You can pet him and pick him up. But he doesn't stand up or walk.
    he was at the vet 2x. 1st visit she thought soft tissue injury and put him on 5 days of pain / anti inflammatory. Second time he went she put him on a antibiotic for 10 days. He is on day #3 of this med. I am at a loss and have no idea what is going on with him. I just want him better.
    any suggestions or in put on this??
  • Apr 26, 2013, 11:14 AM
    Maybe try another Vet? I have seen Very good, and VERY Bad. Good Luck
    I would also check body and legs for any unseen wounds, splinter, swelling(bite from a bug, spider?)
  • Apr 26, 2013, 11:24 AM
    Did the vet do x-rays? Maybe he jumped off something and hurt his spine?

    How old is he? Is he overweight?
  • Apr 26, 2013, 11:26 AM

    Originally Posted by Stratmando View Post
    Maybe try another Vet? I have seen Very good, and VERY Bad. Good Luck
    I would also check body and legs for any unseen wounds, splinter, swelling(bite from a bug, spider?)

    I have checked all over, I have given him a warm bath and massaged him from ears to tail. I have checked between his pads on his paws and didn't see anything. I have softly rubbed down his back and in circular motions to. I didn't see any red marks or feel any lumps. If he would have a spider bit wouldn't I find a lump or red spot or he would show that it was sore of I rubbed it? He still eats food and drinks water and goes to the bathroom. I am at a loss. I'm half scared to go back to the vet and have to put him down. Poor guy isn't even a year old. I keep looking for more signs from him other then not walking and he doesn't show any.
  • Apr 26, 2013, 11:28 AM

    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    Did the vet do x-rays? Maybe he jumped off something and hurt his spine?

    How old is he? Is he overweight?

    the next step is going to be x rays. He is going to be a year old in June. And he is not over weight. The first 2 visits to the vet have been medications. 1st visit was pain and anti inflammatory 2nd is now antibiotics. He is on day 3 of 10 for antibiotics
  • Apr 26, 2013, 11:37 AM

    Originally Posted by DawnSam View Post
    the next step is gonna be x rays. he is gonna be a year old in june. and he is not over weight. the first 2 visits to the vet have been medications. 1st visit was pain and anti inflammatory 2nd is now antibiotics. he is on day 3 of 10 for antibiotics

    If he drags himself around, how does he deal with the litter box?

    Could he have had a stroke?
  • Apr 26, 2013, 11:43 AM
    You know what? I think it's great that someone finally came on here and asked about an animal AFTER having taken it to the vet. Too often we see people post that simply don't want to see the vet. I know it's expensive but you have to do what you have to do.

    Now, after commending you for that, I am going to tell you that I agree with the earlier comment about going to another vet. I hate to see you spend your money this way but if you care for the cat, and it seems like you do, then you should try to get to another vet as soon as possible. This could be something serious that could affect the cats life rather than the ability to walk only.

    About 20 years ago we had a cat and something happened to her back legs. I can't tell you the details because I have honestly forgotten... I am sure my wife remembers. Anyway, she hid in a closet and we finally realized she was hiding and found her. Took her to the vet and she eventually died within a few days. The vet said this was such and such and if we had found her sooner and brought her in, they may have been able to save her and get her walking again.

    Don't take chances... try another vet.

    Good luck.
  • Apr 26, 2013, 11:54 AM
    It looks like he is Army Crawling around. He will drag himself to the litter box and go. Sometimes I have to get him out though cause he can't get turned and all. About the stroke I have no idea.

    Trust me I'm a single mom making ends meet. But my fur balls are my kids to. I wouldn't tell my daughter oh sorry honey money is tight this week so even though you are sick we are going to wait on a dr appt.

    I am going to call another vet and check it out and see what they have to say. I love this little guy! He sleeps on me at night and purrs the whole time, he plays and is so lovable. I deff do not want to have to put him down.
  • Apr 26, 2013, 11:56 AM
    I hope it all works out for you.

    Please come back and let us know when you find out what's wrong.
  • Apr 26, 2013, 12:11 PM
    well I called a highly recommend vet in my area. We went over what is going on and what my vet has done so far and what the plan is. And they said they would love to do the 2nd opinion but they were very honest and said that what my vet is doing is great and the same thing that they will do. So I'm going to give him the weekend on antibiotics as both vets said to do and then next week do his x rays. Its deff nice to be able to talk to 2 vets and have them both care and not put the money first.

    I will be sure to give a update as soon as I know anything :-) thanks everyone!!
  • May 3, 2013, 03:31 AM
    Hi everyone, after some x-rays we know what is wrong with Snickers. He has FIP its past from mother to kittens. Only 2-4% of kittens get it. So by Monday he will have to be put down. :-(
    Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP)
  • May 3, 2013, 06:35 AM
    Sorry to hear about your little buddy.
    Which Vet, and how did they Determine this?
  • May 3, 2013, 08:19 AM
    I'm sorry to hear this. I really was hoping it would be something simple.
  • May 3, 2013, 08:03 PM
    I go to New Holland vet. They did a x-ray and he is filling with fluid. In a healthy cat you can see the heart and lung in a x-ray. In Snickers you couldn't see any cause it was all fluid. She did remove a little to make him a little more comfortable so we could have a few days to say good byes. He has begun panting when breathing so its getting more complicated for him to breath. So I'm thinking by Monday we will have to put him down. I have deff done a lot of crying. Night time is the worst. I will be getting another cat in about a month or so.

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