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  • Jan 31, 2013, 11:45 AM
    Does craigslist have a refund policy
    I have a dog that I rehomed on craigslist, I had him fixed the day his new owners came to get him, they called me the next day telling me the dog don't listen and he cryed all night. So they brought him back to me. They did not even have him 12 hours.. did not give the dog a chance, now they are demanding their money back... I told them I don't have it right now I am waiting for my check.( I had all intentions on paying them back) but now they keep texting me and harasing me about it... I know all sales on craigslist are final... Is there anything legal they can do?
  • Jan 31, 2013, 11:49 AM
    Yes, they can sue you for the money.

    That's the legal answer.

    I have no idea why you think sales on Craigslist are final.

    And just for my information as a person in animal rescue, what kind of background check did you do on the new "owners" of the dog? You want them to take the dog back, even though they no longer want him, don't sound like they were very understanding with a dog that just had surgery?
  • Jan 31, 2013, 12:02 PM
    And I feel the need to ask... they returned the dog to you 12 hours later but you didn't have the money?
  • Jan 31, 2013, 12:03 PM

    Originally Posted by JudyKayTee View Post
    Yes, they can sue you for the money.

    That's the legal answer.

    I have no idea why you think sales on Craigslist are final.

    And just for my information as a person in animal rescue, what kind of background check did you do on the new "owners" of the dog? You want them to take the dog back, even though they no longer want him, don't sound like they were very understanding with a dog that just had surgery?

    I meet these people before they picked up the dog and spoke to them for about a week before I let them take him. They seemed like good people. They never gave him a chance. I think they wanted him to breed him and I got him fixed the day they were coming to get him. I don't want to see any animal breed, there are enough animals in this world that need homes. So I made sure he was done before he left my home. I am going to pay them back their money I am just getting tired of them harasing me about it. I have told them they would be the first people I call when my check comes in. but they still keep texing me telling me they are going to call the law to my house if they don't get it.. I can't give something I don't have... does anyone have any advise to give me on what I can do until my money comes in to get these people off my back?
  • Jan 31, 2013, 12:05 PM

    Originally Posted by odinn7 View Post
    and i feel the need to ask....they returned the dog to you 12 hours later but you didn't have the money?

    unempoyment= bills...
  • Jan 31, 2013, 12:06 PM
    Seems to me that if you had an arrangement with them to take the dog, you might have wanted to discuss getting the dog fixed so it wasn't a surprise to them the day they came to pick it up.

    There is no real advice to give. You pretty much owe them the money and if you can't come up with it, you just need to hope they can wait until you get the money.
  • Jan 31, 2013, 12:06 PM

    Originally Posted by JudyKayTee View Post
    Yes, they can sue you for the money.

    That's the legal answer.

    I have no idea why you think sales on Craigslist are final.

    And just for my information as a person in animal rescue, what kind of background check did you do on the new "owners" of the dog? You want them to take the dog back, even though they no longer want him, don't sound like they were very understanding with a dog that just had surgery?

    OH I said sales are final because that is what a lot of people have told me. That is not true?
  • Jan 31, 2013, 12:08 PM

    Originally Posted by odinn7 View Post
    Seems to me that if you had an arrangement with them to take the dog, you might have wanted to discuss getting the dog fixed so it wasn't a surprise to them the day they came to pick it up.

    There is no real advice to give. You pretty much owe them the money and if you can't come up with it, you just need to hope they can wait until you get the money.

    NO NO NO... they knew I was taking him... they just did not want to deal with his recovery...
  • Jan 31, 2013, 12:10 PM
    Ok, well you are just going to have to wait it out then and hope that they hold off.

    Craigslist is just like a classified ad in a newspaper... they don't get involved. All they are is an advertising medium that you can use to get something sold. Nowhere do they claim all sales are final. Ebay claims all sales final because it is a bidding site.


    Originally Posted by dina1228 View Post
    NO NO NO.... they knew i was taking him..... they just did not want to deal with his recovery...

    And just before you said you think they wanted to breed the dog. As I said, this might have been a topic of discussion but at this point, it's really irrelevant.
  • Jan 31, 2013, 12:33 PM
    I too find it hard to believe that you can have zero money 12 hours after being paid, or even at any time. You paid for the neuter, right?

    FIND A NEW HOME for the dog. Give these people their money back when you get paid. I have been looking at a lot of adoption sites and see fees mostly in the 350 range, or slightly less if older.
    Craigslist does NOT allow the sale of pets unless the amount is 'small.' They don't say what small is.
    This is fishy.
  • Jan 31, 2013, 12:35 PM

    Originally Posted by joypulv View Post
    craigslist does NOT allow the sale of pets unless the amount is 'small.' They don't say what small is.
    This is fishy.

    I thought so too. Craigslist calls it a "rehoming" fee and it is supposed to be a minimal amount.
  • Jan 31, 2013, 12:40 PM
    I wasn't going to go there until the OP responded but, yes, something isn't ringing true here. I have no idea what the true situation is.

    All I pretty much know is that this poor dog is going to find itself sold again to the next irresponsible person who has money in his/her hand.

    Bills = no money = can't afford the dog = surrender the dog. We aren't talking about stuffed toys here. We're talking about an animal.
  • Jan 31, 2013, 01:02 PM
    Bottom line, I don't think anyone here believes that you couldn't pay them back when they brought the dog back.
    You contradicted yourself blatantly about how you think they wanted to breed the dog, but later said they knew he was being neutered.
    You 'had all intentions on paying them back' but now are looking for reasons to refuse.
    You aren't going to find them!

    I got to feel for the poor dog, 'rehomed' on the day of his surgery, for pity's sake. Who DOES that to a dog?
  • Jan 31, 2013, 01:30 PM
    Answer to "Joy" - apparently this OP does.
  • Jan 31, 2013, 02:00 PM
    I'm really confused. How much did they pay you for this dog? If you're all into animal rescue, and you were simply re-homing the dog, why would you charge for it? I could see charging for the neutering, but more than that, that doesn't fit into the rest of your spiel about not wanting dogs to breed, there are enough dogs in the world already, etc.

    It sounds like you're a backyard breeder, but not completely. You cared enough to have the dog neutered, didn't care enough to let him heal before he went to a new home. You had the money for the surgery, and I know that surgery isn't cheap. So how is it that you don't have the money to repay them? How much could it possibly be?

    If you're only re-homing the dog, then why didn't you give the dog up for free, just so it could find a new home, or simply charge for the neutering, which even in the most expensive places, shouldn't be more than $300, less than $50 if you go to a spay/neuter clinic.

    How much do you owe them?

    As for craigslist. They aren't responsible for your ad. If you wanted to sell this dog, which is what you did, re-homing doesn't involve cash, then you should have posted "Dog for sale, as is, all sales final, no money back guarantee". If you didn't do that, then you owe them the money, since you now have the dog back.

    Let's put it this way. If you go to a store and buy a TV, pay for it, bring it home, decide you don't like it, bring it back, should you be stuck paying for it? You no longer have it. So now they not only have your money, but the TV too. Is that fair? No. You have the dog, so give them back the money they paid for the dog. If you don't have it, tell them nicely that you're broke, and you'll pay them as soon as you can. Try to work out a payment plan. If they won't accept that, stop taking their calls, pay them by cheque when you can, keep records of your payments, no cash, and pay them off as soon as you can. The only thing they can do is take you to small claims court, unless you charged more than the small claims limit for the dog. I would hope you didn't do that, because it would make me think even less of you, and I'd really have to point out that you're not a rescuer, you're part of the problem.

    Bottom line, you owe the money for the dog they didn't keep.
  • Feb 1, 2013, 02:38 PM
    I see the rehoming fee thingy on Craigslist all the time. Sometime the fee is quite hefty especially for little dogs like Yorkies. Maybe the people who paid for the dog changed their minds. I find it quite disheartening that someone who wants to adopt a dog (whether pedigree or not) pays a rehoming fee and then renegs on the deal.

    They could possibly take you to Small Claims Court on this but I see them winning as it was a dog you "sold". Did you sign any paperwork on this? Probably not. It will be he said she said and the Judge then decides you still owe them the money.

    Craigslist is a great place for free ads that seem to get people in trouble.

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