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  • Feb 22, 2012, 11:37 PM
    I want him back in my life
    Right from 3rd grade I had this friend of mine and we were really good friends.Then from from 5th grade our classes shuffled and we never got together in one class until 8th grade. In my school he was my first friend I was really attached to him. In 8th grade our groups changed and we did not actually talk much inside the school. After school we usually used to hang-out for 15-20 minutes, in 8th grade he stopped that too.He started behaving all weird around me... and as a friend I started missing his presence in my life.

    First I did not pay any attention to it as I thought it was only because he was my friend. Then in 9th grade when I was once talking to a friend of mine about this a girl I hate in my class went and told him many stupid things about me. Now we both are in 10th grade and whenever he comes in front of me I get this butterflies in my stomach feeling. I don't know if this is hormonal changes or something, but all I know is that I want my friend back. I have tried to talk to him many times but every time I try to, words never come out of my mouth. I don't know what this is, but I want him back in my life. It seems all incomplete in my life without him. Please advise me.
  • Feb 23, 2012, 12:11 AM
    It's Obvious You Like Him. Just Talk To Him. Don't Be Shy. Say Hi Or Something.
  • Feb 23, 2012, 12:14 AM
    You are going to have to talk to him. That's the only way you will ever be anything with him.
  • Feb 25, 2012, 03:16 PM
    Your confusion is mostly hormonal, as you are going through many changes that mark childhood, and adult maturations. You both are growing older, and changing and are learning new feelings and how to deal with them. Normal for teens in your age range.

    I think first you take time time see what YOUR feelings mean to you and what you want done about them. If it's a return to friendly conversations do so. But if it's a crush, it may pass. It may not, but the bottom line is to understand these new feelings and find out what adjustments can be made and then talk to him about it. See if he agrees, and wants to pursue the same things, and if not, deal with those feelings also.

    You are human, and young and inexperienced, but this is the time of learning about yourself and how best to deal with yourself. That also means how best to express yourself to others. That may explain why he was acting weird before, because that's when he was having those strange new feelings also, because no one goes through those "growing pains" at the same time or the same way.

    You could tell him you miss the after school chats you use to have, and see what he says about it, and go from there. Its best to explore this new, unknown territory with small baby steps until you know what he, and others feel.

    Are you allowed to date?
  • Feb 25, 2012, 03:28 PM
    Homegirl 50
    Wonderful advice talaniman.
    I agree with all he said.
  • Feb 26, 2012, 01:00 AM
    No talaniman,I am not really allowed to date and I myself think that I am not at-all ready for all this dating stuff.Thank You very much for your advice and I will surely try to do what you told me.

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