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  • Jan 23, 2012, 02:42 PM
    Help! My male 3 years old Chihuahua won't stop peeing. Don't know what to do?
    My Chihuahua male dog has a peeing problem. It was not as disturbing when we were living in house with a Big yard.. But we have now moved into a house with a smaller yard and it is very difficult to keep up with him.. I use so much bleach and pine sol and am already tired ) : Help!
  • Jan 23, 2012, 07:29 PM
    Bleach and pinesol do not absorb the urine smell. You need to get a cleaner that will absorb the smell. Nature's Miracle is a really good product. The key to it working is to saturate the area he is peeing on, let it try, then clean up with water.

    He's probably peeing in your home due to the move. Some dogs are more sensitive to changes in their environment and will act out like this. Even if he didn't start doing it until weeks to months later, he is still acting out in a disrupted mannor due to change... especially if everyone is going to work again.

    Purchase a crate and use it. Crates are not cruel and they are not "cages" they are a very useful tool in training dogs. Crates keep good dogs good. It is also rumored that dogs will not potty where they sleep. So this will help eliminate him wanting to pee.

    Also, is he neutered? Dogs that are still intact will mark their territory. He may have grown up in your bigger home, and never had a need to mark. Now that he is somewhere new, he feels as if he needs to mark what is his. Even though neutering will not stop that completely, it will definitely reduce him doing it quite a bit. Neutering also has a lot of health benefits as well as your dog ages.

    Male wraps will also aid you in this problem. He will continue to mark, but won't be able to pee on the actual wall/carpet. It gives you time to correct the issue without the problem of cleaning up after him. It also might make him stop seeing as how dogs don't like to pee on themselves.

    Also.. it never hurts to have your dog checked up by a vet when behaviors change. Male dogs don't commonly have a UTI, but he might be trying to tell you that there is something wrong.

    Hope I helped!
  • Jun 25, 2012, 04:23 PM
    I have an 11 year old neutered male Chihuahua and we spent YEARS trying to stop him from peeing on things.. all to no avail. But after crating and hundreds in vet bills to be sure he didn't have a problem we finally accepted that he is just who he is and this isn't going to change or improve. We did, however, find a solution that actually works! Belly bands! You can buy them online but they are really easy and cheap to make. You simply buy a few pieces of flannel... in our case we used an old flannel sheet.. and take a tape measure and measure the widest part of the dog's chest. Cut the flannel about 6 inches wide to the width of his chest and attach velcro to the flannel so you can wrap it around tight enough to stay on but not too tight. Most people just use the flannel and wash it several times a day but we went and bought Always panty liners and stuck them to the inside of the band. When he marks his territory he will pee into the pad. Problem solved. Now, there was a strange side effect to this that we didn't expect. Our male doesn't like peeing on himself or the feeling of being soaked in his own pee apparently, because about 4 months after we started with the bands we noticed he no longer pees in them. We are now only having to put them on him when we're not home and at night and he is fine most of the day.
    The only other thing you have to watch is that you change them often.. you don't want his skin getting irritated and if you don't change them often they end up needing baths every week which can lead to other skin issues..
    I know a lot of people want to tell you this is due to a million different things, including poor training, but after the lengths we have gone to with ours and knowing several others who have similar issues (including our dog's father who was eventually crated 24 hours a day because his owners couldn't be bothered) I am here to tell you it's NOT you.. it's just one of the joys of owning a male chihuahua.
    I hope this helps! Please email me if you try it and let me know how it goes! >address removed< Good luck!!

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