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  • Nov 22, 2011, 10:32 PM
    My boyfriend of 3 years doesn't seem to want to have sex anymore... what do I do?
    I'm 22 & my boyfriend is 27, we've been dating for 3 yrs now. I am a very sexual person & need sex regularly... I'm young & my hormones are crazy... I love him & he says he loves me and wants to marry me, ( I'm no idiot, I know how men are & they'll say anything ) but back to the point lately he acts like he doesn't care to have sex with me. He tells me he's still attracted to me, and he likes sex.. that he just wants me to come onto him, but when I do he just rejects me. I'm so sick of it, I know sex isn't everything in a relationship, but it certainly is important to me! We use to have sex 3 times a week and now it's once every 3-4 weeks. I hate it, I've tried talking to him about it, but no change... he just seems to tell me what I want to hear, and then forgets it. I don't know what to do, or if it's me.. He never complements me anymore either, which really bugs me, I've also tried talking to him about that, but no change.
    I'm a fairly attractive girl, long brown hair, great body... I get hit on all the time when I go out, so I don't get why he seems to not to be into sex with me anymore. HELP?
  • Nov 22, 2011, 11:00 PM
    I think u should give him some space he's a guy we can't change them and we can't live without them
  • Nov 23, 2011, 03:49 AM
    I think that you should sit down and have an honest, heartfelt conversation with him. Don't be afraid to ask him serious questions... ask him if he still loves you... or finds you attractive still?? Anything... & let him know how tired of everything you are... sometimes you got to give them ultimatums... let him know how he makes you feel... Honesty is all you need & if things don't change... there's plenty of fish in the sea... just think.. if he's acting like this after only 3 years.. imagine if you two end up getting married one day down the road... you got to talk problems out... Communication is always the key to a successful relationship. Good luck!
  • Nov 23, 2011, 09:47 AM
    If you are fishing for compliments, that may just turn him off.

    As far as sex is concerned, have there been changes in his life? Stress, physical problems, financial difficulties, lots of things can cause a person to be disinterested in sex.

    I wouldn't give him an ultimatum. I would sit down and calmly and rationally discuss this with him. Sex is important to you, you feel rejected, what is the problem?

    You will face many problems as your relationship progresses - and this is just one of them. Talk to him. Be patient and understanding. He may well be embarrassed.
  • Aug 21, 2012, 12:45 PM
    I'm in same situtation and I have sat down many times over the past yr and half and we ve been together almost 4yrs... I just don't know anymore and he does tell me he loves me and everything but still no changes... im told no when I ask... I feel so rejected and alone... he could be serioused and we are 2... but when your partner show any interest it hurts and it puts more of a strain on the relationship... sex is important in relationship just not number 1,, but is up there... even not having it cuddles and snuggles hurts...
  • Aug 21, 2012, 12:49 PM
    Sorry in message before I wrote little wrong I meant... he could be stressed but so can we and am... but when he doesn't show any interest in any form of touchy or sex it hurts
  • Aug 21, 2012, 01:33 PM
    One. Chat speak is forbidden on this site. No if ands or buts about it. Take the extra five minutes and use proper english. Many people on this site are not native english speakers and we want to make sure that all posts are as clear as possible.

    Two. If you have a problem or a question than start a new thread. This thread is for a different issue that was presented by a different person. This is also almost a year old. The person will probably not see this response nor will you get help for your issue. Thread jacking isn't kind. Start your own thread please.

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