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  • Oct 14, 2004, 12:13 PM
    What does the term Suspended Jail Time mean?
    I recently went to municipal court on a DUI case (Im 19, got pulled over for a trespassing complaint on a passenger in my car, and blew a BAC of .05 in Alabama). Alabama's underage tolerance is .02 BAC. The judge basically fined me $1000+ with a 6 month suspended jail time. I was wondering what the suspended jail time means. Any help is appreciative.
  • Oct 14, 2004, 12:23 PM
    Delayed and suspended sentences are usually available for younger offenders, and for people facing their first conviction for possession of a controlled substance. A defendant eligible for a delayed or suspended sentence means that if the defendant successfully completes probation, the criminal conviction will not be placed on his record. If not (i.e. you get pulled in by the police for anything else during that period), you usually have to serve the full sentence.
  • Dec 19, 2005, 10:57 PM
    Suspended sentence
    Jail time and fines may be suspended by the judge to leave some future punishment in case you screw up later. 90 days jail time with 89 days suspended means you will do one day in jail and the balance will be on hold. A $500.00 fine with $250.00 suspended means that you will pay $250.00 of the fine to day but the balance will be on hold. Now, if you are place on probation, supervised or unsupervised, and in the near future you are convicted of a new crime, a probation violation may be done and as your punishment, you may be ordered to pay the balance of $250.00 and do the 89days suspended jailtime also. In another scenerio, the judge can have some leway as to the punisments he gives you and may not wish to put you in jail for the longest term or the "maximum" so he will give you the minimum time and suspent the balance.
  • Dec 20, 2005, 06:34 AM
    I am not a Professional in these matters, but do know that "suspended jail time" means you are on probation for a certain amount of time.
    If you get "caught" doing anything wrong again, during this time, you might possibly end up in jail!
    Personally, I would not be driving anymore while under the influence of anything; even a doctor's prescription for anything like colds, flu, etc. Don't take any chances with your driving. I do wish you the best of luck.

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