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  • May 1, 2011, 03:29 AM
    Grim Reaper?
    I was laying in bed with my girlfriend and we were both sleeping when I had a bad dream. I awoke to a black cloaked shadow in my door way that seemed to get closer, I was not able to move the entire time this was occurring and as the spirit got closer I saw a white face that's eyes were gone and it looked intensely at me for what seemed like hours and than it walked away back into the door way. I got enough strength to slam my arm onto the bed to try and wake up my girl friend and the entity looked back at me and shot over back to the edge of my bed, I sank a little in the bed and started to cry a little because my little sister was down stairs at the time and I could not move, so please I need some clarification on what this was. I think it was the grim reaper but it did not have a scythe
  • May 1, 2011, 03:45 AM
    If you have any faith,I suggest you call upon it now.And stop having such a wild imagination.. there is no GRIM REAPER :Spare me
  • May 1, 2011, 07:27 AM

    By what your saying you were still dreaming. Lucid dreams can seem real. You can be half awake and still experience the dream state. Its called sleep paralysis.


    Sleep Paralysis
  • May 1, 2011, 12:02 PM
    I'm with artlady to a degree. There is no Grim Reaper. I think that reference really goes back to the angel of death that was in Egypt during the passover. Not saying there are no spirits... just saying that "Death" or the "Grim Reaper" are more folklore. As someone who has experienced things like this at night and have known people who have experienced things like this... I know it can be real. I trust you know the difference between being awake and asleep. May I ask what the bad dream was that you were having?
  • Jun 7, 2011, 08:27 PM
    I had almost the same experience. I was sleeping and I woke up for some reason. I have a mirror on my dresser at the end of my bed. I looked in the mirror for some reason when I woke up, I saw a very tall, robed figure standing right at the head of my bed. I couldn't see the face though, it was very white and bright. I couldn't move, talk, cry or anything, I was scared stiff. All I remember was closing my eyes and opening them again and it was gone. I know it wasn't a dream, it was standing there and then it was gone. Seriously, one of the scariest things that has ever happened to me. I've researched this online and haven't had much luck figuring it out. You are the only other person who's described the face being white. Let's figure this out if we can. I can't stop thinking about it.
  • Aug 24, 2011, 04:32 AM
    They are known by several names, including 'Reapers', 'Men in Black' and 'Djinns'

    They are commonly described as being between 8 and 10 foot tall,
    They have pale, stone white faces.
    In fact they don't even seem like they are human, yet they have the appearance of it.
    When you see them, you sense an incredible evil however they are not evil at all.
    They are the Guardians of the Dark Realm. They are Neutral, in a sense, as they are merely entities with a job to do;
    They patrol this realm; They warn us when we are involved with things that we should avoid [If you ignore these warnings, believe me, you will discover the true definition of fear] and they also take away any entity that has forfeited it's right to exist in this realm, by choice.
  • Jul 21, 2013, 03:55 PM
    I had the same thing happen.I woke up from a bad dream I think the dream was about me fighting with someone I loved. I can't remember. I opened my eyes I was almost paralyzed a tall TALL DARK SHADOW IN THE FORM OF WHAT ROBED HOODED PERSON WOULD LIKE WAS IN THE DOORWAY. Just sort of floating. I remember reaching for my phone but it was in pieces I started crying as it started to moved forward from the doorway just saying I'm not ready yet I'm not ready yet. My friend came running in and oddly enough I started crying laughing hysterically at the same time. It was him I knew it was him. That's why I said I wasn't ready. I've also read other similar stories to where people say he was standing in the doorway.

    Two or three days later my son comes crying out of the room. Says he saw a floating face. He drew a picture looked like Grim. I didn't see the face but he did. I wonder what that may mean.
  • Jul 21, 2013, 04:40 PM
    If you felt paralyzed it was probably a shadow person or the old hag. Shadow people usually wear hats and look just like shadows. The old hag will sit on your chest and make you feel paralyzed.

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