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  • Jan 12, 2011, 04:05 PM
    My boyfriend doesn't get hard over me anymore?
    I'm 19 and my boyfriend is 18 we've known each other 3 years and only started dating 6 months ago. At first our sex life was incrediable he would get hard with me just touching his leg or us kissing passionatly.
    But recently no matter what I do he doesn't seem to get hard, I'm lucky if it's once a night. We have sex sometimes and he goes limp in the middle of it. I try not let it bother me and do everything I can to turn him on like being naked as much as I can be around him or playing with him but even then he may get hard but it won't last longer than a few seconds.
    I don't know weather I'm over reacting but it just feels like he isn't attracted to me anymore.
    He tells me he is and he doesn't no how to explain it.
    He's not stressed and he hasn't got anything on his mind so it has to be me, I'm not the thinnest girl alive I'm a size 12 and have put on 3 pound over christmas he knows how much I hate my body and always tells me he adores it but I don't know what else to do.
    I no it sounds like a silly question but I love him so much and it's really tearing me up inside
    Please someone help :(
  • Jan 13, 2011, 08:54 AM

    Please use proper words. Know instead of no for example.

    Secondly, you're a size 12 and you hate your body. Even though your boyfriend loves it. Does that sound as asanine reading it as it did writing it? It isn't what you look like and three pounds is nothing. Trust me it isn't your looks.

    Besides not getting up, why else do you think he isn't attracted to you? Why don't you trust him when he says that. I know that you're insecure about your body.

    Has he seen a doctor about this? While not getting hard and losing an erection isn't unusual, even for a man his age, it could be early indications of health problems. Get him to a doctor and get him to tell his doctor about this.

    Are there other stresses on his mind? Money, career, stress, family, or what not that could be occupying him. Those tend to get in his brain and make it really hard for other things. Libido killers they are.

    There is also the possibility that you could be over stimulating him. Try toning back a little bit. Get him to want you instead of you always wanting him. I know it might be a little rough for you.

    I think you also need to talk to him. In a non sexual non confrontational way. Figure out what is up with him. You're also want him to perform well beyond what most men dream of. Could be too much for him.

    I hope this helps, or at least gets you to think on things.
  • Jan 13, 2011, 01:46 PM
    Try mixing it up a bit do something he wouldn't expect some times if things get overly routine its less exciting. I know that it takes more to get me hard if I have been with a girl for a while then if its new and exciting even though I may be just as attracted to her as I was the day I met her. There is also the posibilities his problems come from some insecurity he is dealing with maybe he isn't happy with his appearance, size, or preformance.

    Talk to him about it but you need to remember not to take it personaly I'm sure him not being able to get it up isn't easy on him. Be supportive
  • Jan 13, 2011, 03:46 PM
    That's actually really helped me and I'm sorry for my miss use of words I'm dyslexic so I get mixed up sometimes :) thank you for your answers I will try all that and see if it all helps :)

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