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  • Sep 25, 2010, 10:33 PM
    Is it illegal to be with a 19 year old boy if your 13?
    Hey guys! I'm stuck. I'm 13 but I look like 16 and I'm was with a boy whose 19 and he look like 16. We just broke up and I don't want to lose him. Is it illegal? Can he end up in jail? Please help me!! Thanks a lot!!
  • Sep 25, 2010, 10:42 PM
    I'm 13 and I'm with a 19 year old boy,is it illegal?
    Hi,Im 13 and I'm with a 19 year old boy. Is it illegal in the law Of suriname? We didn't have sex and he doesn't even want to have sex with me. We just love each other. Please help me. Im really stuck. And I like a 16 year old girl and he look like a 16 year old boy!!
  • Sep 26, 2010, 05:16 AM

    Yes, It's Illegal.
  • Sep 26, 2010, 05:54 AM

    Better to forget him and go on with your life. But you can stay friends till you're 18 then you can do what you want with him.
  • Sep 26, 2010, 06:10 AM
    As far as I have found, the legal age in Suriname is 16 for male/female sex (They have different ages for same sex intercourse). I haven't found anything about dating.

    So, you are way too young for an adult relationship (one that includes sexual activity) and it would be illegal for him to have one with you.

    Just because you both look 16 doesn't mean you are. Both of you should be at different stages in your lives and have different needs in a relationship.

    Becky, it is human nature at any age to want the person you broke up with back or to not want to lose him. It doesn't mean that you should get back together even if he wanted to. You need to let him and that relationship go.

    Part of growing up is learning to move forward after a break up instead of backward.
  • Sep 26, 2010, 08:37 AM
    You say you are broken up, and in the same breath, that you don't want to lose him.

    Are you wondering about getting him back, with the threat that you will report him to the authorities, because he was dating a minor? (you)

    You must have some reason for both wanting him back, and wanting to know if its 'legal' and whether he would be arrested for dating you in the first place.

    Because you are making a non-issue (no relationship with him now) into an issue, (can he be arrested and put in jail), makes me wonder what your motivations are.

    Why not just leave him alone.
  • Sep 26, 2010, 08:55 AM


    Becky_Gary : But what if we're not going to have sex in the relationship? Is that illegal too?
    Becky, you can't guarantee that a 19 year old won't want to have sex. Most of them do.

    Does he know how old you really are? Did he when he was 'dating' you? Is finding out why he broke up with you?

    As I said before, go forward not backward. There will be other loves and boys your age in the future. Let this one go and let yourself heal.
  • Sep 29, 2010, 11:18 PM
    I have passed for exactly the same as you, he will turn 19 next month and I'm 14 and I look like 16 too!and everything is just normal and we love each other like a lot! And yes it is illegal and he can get in jail because of that. I know its hard but maybe it's the best just to walk away from him. Good luck!
  • Oct 1, 2010, 08:12 AM
    I wish

    A better question would be what do you have in common?

    I suggest you meet people your own age. Nothing good can come of this.
  • Oct 1, 2010, 10:01 PM

    It is illegal and even if you don't have sex he could be considered to be contributing to the delinquency of a minor or being a sexual predator by simply dating you. How old you look means nothing. Life experience means everything and you have very little. In fact, I don't think 13 is old enough to date, even if it was with another 13 year old.

    A 19 year old who wants to date a 13 year old has serious problems. He is an adult interested in dating a child. You are barely a teenager much less an adult.

    Let him go, and move on.

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