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  • Dec 29, 2006, 10:19 AM
    How to access History on my computer
    I am trying to access my history on my computer. It will only let me go back two days. I need to access for the past week. Also, can I print the history? Let me know a.s.a.p.
    Thank you
  • Dec 29, 2006, 10:21 AM
    What Histroy are you trying to access ?
    What Operating System are you using ?

    If you are referring to Internet Explorer History, then what is it set at (Tools> Internet Options ) and has it been recently cleared?
  • Dec 29, 2006, 10:27 AM
    I am trying to access any activity on my computer for the last week. I was on vacation, and someone that works here has been on my computer accessing some of my personal files. I need to know of other days before two days ago.
  • Dec 29, 2006, 11:02 AM
    Coxy, well your chances are slim to none I'm afraid.
    Unless they where very stupid and left footprints you don't have a hope.
    The only thing you could try is a few system restores to see if you can find anything.

    What makes you think that this other person was accessing your personal files.
    Just for information, as this is a works computer, ALL data contained on it is the property of said company.
  • Dec 29, 2006, 12:43 PM
    I know they were on my computer, because I checked my computer lets me go back two days to check history. I opened up the files to see what they were looking at. That is why I want to know how I can go back further than 2 days. By the way, they are stupid, and wouldn't know that I am on to them.
  • Dec 29, 2006, 01:16 PM
    First, The history listing is a record of activity using your WEB browser. It would not record accessing local files on your PC. Second, if the history only shows 2 days then the rest has been purged.

    Third, why didn't you secure personal files?
  • Jan 9, 2007, 01:26 PM
    Hi Scott, sorry it took me so long to answer you back, I have been off work sick.
    You asked why I didn't secure my personal files, well, I don't know how to. That probably sounds crazy, but I don't know how. Thanks for your advice.
  • Jan 9, 2007, 01:42 PM
    That depends, What version of Windows? Is the PC on a Network? Do they give you personal storage space on the network? Does it have USB ports, a CD/RW drive?
  • Jan 10, 2007, 10:59 AM
    Hi, we have Windows XP with PC network, usb ports with cd-dvd drive. Is that what you needed to know? It is so foreign to me. Let me know if you can help. Thanks
  • Jan 10, 2007, 11:09 AM
    Ok, First, with XP, if you store all your documents in you're my Documents folder or subfolders, then anyone who signs into the PC on a different non administrator account will not be able to see those folders. Second, most companies provide network storage for files. This allows you to log into any PC on the network and access those files. Also those files are probably backed up daily. Only someone logging in with your ID can access your network storage. Third, you can use a CD/RW disk as removeable storage. Any files you want truly private, you can store on such a disk, then physically lock up the disk. Similarly you can use a USB flash drive to store such files.

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