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  • Sep 19, 2010, 01:20 PM
    Vaginal Blisters/Sores after Rough Sex
    I recently had rough sex two days in a row, and now I have what appear to be blisters on my labia, right outside the vaginal opening. The sex lasted a long time, and there was a point when I got too dry, so penetration hurt and caused friction. I irritated the area the first day, and the second day sent me over the edge. There is a larger, more painful blister on the right labia, and a couple smaller less painful ones on the left. They REALLY hurt to touch, and make sitting and walking uncomfortable. I also experience horrible stinging when I urinate.

    I've been applying Vaseline to keep the friction down between the left & right sides. I found some Neosporin with pain relief, and put that on to see if that would help - too soon to tell right now.

    How long should I expect to wait before these blisters/sores heal? What can I do to facilitate healing? Is there anything I can do to ease the pain? Do I need to lance/drain the blisters/sores? And how long should I wait before I contact my doctor?
  • Sep 19, 2010, 01:25 PM

    I would suggest seeing your doctor straight away in case you get an infection from the blisters and to rule out an std.
  • Sep 19, 2010, 01:26 PM

    You should contact your doctor as soon as possible, don't wait. You/and your b/f have caused severe damage to your vaginal area, opening yourself up for infection from, if you aren't careful, fecal matter. Why, or why did you let him treat you this roughly, and why didn't you have ky jelly or somethingg similar on hand; you didn't do anything yourself to prevent this damage.

    Just go see your doctor and don't drain the blistes or sores, just leave them.

    I can't tell you how repulsed I am that you let this happen. You should have more regard for your body next time and please don't be treated like a rag doll again.

  • Mar 25, 2013, 04:18 AM
    It sounds like this is just something caused by friction from the intense sex. One of my girlfreinds had this happen when she and her husband first began dating.

    Not certain why someone would be repulsed at the thought of someone having so much sex they got a blister from it?
    And saying this is severe damage is ridiculous.

    I would not suggest vaseline it could hold in germs.
    Neosporin sounds good as will soothe and also kill germs.

    They will be feeling better after the first 72 hours which is the acute period for an injury.
  • Mar 25, 2013, 08:35 AM
    Jennin, this thread is from 20l0, so OP probably has everything under control by now.

    You are not certain how someone could be repulsed from this. Well, I was at the time because they didn't know when to stop; isn't that bad enough, causing irritation?

    Nothing wrong with vaseline; neosporin not good around that area simply because if it gets inside the vagina, it will cause more problems with the Ph level of the vaginal walls being interrupted causing some other problems
  • May 8, 2013, 09:47 PM
    Actually the sex doesn't have to always be rough to get these friction blisters. My husband and I just had a lot of it for a couple of days and it happened. Its normal for it to be painful while walking because your just rubbing it more. It normally takes about 3 days and you will start feeling better but may take a week before you can be back to normal. I know its not good to try and pop them because like any other blister if you pop it you can cause it to get infected. If it pops on its on that's fine. Also to relieve it some take you a good hot bath and this will help clean you and also relieve you a little. Another is wear cotton panties(not too tight), keep it clean and dry always even if you have to change your panties 2 times daily. And the worst no sex until its completely healed because just like a blister on your heel it will keep being rubbed raw and be very sore. Hope I helped you a little.

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