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  • Dec 16, 2006, 06:07 AM
    How do I know if my Ex boyfriend still have feelings for me?
    OK here I go in 6th grade I got with Vegas Matuatia we lasted for 5 months together!! Well all we would do was hi and bye.My friends went up to him and asked him how come you never kissed your girlfriend.And Vegas sais I will kiss her when she tells me she's ready.So I thought that was the cutest thing and so sweat.But the weird thing is all we would do was say Hi and Bye he would never say you want to hang out w/ each other during lunch.Then sometimes he would call me during the weekend and that was the only time we would do conversations.Once were one of us has to go we say we love you to each other.The thing is I dumped him because I thought he didn't like me anymore.Then I could see thaT HE WAS ABOUT TO CRY.The reason why I broke up w/ him was because I thought he didn't like me instead of me breaking up w/ him.I should have asked him if he still likes me.Once I got home I started crying,I knew I did the wrong thing because I really love him w/ all my heart.So I want to know how do I get him back?And how would I know if he still have feelings for me?My paents desided to take me and my brother and a couple of our friends to come w/ us to Knotts scary farm.My brother invited his friend Brandon,Gerad and my ex boyfriend.and I invited my friend alexandria and Vanessa me my brother and alexandria were sitting in the back seat of the yukon.Well anyway I zpped me up and put my hood up and my friend alexandria told me that vegas was staring at me.then she told me he has feelings for u.Even my friend vanessa and my momsaid the same thing.the weird thing is when I wave to him or say hi vegas he says hi back.So I was wondering do you guys think that vegas still has feelings for me?if so I would really appreciate it .Thankyyyyyyou so much
    Merry Chrismas to everyone :( :confused: :eek:
  • Dec 16, 2006, 12:30 PM
    First Merry Chirstmas to you too!

    Now to my advice: At the point you seem to be at in your life, I would recommend just coming right out to him and asking him these questions. It seems like a safe play, when people are telling you that he still has feelings for you. Also, if you do decide to just tell him how you are feeling, your relationship will be stronger because you guys will have developed better communication. Because from my point of view, that is where you relationship struggled, communication. It seems the miscommunication made you dump him, and his own miscommunication made you believe that he wasn't interested in you. Now you know different. So I believe it to be in your best interest to call him up or go and talk to him about how you are feeling. Since he looks like he does still have feelings for you, he probably will want to be in a relationship with you. Just remember to be honest to yourself and him, and tell him how you are feeling and that what you did was out of confusion, not because you fell out of love with him. I hope I helped, and keep us informed...
  • Dec 19, 2006, 12:20 PM

    Originally Posted by Skinneygirl
    OK here I go in 6th grade I got with Vegas Matuatia we lasted fo 5 months together!!!Well all we would do was hi and bye.My friends went up to him and asked him how come u never kissed your girlfriend.And Vegas sais I will kiss her when she tells me shes ready.So I thought that was the cutest thing and so sweat.But the wierd thing is all we would do was say Hi and Bye he would never say you want to hang out w/ each other during lunch.Then sometimes he would call me during the weekend and that was the only time we would do conversations.Once were one of us has to go we say we love you to each other.The thing is i dumped him because i thought he didnt like me anymore.Then i could see thaT HE WAS ABOUT TO CRY.The reason why I broke up w/ him was because i thought he didnt like me instead of me breaking up w/ him.I should of asked him if he still likes me.Once i got home I started crying,I knew I did the wrong thing because i really love him w/ all my heart.So I want to know how do I get him back?And how would I know if he still have feelings for me?My paents desided to take me and my brother and a couple of our friends to come w/ us to Knotts scary farm.My brother invited his friend Brandon,Gerad and my ex boyfriend.and I invited my friend alexandria and Vanessa me my brother and alexandria were sitting in the back seat of the yukon.Well anyways i zpped me up and put my hood up and my friend alexandria told me that vegas was staring at me.then she told me he has feelings for u.Even my friend vanessa and my momsaid the same thing.the weird thing is when I wave to him or say hi vegas he says hi back.So I was wondering do you guys think that vegas still has feelings for me?if so I would really appreciate it .Thankyyyyyyou so much
    Merry Chrismas to everyone :( :confused: :eek:

    Please all teens reply, I really need your opinion
  • Dec 19, 2006, 12:43 PM
    Hey kiddo relax you're young just talk to him ask you're ques if you love each other you shouldn't have any problems talking things out truth is your best attribute when it comes to relationships don't be shy he probably is thinking and feeling the same way you do
  • Dec 20, 2006, 01:35 PM
    That's Happen To Me Before And I Just Wrote Him A Letter And Put My Feelings Together I Think You Should Just Write What's On Your Mind And Wait For His Answer
  • Dec 22, 2006, 09:12 AM
    the black dagger
    Say sorry take him 2 movies or park or sumwere were yor friends won't b then hel be less shy

    I may b 11 but I have expeririance I am a boy I no how there brains work

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