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  • Apr 23, 2010, 04:03 AM
    2 questions from a concerned christian
    Im a christian, a bit of a freelancer since I don't go to a church or read the bible. I know, sounds silly, but a few years ago I used to visit a chaplan with a friend once a week (at school) where I was taught the ways of god and I prayed to god for forgivness and salvation. I was pretty much left to my own devices after I left school as I could therfore not visit the chaplan. Like other christians I do question a lot and feel my faith is tested, though I do pray and talk to god to try and keep my faith and christian bond strong.
    Well first, since I bassically maintain my own faith and don't go to a church or read the bible does this make me... lesser compared to other christians?
    Secondly, I have a great fear of the "dark side" I guess you could say. How much does god shield me from evil?
  • Apr 23, 2010, 05:41 AM


    It is difficult for the Christian to really know God or His will for our lives without reading what he has to say to you. The only way to know him intimately is to read his word.

    Check out what the apostle Paul has to say about the word of God.: Hebrews 4:12

    For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

    What I am trying to say is this isn't just any ol book. It is important in your Christian walk...

    Check this out: Jermiah 10:23

    I know, O LORD, that a man's life is not his own; it is not for man to direct his steps

    Plus we are told we need to study the word this is what Paul says to Timothy:
    Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

    You need to be able to give people an answer for the hope that is in you because of Christ. How can you when you don't read the word? You don't know houw to back up what you believe with what God has to say.

    The Bible says this: romans 10:17 Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ

    Christians really need the Bible to know how to give people answers, to have the Lord speak to them through the scriputres and so the Lord can direct their steps.

    As far as being protected from evil. The Lord Jesus himself was confronted and tempted by Satan.. the only thing he used was the written word He answered satan with scripture he started his sentences with these three words.. IT IS WRITTEN. Finally satan left him. If Jesus needed to use the Bible against evil, how much more do we? The Word of God is our sword and shield against Satan. It is the ONLY thing satan even fears. If you know it. And you quote it... he will flee from you.

    You have no need to fear the "dark side" by the way.. because fear doesn't come from God. The Bible says WE have not been given a spirit of FEAR, but of LOVE, POWER and a SOUND MIND. If you have fear... READ the Bible.

    AND one last thing... we are also told not to avoid getting together with other Christians. We need one another.. Church really is important.

    Hebrews 10:25 Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

    Does this make you LESS for not reading the word or going to church. NO.. BUT if You are a believer and you Love the Lord why wouldn't you want to? The word of God is our spirtual food... basically, spirtually speaking, you are starving to death.

    One last thing, you say you are maintaining your faith. But the Lord says differently... did you know that Jesus says that without HIM you can do nothing.

    I'm just trying to encourage you, the Bible isn't boring at all. It isn't even hard to understand when you ask the Lord to help you. Try it.. you'll like it. :)
  • Apr 23, 2010, 06:03 AM

    Its not that I don't want to read the bible, I just find it tricky to understand, especially with the language used. See I live in a family where I am the only one who believes in god so I'm really just walking blind until I find which way I need to turn. I feel extremely disadvantaged, not being brought up in a house hold of god, or not having a church to attend and with people I can ask questions. I just need a bit of guidance.
    Thank you for helping me
  • Apr 23, 2010, 06:52 AM

    I don't know where you are from or where you live. But perhaps you can Google your area to find a bible believing church and maybe get involved in Bible study. Also try different translations online.. you can the Bible on your computer.

    Check out this webite... Search, Read, Study the Bible in Many Languages
  • Apr 23, 2010, 09:41 AM

    Originally Posted by Riot View Post
    its not that i dont want to read the bible, i just find it tricky to understand, especially with the language used. see i live in a family where i am the only one who belives in god so im really just walking blind untill i find which way i need to turn. i feel extremly disadvantaged, not being brought up in a house hold of god, or not having a church to attend and with people i can ask questions. i just need a bit of guidence.
    thank you for helping me

    If you're trying to read the King James that explains a lot. I grew up on it and memorized large parts of it but even I can't really understand it any more. Get yourself a copy of The Message; it's an excellent rendering that's especially for folks who don't want to get bogged down. It's a version that's faithful to the original while at the same time put into language that keeps things moving, so to speak. The New International Version is a good one for study, but for just sitting down and reading, it's hard to beat The Message.

    As for turning to the Dark Side, Jesus said that if you're his then nothing and nobody can pluck you out of his hand. But as long as you're going to be in his hand, you may as well establish an ongoing conversation with him.
  • Apr 23, 2010, 12:55 PM


    Totally agree. The link I posted is really good because for each verse in the bible it gives many of the different translations. I use it all the time.

    Riot, what Dave said is so true... nothing and nobody can pluck you out of his hand. AMEN take comfort in that.
  • Apr 23, 2010, 01:28 PM

    "i have a great fear of the "dark side" i guess you could say. how much does god shield me from evil?"

    I agree with what classyT has said. God may not shield us from evil but reading his word will protects us from what evil we may face. 2 Timothy 3:16 says "All Scripture is inspired by god and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, and for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness." So any situation you may face, having an accurate knowledge of god will help in any problem.

    One protection you can count on is at 1 Corinthians 10:13 "No temptation has taken YOU except what is common to men. But God is faithful, and he will not let YOU be tempted beyond what YOU can bear, but along with the temptation he will also make the way out in order for YOU to be able to endure it." God knows each of us better than we no ourselves and knows what we can bear and will not let us be tempted any more than that. Any more than that
  • Apr 23, 2010, 05:05 PM

    Originally Posted by Riot View Post
    its not that i dont want to read the bible, i just find it tricky to understand, especially with the language used. see i live in a family where i am the only one who belives in god so im really just walking blind untill i find which way i need to turn. i feel extremly disadvantaged, not being brought up in a house hold of god, or not having a church to attend and with people i can ask questions. i just need a bit of guidence.
    thank you for helping me

    Have you ever heard of Benny Hinn?
    He has a very interesting story which sounds similar to yours. Look him up on the internet and see how much he had to go through in his young life. Persecution, rejection by his entire family, to hatred by everyone. But somehow he found a way, Now he is one of the most influential preachers/teachers in the modern world.
    There are many many versions of the bible, from the King James, to the New King James, to the New American Standard to The Message. Search out one that easy for you to read and understand and start reading.
  • Apr 24, 2010, 01:55 AM

    Thank you everyone. I've also been talking to an old friend about the same issue and he's helping me break sections down to read in the bible, such as today I read 1 John and then I plan to then read Romans and then Ephesians, which are apparently about restoration, so it's a good place to start, I don't feel as over whealmed anymore.
    Thanks again
  • Apr 24, 2010, 11:25 AM

    Riot - the good thing is that your story describes nearly all of the people I know who are genuine disciples of Christ. The road to the Kingdom of God is often one that is not laid out clearly and neatly, so to speak. What I mean is that our lives don't strictly follow the path of getting saved, going to a bible-believing church, and making great leaps and bounds in faith, etc. That's more the American way than anything else. I have a friend who became a Christian while living in India, at the young age of 12. Both of his parents died in a horrible accident and he and his 19 year old sister were left to start over their lives, living in a culture where his own remaining family wanted to kill him because he was a Christian. He fled India to come to the U.S. just to live.

    In my own life, I struggled intensely with my own doubt concerning the sincerity of my faith. I became a Christian at 24 and started attending a fundamentalist church. I even went to a bible college because I thought it was the right thing to do by God. However, going to this particular bible college brought me to a defining moment in my Christian life. It forced me to question whether I believed any of the stuff I was being taught. I remember even asking whether I believed in God or not. Most of this was really due to my theological differences with fundamentalism and not with God but I didn't have the understanding to sort that stuff out then. But how do you resist the teachings of a church community that seems so convincing when you do not possess the understanding to refute ideas and paradigms that challenge your entire worldview? It was a struggle of my mind and heart and was absolutely crushing in many ways. Because ultimately I believed I took God very seriously but I opposed the worldview being given to me by people who seemed to know what it was God was saying better than I did. In that spot, it's hard to know whether I really loved God or just hated the teaching of a few men.

    The point of saying all of this is that even if you find a community of Christians and get into a bible study, etc. you will struggle at points along the way. Your faith will be tested greatly because everyone who takes God seriously gets tested. God trains (disciplines) those he loves as the writer of Hebrews puts it. Sometimes Christians can be the hardest people to get along with because we believe we know so much. All that I am trying to say is that you are best served by having both eyes wide open to your situation and where it is you desire to go. Your life may or may not be enhanced by a church any more than your own situation at home is. I pray that you can find someplace where the church leadership (at least some) display integrity and humility.

    Riot, it is a good idea to try and put yourself out there and try to learn about God, as others have already advised. Dwashbur aptly pointed out that ultimately God will not let one of his own fall but sometimes the question we have is "it's not that I doubt God's ability to protect one of his own; but am I one of God's own?" I believe that our faith is one that endures a process of coming to grips with our guilt before God and our coming to believe in the mercy of God. But it is our commitment that we sometimes struggle with... do I actually believe this stuff and do I take God seriously or not? I think that as we go through our lives, we learn what sort of person we really are. Whether our hearts be good or evil... whether we love God or hate him. So just know that as you live your life, you will face struggles. You and I all have much to learn. Being a disciple of Jesus is both incredibly fulfilling and yet incredibly painful at times. But in the end, as it is my own hope, I trust that all of the struggles and joys of this life aren't worthy to be compared with the glory that awaits those who long for it. I pray that God brings you into the path of those who are interested in that and it is my prayer that you are interested in that as well.
  • Apr 25, 2010, 04:31 AM
    A lot of the time when I pray it feels like I'm talking to no one, or that there is a barriar, but I pray anyway because I have faith that god can hear me.

    Getting involved with a church is tricky for me, for I don't know what one to go to, baptist? Brethren? All the others...
    I also live in the apparent "bible belt" of the state I live in (Australia way). Of course this is both good and bad for it lets me accociate with many other christians, but at the same these 'groups' (or churches) are tight communitys and I would feel as if I am intruding into a place I no nothing of how they percive the bible and what they do differently from other churches. And how many times would I have to change churches till I find one I like?

    Today was Sunday. Sure, I didn't go to church like the others, but I still prayed and had a talk to god anyway.
    I try my best to determine what's right and wrong and have a sense of justice, feeling what I do about a situation would be what god would will me to do. Sure we're not perfect, but I try my best. Does god know I try? I don't know, but I try anyway.

    Maybe I will try to find that chaplin I talked to back in high school
  • Apr 25, 2010, 05:50 AM

    Please. Your overwhealming me and I do not know the answer to all your questions.
    No I don't know if I'm meant to pray directly to god or if I'm meant to pray through to god via jesus
    And no I do not know what the lords prayers are or where they are to be found
  • Apr 25, 2010, 06:31 AM

    The main issue that the bible tells us to fellowship with other Christians and it is important first so that we grow in our faith and work together for the good of the church here on earth.

    It was so important that the early christians risked their lives, as do people in nations where it is illegal to be a Christian today meet at risk of their own life.

    So you visit several, and find the type of service first that fits you. There are formal services in churches with icons that help some find a closeness with God

    There are others where a more interactive service with the worshipers are done.

    The fact is, that all of them can bring you to a better relationship.
    But finding the one that you feel at home is, is done by visiting dozens of them.

    My Sunday service is done in a store front, and almost everyone wears Jeans or shorts and T shirts, so some may not feel OK there, if they want to be in suits and formal dresses. But if that is what they want, there are 10 down the street that does.
  • Apr 25, 2010, 03:32 PM

    Originally Posted by Riot View Post
    well first, sinse i bassically maintain my own faith and dont go to a church or read the bible does this make me... lesser compared to other christians?

    Hi Riot-

    There was an analogy that I heard once that came to mind as I read your question, and I wanted to take a moment to share. In the spirit of full disclosure, I want to be clear that I used to be a Christian, but have since gone through some changes in my beliefs/thoughts and am currently of a more agnostic bent than anything else. I do, however, understand your concern, and I hope that my time as a Catholic Christian can be of some help...

    Not being part of a church doesn't make you 'less of a christian'- but it makes it harder for you to remain resilient in your beliefs, and more difficult for you to transpose your beliefs into action in your daily life. The function of church is to have a supportive community in your Christian walk. Life isn't easy, and you often are faced with struggles and difficulties that require your response, either in word or action. I'm sure all would agree that life can be a challenge at times, and sometimes it's all you can do to just hang on and live according to your ideals, regardless of your religion...

    And now the analogy:

    Envision yourself hanging onto the edge of a cliff. The cliff represents your life as a Christian, remaining true to the ideals and beliefs that you hold-when you are alone in your walk, it's just you... sometimes you slip, fall, and you're hanging onto the edge, dangling there. If you have a friend or two, they might be above the cliff... and they can try to pull you back up on top. But who knows, they might be dangling there right next to you! However, odds are if you have a large support group, sure some might be hanging there with you- but there are bound to be many also able to help pull you back to "safety"- And what would you prefer? To hang there by yourself? To have one or two people try to pull you back up? Or a whole community working together to help pull those who are just "hanging on" back up to solid ground?

    Most would prefer to have all the support and help they can get- and that is, as I understand, one of the main functions of being part of a church. Even if your beliefs don't exactly align with the churches you attend at first, it is a process of finding where you fit- and if people in these churches see you genuinely seeking to figure things out, I would imagine that they'd be supportive of you in your journey- and will be able to form at least some sort of temporary network of support as you continue seeking. You may even find that those you don't necessarily see eye to eye with can come to be your biggest support.

    I hope this is helpful!
  • Apr 26, 2010, 01:03 AM
    Thank you Chuck and Margog, you were much more helpful.

    I am going to see a friend tommorw who is chirstian and I will discuss the various churches of our town and see what I can do about it

    Actually come to think of it, a lot of my christian friends attend different churches around the place, so maybe I should gather their oppinions too
  • Apr 26, 2010, 09:48 AM

    Originally Posted by Riot View Post
    thank you everyone. ive also been talking to an old friend about the same issue and he's helping me break sections down to read in the bible, such as today i read 1 John and then i plan to then read Romans and then Ephesians, which are apparently about restoration, so its a good place to start, i dont feel as over whealmed anymore.
    thanks again

    Hi riot,
    Don't forget the Old Testament. A good place to start reading is beginning at Judges and reading on into the books of Samuel. They show God working in the lives of both people and nations, and there's a lot of restoration in those stories. But the nice thing about them, the thing that makes them good reading, is the fact that they *are* stories. With a decent modern version like the New International or the Message, it's fun to read.
  • Apr 26, 2010, 09:33 PM

    You have been given some good advice.God does hear every prayer you have uttered aloud or with thought.
    Here is The Lord's Prayer that Jesus taught us to pray. It is a good way to start your daily prayers.
    Our Father, which art in heaven,
    Hallowed be thy name;
    Thy kingdom come;
    Thy will be done,
    In earth as it is in heaven.
    Give us this day our daily bread.
    And forgive us our trespasses,
    As we forgive them that trespass against us.
    And lead us not into temptation;
    But deliver us from evil.
    [For thine is the kingdom,
    The power, and the glory,
    For ever and ever.]
    Peace and kindness,
  • Apr 27, 2010, 12:20 AM
    I Newton


    Now you have your prayer

    Now approach tow or three people from each religion, separately, and ask each one of them separately if they know what the Lord's Payer means.

    See how many of them can explain the Lord's Prayer simply and easily and in less than two

    Edited "again"
  • Apr 27, 2010, 12:49 AM

    Originally Posted by I Newton View Post
    Is what I have just posted, wrong in any way?

    Well, writing "tow" instead of "two," twice no less, might qualify.
  • Apr 27, 2010, 12:57 AM

    Originally Posted by Riot View Post

    Today was sunday. sure, i didnt go to church like the others, but i still prayed and had a talk to god anyway.

    From one believer to another, I think as you are looking for guidance,maybe you could say a prayer everyday and keep the connection with the Almighty and not reserve it just for Sundays.


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