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  • Mar 9, 2010, 12:06 AM
    What do I do about vaginal bumps that aren't painful and don't seem like ingrown hairs
    I am nineteen years old, I have been having sex since I was 14, and shaving my vagina since I was thirteen, I have recently developed lumps varying in size, but all smaller than a pea. There are roughly five of them now, three are barely noticeable. I have had one for a while, and it's on the outer labia (about a year) but the rest have developed within the last month or so, and I have been with my current boyfriend for 4 months now. They aren't painful, and they don't seem like ingrown hairs. I have tried popping them like a zit with tweezers but they just bleed, nothing comes out and the lumps remain, I don't have a vehicle so I can't get to my doctor. If anyone has any answers please let me know, I'm a little nervous about them, and confused as well. I don't think it's herpes or genital warts, but I know I should get tested anyway, I just wanted some feedback before I do as I am very worried. Thanks, let me know.
  • Mar 9, 2010, 05:54 PM

    Look up Bartholin Cysts but the best thing is to see a doctor. Perhaps a friend or family member can take you since you don't have a car.

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