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  • Dec 13, 2009, 11:39 PM
    Why is my dog suddenly peeing and pooping in the house?
    My dog Cheyenne is a Yorkshire Terrier she is the Silky Yorkie. She is about 2 years old and never used to have this problem with peeing and pooping in the house. I'm worried, I don't know why she stopped going outside. When I put her outside, she goes but then she goes MORE inside! Nothing changed in the house, just been a bit stressful but that's it, nothing more, nothing less. I'm worried because my parents said that if she keeps having accidents in the house, we have to get rid of her and Cheyenne is like my baby :(. Please someone help me figure out why she started this! If it helps we live in a warmish state so it only gets to about 30 degrees so it's not that cold to where she can't go outside. Please someone help me before it's too late for her! I can't give her up :(
  • Dec 13, 2009, 11:41 PM
    Why is my dog suddenly peeing and pooping in the house?
    My dog Cheyenne is a Yorkshire Terrier she is the Silky Yorkie. She is about 2 years old and never used to have this problem with peeing and pooping in the house. I'm worried, I don't know why she stopped going outside. When I put her outside, she goes but then she goes MORE inside! Nothing changed in the house, just been a bit stressful but that's it, nothing more, nothing less. I'm worried because my parents said that if she keeps having accidents in the house, we have to get rid of her and Cheyenne is like my baby . Please someone help me figure out why she started this! If it helps we live in a warmish state so it only gets to about 30 degrees so it's not that cold to where she can't go outside. Please someone help me before it's too late for her! I can't give her up
    p.s.- I don't know if this helps even more but she is the runt of her litter (got her from a breeder)
  • Dec 14, 2009, 12:06 AM

    Has she been to the vet recently for a check-up?
    If she is urinating frequently it could be because she has a urinary tract infection.

    Another thing is you say it has been stressful around home?
    Does this mean raised voices, being home less often or having extra people come around?

    I know with mine if we have a big group of people here sometimes they get a little stressed out and confused and can wee in the house, they never go inside if it is just people they know here.
  • Dec 14, 2009, 07:15 AM

    No, she hasn't been to the vet recently, should I take her? There are sometimes raised voices and arguing but that's it. No people come in the house much.
  • Dec 14, 2009, 08:11 AM

    She could just be reacting to the changes around the house, it might not seem much to you but it may be stressing her out and she thinks that the yelling is directed at her.

    It never hurts to get a vet to look at her just to be safe though.
  • Dec 14, 2009, 05:25 PM

    Well the stress is nothing that new... but I'll talk to my parents about taking her to the vet. Could this be because she's the runt of her litter? I got her from a breeder. Silky Yorkies are supposed to be around 16-20 pounds, Cheyenne is about 6. She is a major runt. Could this maybe be a problem? Aren't runts more prone to illnesses?
  • Dec 14, 2009, 06:41 PM

    It would depend, some runts can be underdeveloped in some areas whereas others can be perfectly healthy. I have only had experience with one runt and he died within a few days of being born because his lungs just weren't completely right (I'm not saying that to scare you by the way!)
    But I do know other breeders who have sold runts and they have lived perfectly healthy lives.
    Unfortunately your vet would be the only one who can tell you the health of yours.

    When she has accidents inside does she actually squat to pee or does she do it laying down or while sleeping?
  • Jan 11, 2010, 11:57 PM

    I have no idea... we never catch her. That's the problem.
  • Jan 12, 2010, 02:07 PM

    Do you let her eat throughout the day or does she have meal-times? How much is she being fed (treats included)? Was her food or feeding changed before this started?

    Have there been any new additions to the household-people or animals of any type? Does she have a crate or area that is 'hers' to escape to if she feels stressed?

    How has your schedule changed with school? When this started was it after a long break from school when you spent more time with her?

    Have you contacted the breeder to see if other pups have had this problem occur after they were fully grown?

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