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  • Oct 1, 2009, 12:56 PM
    Smokeing pot
    I wanted to know if smokeing pot can do damage to your lungs like cigarettes can
  • Oct 1, 2009, 01:11 PM

    Actually yes, in fact a lot more damage then that. At least with cigs you have a filter.

  • Oct 1, 2009, 01:12 PM

    Yes, and your brain and your heart.

    But in the big scheme of things, if you are worried that pot is bad for you, I wouldn't put lungs at the top of the list.
  • Oct 1, 2009, 01:32 PM

    Originally Posted by searchen View Post
    I wanted to know if smokeing pot can do damage to your lungs like cigarettes can

    I would recommend not smoking weed. It's not good for your body, and it's against the law.

    They say because pot smoke is inhaled deeper into the lungs, that it does deep down damage.

    Stay away from it at all costs, as it really does lead to harder drugs.

    Good luck to you.
  • Oct 1, 2009, 01:39 PM
    Hi, searchen!

    Yes, smoking it can do damage. Any type of smoke can damage a persons' lungs, if inhaled on a regular basis.

    Have you been smoking pot or thinking about smoking pot?

  • Oct 4, 2009, 02:41 PM

    The additives in cigarettes actually do more harm and are cancer causing. And the cigarettes are harder to quit than pot due to the additives.

    Neither one is good for your body or your mind.
  • Oct 4, 2009, 05:40 PM
    Thank you all for your answers... I don't smoke pot.. but I do have a 20 yr old son who does and he's having a bad cough and just wanted to see if this could be the cause. Thanks again.
  • Oct 20, 2009, 06:34 AM

    Smoking one single joint contains over five thousand different harmful chemicals and has about 6 times the amount of tar in it. A ton of damage is done on the lungs but a lot more on the brain, try to get him to stop as soon as possible to prevent further damge being done to his body.
  • Oct 20, 2009, 07:33 AM
    Sure. Any foreign substance inhaled into your lungs causes irritation. And that irritation can eventually lead to disease such as chronic bronchitis, emphysema, cancer, etc. That's why asbestos has become so controversial. Lots of people who worked around chemicals such as paints and other substances end up with lung disease.
  • Oct 21, 2009, 02:30 PM

    Hi spyrall1234. You had better read the forum basics before you disagree. You have to be disagreeing to a factually incorrect post and I wasn't talking about bongs or how weed is filtered.

    And for there record, I have never smoked a joint with a filter on it. So where do you get joints with filters ?

  • Oct 21, 2009, 02:42 PM

    Almost all of the information on pot here is wrong, first you all need to watch this doctumentary
    the union - Google Videos watch the bery first viedo, a joint is probably the most damaging way marujuna can enter your lungs (a joint is defined as a marujuna CIGARETTE) a bong will help considerably , and a vaporizer will help beyond belief , what a vaporizer does is it stops you from smoking any plant substance at all (which by the it's a plant! How the hell is their tar in it! Where do all these chemicals come from it's the same thing as lighening up a blade of grass, (Which any heated substance will harm your lungs anyway but no where near as bad as cigarettes)) it vaporizes the THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) which is only 1 chemical instead of 5000 from cigarettes . If you say marujuna signifgantly hurts your lungs then Michael phelps has signifgantly messed up lungs as he smokes from bongs, barrack obama said he inhaled everyday frequently when he was a kid (look it up), steve jobs who invented apple mad his first computer high, almost every single artist you've ever listened to , the creator of CNN still smokes a joint everyday,

    Though with all of this said in moderation is the best policy if your son smokes everyday most likely he won't be that successful but you never know (Obama) , but to decrease the risk without destroying the leisure tell him to limit himself
  • Oct 21, 2009, 02:55 PM
    Sorry tickle about the rating and form basic things I am new, but you usually roll your own joints and you can make many homemade filters, but you can buy good ones from homemade bong shops and if you really wanted to you could take all the cigarrete mix out of a cigarette anf fill it with weed though it wouldn't get you that high. Also if your still unsure a good oppsoing look on popular pot beliefs is to watch the doctumentary that was but in the candian film festival and you can also rent from block buster I have posted, but marujuna is harmful to the lungs as any heated substance is but 0 marajuna smoking only people die each year, will under half a million americans die of cigarettes each year, more people die from coffee or tyneol related causes than weed.
  • Oct 21, 2009, 03:01 PM

    Hi Spiral again. You asked how tar can be in a plant, read on:

    Effects of varying marijuana potency on deposition of tar and delta9-THC in the lung during smoking
    Matthias P, Tashkin DP, Marques-Magallanes JA,
    Wilkins JN, Simmons MS
    Department of Medicine,
    UCLA School of Medicine,
    Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA.
    Pharmacol Biochem Behav 1997 Dec; 58(4):1145-50


    To determine whether smoking more, compared to less, potent marijuana (MJ) cigarettes to a desired level of intoxication ("high") reduces pulmonary exposure to noxious smoke components, in 10 habitual smokers of MJ, we measured respiratory delivery and deposition of tar and delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) boost, smoking topography, including cumulative puff volume (CPV) and breathholding time, change in heart rate (deltaHR) and "high" during ad lib smoking of 0, 1.77, and 3.95% MJ cigarettes on 3 separate days. At each session, subjects had access to only a single MJ cigarette. On average, smoking topography and COHb boost did not differ across the different strengths of MJ, while THC delivery, as well as HR, were significantly greater (p < 0.01) and tar deposition significantly less (p < 0.03) for 3.95% than 1.77% MJ. Although individual adaptations in smoking topography for 3.95% compared to 1.77% MJ were highly variable, three subjects with the lowest 3.95% MJ:1.77% MJ ratios for CPV also displayed the lowest 3.95% MJ:1.77% MJ ratios for tar deposition. In vitro studies using a standardized smoking technique revealed a mean 25% lower tar yield from 3.95% than 1.77% MJ (p < 0.05), but no difference between 1.77% and 0% marijuana. Under the conditions of this study, we conclude that tar delivery is reduced relative to THC content in a minority of subjects, and this reduction appears to be due to a reduced intake of smoke (decreased CPV) and/or a reduced tar yield from the stronger MJ preparation.
  • Oct 21, 2009, 03:05 PM

    Originally Posted by Spyral1234 View Post
    sorry tickle about the the rating and form basic things i am new, but you usually roll your own joints and you can make many homemade filters, but you can buy good ones from homemade bong shops and if you really wanted to you could take all the cigarrete mix out of a cigarette anf fill it with weed though it wouldnt get you that high. Also if your still unsure a good oppsoing look on popular pot beliefs is to watch the doctumentary that was but in the candian film festival and you can also rent from block buster i have posted, but marujuna is harmful to the lungs as any heated substance is but 0 marajuna smoking only people die each year, will under half a million americans die of cigarettes each year, more people die from coffee or tyneol related causes than weed.

    Thanks, Spyral, I had a first hand view of 'the weed' years ago, and we grew amazing plants, so there is nothing you can teach me about it. I never enjoyed smoking weed. I have also posted a good article on 'tar' .

  • Oct 21, 2009, 03:18 PM
    Sorry I agree tickle that you are right on that tar is in marujuana do to further research, but this tar does not come from THC it comes from the plant material that is marujuana, this study said that tar is relative in to THC content and CPV (how much big their puff is) the reason they have more thc content is because they inhaled better , the reason that more tar is deposited is because to get more thc out of a joint you also need more plant material, so in joints you are correct that inhaling deeply hurts your lungs more then how you smoke a cigarrette yet the content in the cigarette could be more harmful,

    Though a vaporizer does the job of removing the thc from the rest of the plant material , which is where the tar comes from,

    If you have never used a vaporizer it leaves the plant material there afterwards and after its dried looks just like regular weed... just with no potency
  • Oct 21, 2009, 03:21 PM
    Oh I thought you did smoke weed at one point, but I'm not trying to say tickle that you are unknowledge able of marjuana , but further and further research comes out everyday and usually when you lose interest in a something you have less motivation to look at further research

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