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  • Aug 25, 2009, 03:25 PM
    How 2 get rid of red permanent marks between eyebrows, spots, scab
    I was wondering if anyone could help me you see, I started plucking my eyebrows and red marks and small puss filled spots started appearing. Obviously, once you start plucking you have to carry on because the hair starts to grow more stubborn and strong. Anyway, I continued in getting rid of the hair (which grows back straight away) and the spots would get picked and replaced by scabs and more redness. The scabs end up all peely whenever I pluck. Now unfortunately, I have 2 permanent marks on either sides of the inside of my eyebrows which looks really really stupid.I pluck everyday and more spots, scabs and redness (which doesn't fade at all) appear. My mum thinks I use a razor between my eyebrows and everyone meakes fun of the marks and spots etc, that's how bad it is. Please can anyone help me
  • Aug 25, 2009, 03:26 PM

  • Aug 25, 2009, 03:31 PM

    Make up irritates my skin and plus I doubt it whether make up would cover it up. They are 2 really red marks which u can see from the other side of the room and look even worse when light is shining on my face.
  • Aug 25, 2009, 03:39 PM

    Urm, have you tried a cream?
  • Aug 25, 2009, 03:41 PM

    Sounds to me like you are getting some ingrown hairs.

    I recommend first seeing your doctor.

    Then, think about this. Were you happier with your eyebrows as-is, or now when they have all these problems caused by you trying to change your appearance?
    Have some self-confidence! It'll help in life!
  • Aug 25, 2009, 03:45 PM

    Erm no I haven't used a certain cream. The truth is I'm scared of what might happen. I know it can't get any worse but I just don't know what 2 do. Plus I'm embarresed 2 tlk 2 family about it.
    Thank you HelpinHere, I appreciate your 'words of wisdom'
  • Aug 25, 2009, 03:47 PM

    By the ways thank you to anyone taking their time out to help me I really appreciate it. Thanks a lot
  • Aug 25, 2009, 03:49 PM

    Sorry I've given crap advisee. I'm new and I'm only 14 :)
  • Aug 25, 2009, 03:54 PM

    Sorry I've given crap advisee. I'm new and I'm only 14
    Its OK u made me think. (vaseline is not really affective is it lol)
  • Aug 25, 2009, 03:59 PM

    Originally Posted by Annonimus View Post
    sorry i've given crap advisee. i'm new and i'm only 14 :)

    Don't apologize. You're trying.

    Your age has nothing to do with the advice you've given, nor does your time here.
    If you're trying to give better advice, check around and give advice on what you know a lot about. If you know about cats, go to that thread. If you know about computers, go to those threads. Speaking from experience, I know that just being here and reading more posts will help you learn a lot, but it's best not to post when you don't know what you're talking about... (I've gotten trouble on a couple of occasions, lol).

    Keep trying, you'll get the hang of how things work around here! :)
  • Aug 25, 2009, 04:05 PM

    Sudocrem helps provent redness doesn't it? Sorry for my grama mistakes.
  • Aug 25, 2009, 04:21 PM

    Originally Posted by Annonimus View Post
    sorry i've given crap advisee. i'm new and i'm only 14 :)

    I'm 14 as well that's why its so damn hard to sort my problems out:confused:
  • Aug 25, 2009, 04:25 PM

    My boyfriend has the same problem to be honest, he's 14 too. Like he gets spots in middle of his eye brows (were top of nose is) and he has a unibrow but he cuts them so there seprate, there not bad but you could tell if you let it grow. Maybe try using some sudercrem over night, or toothpaste? I put toothpaste on spots when I get them, it provents them being bright red :)

    I hope I've helped, if this still doesn't work try other creams, but if you're so bothered about it go to your docter, he could proscribe you something good.
  • Mar 5, 2010, 04:29 PM
    Ahh I have generally the same problem in between my eyebrows... I don't know if it's all better or not yet but I always have to cover mine up with makeup and when it's bad that doesn't even work. It's so embarrassing to have this. But it's improved a lot for me when I get creams from dermetologists, put ice on it, or put tea tree oil on it. GOOD LUCK (if you still need it) :P
  • Mar 11, 2010, 02:21 PM

    Have you tried a creame design for razor bumps? Something like tend skin.
  • Mar 13, 2010, 09:10 AM

    No I have'nt do you think if I go to my doctor he could prescribe something or would he refer me to a dermetologist. And thank you for the suggestions people but I've tried tree tea oil and sudocreme and toothpaste and vaseline. I haven't tried no proper creams yet though because I don't have a clue which one would work most effectively giving my condition. Thank you to everyone who has spent their time writing their suggestions, I really appreciate it.
  • Apr 14, 2012, 09:19 PM
    Ive been through this, it is very embaressing. So, what you have to do is get some bread, and wet it with some cold water. Then put the bread on the area, and keep it on for about 30 minutes - 1 hour. Then take if off and wash your face, do the same procedure 2-3 times. Then the next day it would have dried up and when you peel it it will not show after that.
  • Apr 14, 2012, 09:22 PM
    Oh just realised this was three years ago..
  • Jun 4, 2012, 01:36 PM
    I have the same trouble and its desgusting for me. Im sssooo embaressed by it and it puts my ego down. Im a very pretty person but the red spots make me look like bla. I think you just need to wash your fave every night. Here's how:

    Splash you face with like warm water ( u don't want hot or it will dry out the skin)
    Then with those mesh scrubbers, scrub very gentely on your skin.
    Then splash your face with cool water ( not to cold or it will dry out the skin)
    Then pat dry with a fresh dry flannel.
    Then apply a super thin layer of lotion ( not too much lotion or it will clog pores) and get a lotion that's organic. Then keep washing your face for at least a month and you will see results!!
    Then glance at your face in the mirror and gleam with ego

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