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  • Oct 21, 2006, 03:32 PM
    Truck driving with felony
    I am a convicted felon looking for a job in the truck driving, industry, my conviction is 6 years old, I am looking for trucking companies that are willing to hire a truck driver with a criminal past.
  • Oct 21, 2006, 03:46 PM
    I am married to a long haul, random route, over-a-million-miles-accident-free driver. He said right off how's your drving record? He also said that while you'll be able to get a CDL (commercial drivers license) you won't ever qualify for what's called a haz mat (hazardous materials) endorsement because of the background checks the Homeland Securities Act now requires. Soooooo, he advises several things. Get to a truck stop and pick up the magazines there - they are loaded with ads. Start calling around to see if you can find a company that 1) will take you without a haz mat endorsement and 2) will provide for or pay for the schooling necessary to gain your CDL like-- Werner, Snyder International or CR England or maybe JB Hunt (not sure if they still do but they used to). Just go down the list calling and asking those two questions until you hit paydirt.

    Everyone makes mistakes -- what's important is what is learned from them. I hope that helps!
  • Nov 21, 2006, 03:43 PM
    I'm sorry this isn't going to be much help but I seem to remember a television show on TLC or discovery that followed convicted felons that got jobs driving trucks. Truck companies came to the prisons and recruited those inmates that were close to being released. Now I don't know the names of the companies perhaps the ones Val provided you with but the reason I'm typing all this out is I'm wondering if you could call the prison you stayed in and ask if they know about this hiring program and who you might be able to contact.
  • Aug 23, 2007, 12:11 PM

    Originally Posted by ZZZZ
    i am a convicted felon looking for a job in the truck driving, industry, my conviction is 6 years old, i am looking for trucking companies that are willing to hire a truck driver with a criminal past.

    I m trying to get in truck driving school i ben jail for 15years i done my time and i wants to find a school that will accept felony
  • Sep 3, 2007, 04:16 PM
    You should look at public Tech or career colleges. They are more concerned with your driving record than criminlal record.
  • Oct 31, 2007, 07:54 PM
    I know of a few trucking companies that hire felons but most of them are over the road with not much home time
  • Nov 1, 2007, 09:48 AM
    How far back do companys go with backround check?
  • Nov 1, 2007, 02:01 PM
    It depends on the crime I know of some that will hire even if you are on parole but you do need driving time of at least 1 year
  • Nov 8, 2007, 10:08 PM

    Originally Posted by dbarta
    i know of a few trucking companies that hire felons but most of them are over the road with not much home time

    Can you please send me the name of these companies that accept felons.
  • Nov 24, 2007, 03:32 PM

    Originally Posted by dbarta
    i know of a few trucking companies that hire felons but most of them are over the road with not much home time

    So what companys hire people with records cause I can't find any
  • Dec 6, 2007, 05:09 PM

    Originally Posted by dbarta
    i know of a few trucking companies that hire felons but most of them are over the road with not much home time

    What are the companies name since I tried so many. Help thanks:confused:
  • Dec 11, 2007, 09:56 PM
    Be your own boss! Get you own authority (ICC) and then you can work for just about anyone. Check out the FMCSA site for details.
  • Dec 17, 2007, 09:09 PM

    Originally Posted by jerzeygirl36
    Be your own boss! Get you own authority (ICC) and then you can work for just about anyone. Check out the FMCSA site for details.

    What exactly will this do? I am a convicted felon with a drug offense. I have been accepted to a truck driving school and want to pursue a career in truck driving.
    I did 1 year in prison in 2004 and I am clean.

    I am afraid to commit to the financial obligations of the school until I can find a company that will possibly hire me. I am willing to go OTR..

    How would this benefit me in getting a employer tp look at me?

  • Dec 21, 2007, 12:22 PM

    Originally Posted by brown7477
    What exactly will this do? I am a convicted felon with a drug offense. I have been accepted to a truck driving school and want to pursue a career in truck driving.
    I did 1 year in prison in 2004 and I am clean.

    I am afraid to commit to the financial obligations of the school until I can find a company that will possibly hire me. I am willing to go OTR ..

    How would this benefit me in getting a employer tp look at me??


    Well, when you become a Motor Carrier under your own authority you are not really looking for an employer. You are self-employed. You provide your own insurance, permits, fuel, truck etc. You post your truck online daily and brokers will start calling you directly. As long as everything is okay with your truck (insurance & ICC) and you have no open complaints (civil or criminal) they will offer you the loads. You bargain for the price. Of course there will be other things involved. You will need cash for the authority ($300) and the insurance(shop around). There's quarterly fuel tax reports which you must submit. It's worth it though! You are eliminating "the employer". More money in your pocket.
  • Jan 14, 2008, 02:47 PM

    Originally Posted by dbarta
    i know of a few trucking companies that hire felons but most of them are over the road with not much home time

    Wich truck companys hire felons
  • Jan 14, 2008, 03:06 PM

    Originally Posted by Grapeman
    wich truck companys hire felons

    Carolina Cargo for sure. What disqualified me was a speeding ticket of over 15mph. If it would have been 15mph or less it wouldn't of been a big deal.But I have a 4 year old felony, and a OWI conviction only 4 years old too. Offense was 2001 but conviction was 2003.

    E W Wylie may look at you also. My speeding ticket got me there also.

    40 years old and 1 speeding ticket in my life.

    Good Luck. And don't give up.
    I know I am still beating the bushes.
  • Jan 15, 2008, 12:54 PM
    Thank you are a life saver I will check into it.
  • Jan 17, 2008, 09:31 PM

    Originally Posted by valinors_sorrow
    I am married to a long haul, random route, over-a-million-miles-accident-free driver. He said right off how's your drving record? He also said that while you'll be able to get a CDL (commercial drivers license) you won't ever qualify for what's called a haz mat (hazardous materials) endorsement because of the background checks the Homeland Securities Act now requires. Soooooo, he advises several things. Get to a truck stop and pick up the magazines there - they are loaded with ads. Start calling around to see if you can find a company that 1) will take you without a haz mat endorsement and 2) will provide for or pay for the schooling necessary to gain your CDL like-- Werner, Snyder International or CR England or maybe JB Hunt (not sure if they still do but they used to). Just go down the list calling and asking those two questions until you hit paydirt.

    Everyone makes mistakes -- what's important is what is learned from them. I hope that helps!

    Persons with a Felony can get a hazmat endorsement depending on the charge. Schenider National will not hire US convicted felons and neither will JB Hunt
  • Apr 20, 2008, 09:10 AM
    Depends on the day and time and you can find a company that hires felons. If you run around and call EVERYONE will say they don't hire felons. You need to write a letter - submit the letter and an application. Your driving record should be perfect - tickets or DUIs will make it near impossible. ANY school that agrees to take you should help you get a job. I own two schools and that doesn't job assist is not valid. Any school that will grab your money knowing you have a felony and not telling you how to go about getting hired is not valid.

    Getting your own authority is do-able but EXPENSIVE. First you have to buy a truck and a trailer. Try to do that for under 10K - then you need to get the authority. You own your own business - there is taxes and other issues involved here too and now with fuel being what it is you wont make anything.

    I never suggest buying a truck straight out of school - it's a good way to go broke if you don't know what you are doing.
  • Apr 21, 2008, 10:01 AM

    Originally Posted by Eagle3814
    Getting your own authority is do-able but EXPENSIVE. First you have to buy a truck and a trailer. Try to do that for under 10K - then you need to get the authority. You own your own business - there is taxes and other issues involved here too and now with fuel being what it is you wont make anything.

    I never suggest buying a truck straight out of school - it's a good way to go broke if you don't know what you are doing.

    But it is do-able! I filed all of the paperwork to gain the authority myself (saved about $700.00). A little research and I was well on my way. There is a lot of paperwork involved. Once you file for authority and are approved then it's all quarterly and annual stuff (quarterly fuel taxes, Registration/IFTA and Heavy Highway Use Tax). A few months after your authority is approved, the DOT will come out to see you for a Safety Inspection. Not a big deal. If you keep your driving logs and maintenance records accurate you should pass the safety inspection. A good resource for starters is OOIDA. It's all about organization. If you keep your records organized and all your receipts nicely filed... you should be okay. I agree 100% that you do need to know what you are doing because the start-up costs are expensive. There's tons of expenses: fuel, maintenance, insurance, mantatory drug testing, tolls and some unexpected expenses as well. You pick the loads and you set the price. We did have a tough year with fuel prices sky rocketing and all. Bottom line is though that you can still drive for a living if that is what you wish to do. You may not have access to all areas. Port work is an example. The Homeland Securities Act will limit you. Unfortunately, there is money to be made in Port Work. It pays VERY well!

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