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  • Aug 3, 2009, 01:28 PM
    Chances of getting pregnant
    When I asked my physician if I could get pregnant while on birth control her words to me were "No. It is impossible because the medicine doesn't let you ovulate". Though I found this to be an arrogant answer (no method is 100% other than abstinance) I believed I was safe for the most part.

    My partner uses the pull out method. Which I also know is not 100% affective.

    Here is where I need to know what my chances are. My partnet and I engaged in a 2nd round of intercourse without him urinating between (which I know means there could and probably was still sperm at the end of the tube etc). Exactly what are my chances if I am on birth control that supposedly doesn't let me ovulate?
  • Aug 3, 2009, 01:49 PM

    He is stating it is 100% only if used correctly. Obviously if you do not take the medicine as prescribed it is less effective. Furthermore the pull out method is not a method of contraceptive but that of which used to become mommy. It is not an effective way to prevent pregnancy.
  • Aug 3, 2009, 02:18 PM

    I take my birth control every day at the same time. So I use it correctly.
  • Aug 3, 2009, 02:28 PM
    Gee, you've never heard of an arrogant doctor? Anyhow, if the medicine successfully prevents you from ovulating like it's supposed to, then your chances are zero. But if the medicine doesn't work, then your chances depend on a number of things the way they would ordinarily. Such as, how recently did you ovulate? And obviously, doing it twice in a row, whether he urinates in between or not, increases your chances as well.
  • Aug 3, 2009, 06:42 PM

    Since you take the pill as directed the chances are quite low... not impossible, but unlikely. Rarely, but it does happen, a woman will take it exactly as she should and still become pregnant. This is partly where no contraceptive being 100% effective comes into play... and that there are times where they are not used exactly as they should be. Most couples, where the woman is taking birth control pills, do not use another form of contraception.

    The withdrawl method works for some couples if used correctly, but it is one of the lowest in terms of effectiveness of contraceptive methods... and, as you already know, another session of intercourse after a previous ejaculation is one of the main reasons for the lack of effectiveness.
  • Aug 7, 2009, 10:38 PM

    Ty very much. I just wasn't sure of my chances.
  • Aug 7, 2009, 11:11 PM

    The failure rate of the birth control pill ranges from less than 0.3% (ideal use) to up to 3-5% (typical use), where that means that out of every 100 women using the pill for a year, less than one will become pregnant (ideal) or 3-5 women will become pregnant (typical use). For withdrawal, the numbers are 4% (ideal) and 19% (typical). Remember this is if you use the method the same way for 12 months.

    Having sex twice in succession means that the man will have far less sperm the second time, so that would reduce your risk of pregnancy. I have no way to calculate that, whether he urinates or not. But if you are taking the birth control pill as directed (not missing any days), your risk is far less than 1% even without using withdrawal.

    If you use the pill AND withdrawal, the numbers would be 1 in 10,000 (ideal) and 1/100 (if you are sloppy about both methods), which is doesn't sound like you are. Again, that's per year.

    If you are very careful about the pill but he is not so careful about withdrawal, the approximate risk would be about 6 in 10,000 per year--in other words still very low. Try to relax. :)

    For comparison, no method of birth control at all results in an 85% pregnancy rate.
  • Aug 8, 2009, 09:33 AM

    I would go closer to the 1 to 1/2 percent, so think of it this way, if you had a person, they put a bullet in a gun that wlll hold 200 shots, how many times would you point the gun and pull the trigger?

    I know several people that was using the pill and condom and still get pregnant.
    It is often "LUCK" how good sperm he has, and your system also.

    Pull out "METHOD" not really a real method, still plenty of sperm to get pregnant, normally barely reduces chances at all
  • Aug 8, 2009, 09:56 AM

    Friar Chuck, No offense, but there are actual studies that these figures come from. It' s not just based on a gut feeling and anecdotes.

    It's fair to say that a person who was using oral contraceptives and condoms and still got pregnant probably was not using either of them properly or consistently.

    1 in 10,000 isn't zero but it's a LOT less than 1 percent. The OP is being very careful and, based on that, I would tell her not to worry.

    There's nothing gained by telling people that birth control measures don't work. ANY method works better than none. And many of them work extremely well.

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