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  • May 29, 2009, 05:02 PM
    Bleeding during 9th week of pregnancy
    Hello. I am 9w3d today. Two nights ago I began bleeding, but I'm not sure of the difference between bleeding and spotting. I went to the ER the dr. performed an ultra sound and said everything is just fine.

    It is now two days late and the same bleeding is starting again. Is everything okay with me?
  • May 29, 2009, 05:53 PM

    Only a Doctor can diagnose the problem - we would only be guessing.

    Call the Doctor.
  • May 31, 2009, 03:00 AM

    Many women bleed during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester weeks 1-13 Light spotting is common during week 9 usually a brown coloured discharge. But I am not sure if that's what you are describing, what you should do is go see your doc and monitor the bleeding, if you start to expereince cramps and are passing large cloths, or the bleeding becomes heavy, you should go to your local emergency.

    Good luck
  • Jun 8, 2009, 05:59 PM

    Yeah meny people bleed in pregnantcy I bleed in my pregnantcy but if you're a frist time mother it can put stress on you and worry as that is normal for a frist mother but you did the right thing an gone to the dr but if they say your fine then I wouldn't worry about the bleeding maybe go see your dr about getting sum info on that he or she might be able to put your mind at ease from worry
  • Jun 15, 2009, 09:03 AM

    I spotted some with my first son, then with my second I would have some days where I wuold spot bright blood. I of course panicked and went to the doctor. Everything was fine. The doctor explained to me that when you become pregnant that your cervix becomes sensitive and sometimes sneezing too hard, lifting something heavy, coughing hard, laughing hard, intercourse can irritate the cervix and cause you to spot. Like someone else said, unless you are passing clots, get cramps, or if you are soaking a pad I wouldn't worry too much. Anytime you feel uncomfortable with the bleeding, or you feel something is not right then don't hesitate to go back to the doctor or emergencv room. That's what they are there for.
  • Nov 13, 2010, 10:05 AM
    I have 2 children, and am pregnant with my 3rd. I never spotted with my 1st two at all, so when I started spotting at 4weeks 5days with this one, I was terrified thinking I was losing it. So I went to the e.r. where I had a horrifying experience. They did a vaginal ultrasound and told me that there were no signs of a gestational sac in or outside of the uterus and that my HCG levels were very low and that I had probably lost the baby. I was devistated. I went home depressed, and what not. This was not my normal hospital, and since I had moved I had no ide what doctor I was going to use. So I called the doctor that had delivered my other two, and he laughed, apologizing that I went through that but explained that at 4wks 5 days, it was too early to see anything on u/s especially if my HCG levels were not abopve 1500, mine were an 81, and he said that too was normal. I am now 10 weeks. I spotted at 6 1/2 weeks, when to thedoc, and he said he believes it is caused by the over engorged blood vessels that I have in my cervix, any kind of harsh activity such as coughing, sex, etc, can cause rupturing and spotting... I was still worried, recently I began spotting even more, 3 das in a row with cramping and back ache so I went to the e.r. they did blood work, and did a outer and vaginal ultrasound. My baby was moving around nicely, its heartbeat was 178, and its growth was normal, all my bloodwork came back normal, and my cramping, well that was causing by the uterus expanding and stretching. I know its hard nt to worry and stress when you see blood because we all assume miscarriage, but sometimes, from what I understand its completely normal. However, any bleeding in your 1st trimester is considered a threatened miscarriage, even though more than half of those pregnancies continue on to have normal healthy births.
  • Nov 15, 2012, 05:07 AM
    I'm trying to hard not to panis but I can't help it I been spotting off and on for the last 5 to six weeks recently had sex and notice that it was brighter than normal...
  • Feb 4, 2013, 08:29 AM
    I just want to say as a father to be this is very helpful... My girlfriend started light spotting yesterday, she is at 10 weeks. She runs for exercise, which the doc said she could continue, we haven't had sex in a week, but she did have a pap last tues. It has us very worried as we very much want to have the baby, and the doctor had given us the okay to tell people. We are praying that all is well...

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