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  • Sep 27, 2006, 12:13 AM
    Three unknown animated movie titles 80s/early 90s
    For the last couple years I've been on a quest to find all the movies I used to love as a kid. But I'm down to 3 that seem impossible! Maybe one of you can help me! :D

    Movie 1 - I recently had a tiny break in this case. This movie was almost definitely made from a children's book called "The Deep Dives of Stanley Whale", but the author, illustrator and printing company are all.. well.. gone so that was a deadend. It was about a small white whale who was separated from his mother when his pod dove under an oil slick and he couldn't hold his breath anymore. He surficed and got covered in oil. Then he ended up finding his hero Moby **** in what looked like the ruins of Atlantis. I remember Stanley hated squid/octopus, but he caught one for Moby anyway because he was old and tired (and in the process he got inked)

    Movie 2 - I saw this on TV one time and then it vanished. It was kind of anime like. It was about a brother and sister who were raised by wolves. Something was after them, but I don't remember what. Eventually the wolves were killed and the boy and girl (now older) turned into wolves themselves.

    Movie 3 -- OK here's the weird one! Memory is shakey but I used to rent it every week as a kid (90-92). It started with a boy in a greenhouse. He talked to his plants and played music for them on a violen or a flute (?) A fairy type being came and befriended him and took him into some kind of fantasy world (or to meet other fairies) The movie was filled with classical music. At one point they were "flying" through a vortex type thing with music notes or flowers circling all around. I think it was "dance of the Sugarplum Fairies" that was playing but don't quote me on that. I also THINK at some point she changed sizes. Either she was small and made herself big to get his attention (she may have loved him) Or something like that. But he was clueless.

    So.. anyone? :o please? Lol
  • Nov 11, 2006, 09:40 PM
    I just went to a website that might help me figure out the name of that cartoon with the whale. If I get the name of the cartoon I'll let you know.
  • Nov 12, 2006, 12:23 PM

    Originally Posted by Malta
    For the last couple years I've been on a quest to find all the movies i used to love as a kid. But i'm down to 3 that seem impossible!! Maybe one of you can help me! :D

    Movie 1 - I recently had a tiny break in this case. This movie was almost definately made from a children's book called "The Deep Dives of Stanley Whale", but the author, illustrator and printing company are all..well..gone so that was a deadend. It was about a small white whale who was seperated from his mother when his pod dove under an oil slick and he couldn't hold his breath anymore. He surficed and got covered in oil. Then he ended up finding his hero Moby **** in what looked like the ruins of Atlantis. I remember Stanley hated squid/octopus, but he caught one for Moby anyway because he was old and tired (and in the process he got inked)

    Movie 2 - I saw this on TV one time and then it vanished. It was kind of anime like. It was about a brother and sister who were raised by wolves. Something was after them, but i don't remember what. Eventually the wolves were killed and the boy and girl (now older) turned into wolves themselves.

    Movie 3 -- OK here's the weird one!! Memory is shakey but i used to rent it every week as a kid (90-92). It started with a boy in a greenhouse. He talked to his plants and played music for them on a violen or a flute (?) A fairy type being came and befriended him and took him into some kind of fantasy world (or to meet other fairies) The movie was filled with classical music. At one point they were "flying" through a vortex type thing with music notes or flowers circling all around. I think it was "dance of the Sugarplum Fairies" that was playing but don't quote me on that. I also THINK at some point she changed sizes. Either she was small and made herself big to get his attention (she may have loved him) Or something like that. But he was clueless.

    So..anyone?? :o please?? lol

    I think the whale movie is called "sam and sally" doesn't he meet a girl whale who is black or darker? I'll look for the actual name and let you know.
  • Nov 12, 2006, 12:25 PM

    Originally Posted by Malta
    For the last couple years I've been on a quest to find all the movies i used to love as a kid. But i'm down to 3 that seem impossible!! Maybe one of you can help me! :D

    Movie 1 - I recently had a tiny break in this case. This movie was almost definately made from a children's book called "The Deep Dives of Stanley Whale", but the author, illustrator and printing company are all..well..gone so that was a deadend. It was about a small white whale who was seperated from his mother when his pod dove under an oil slick and he couldn't hold his breath anymore. He surficed and got covered in oil. Then he ended up finding his hero Moby **** in what looked like the ruins of Atlantis. I remember Stanley hated squid/octopus, but he caught one for Moby anyway because he was old and tired (and in the process he got inked)

    Movie 2 - I saw this on TV one time and then it vanished. It was kind of anime like. It was about a brother and sister who were raised by wolves. Something was after them, but i don't remember what. Eventually the wolves were killed and the boy and girl (now older) turned into wolves themselves.

    Movie 3 -- OK here's the weird one!! Memory is shakey but i used to rent it every week as a kid (90-92). It started with a boy in a greenhouse. He talked to his plants and played music for them on a violen or a flute (?) A fairy type being came and befriended him and took him into some kind of fantasy world (or to meet other fairies) The movie was filled with classical music. At one point they were "flying" through a vortex type thing with music notes or flowers circling all around. I think it was "dance of the Sugarplum Fairies" that was playing but don't quote me on that. I also THINK at some point she changed sizes. Either she was small and made herself big to get his attention (she may have loved him) Or something like that. But he was clueless.

    So..anyone?? :o please?? lol
    I think this is it, I used to watch it too.
  • Nov 12, 2006, 02:08 PM
    AHH!! *dances around with Stellar* You found it! You found it! I had pretty much given up :o) Thank you! I would never have remembered it in a million years. I have no memory at all of the girl whale but that IS it. I have to go tell everyone I'm not crazy :p

    2 to go!
  • Dec 26, 2006, 12:37 PM
    I don't think Dances around with stellar is it becauase I'm looking for the movie to but if it is post a link with the movie
  • Dec 29, 2006, 08:11 PM

    Originally Posted by LittlePizzi88
    I dont think Dances around with stellar is it becauase im looking for the movie to but if it is post a link with the movie

    The name of the movie isn't Dances around with Stellar, she was referring to me, because I found the title, if you look at my post above, it contains a link with the movie.:D
  • Mar 13, 2007, 04:52 PM
    Movie #1 is A journey through fairyland. Nice how I know that Huh? :D
  • Mar 13, 2007, 04:52 PM
    A journey through fairyland
  • Mar 13, 2007, 04:55 PM
    I made a mistake it's movie number three that is A journey through fairyland.
  • Mar 13, 2007, 04:59 PM
    The third movie is A journey through fairyland. You can go to the below link to find it. It is a great movie! ;)
  • Mar 16, 2007, 03:05 PM
    Hi I was looking for one of the movies you were talking about and I have the video of the first one you were talking about. Its called Samson and Sally the song of whales. Is about 70 minuets long I hope that helps.:)
  • May 31, 2007, 04:03 PM

    Originally Posted by Malta
    For the last couple years I've been on a quest to find all the movies i used to love as a kid. But i'm down to 3 that seem impossible!! Maybe one of you can help me! :D

    Movie 1 - I recently had a tiny break in this case. This movie was almost definately made from a children's book called "The Deep Dives of Stanley Whale", but the author, illustrator and printing company are all..well..gone so that was a deadend. It was about a small white whale who was seperated from his mother when his pod dove under an oil slick and he couldn't hold his breath anymore. He surficed and got covered in oil. Then he ended up finding his hero Moby **** in what looked like the ruins of Atlantis. I remember Stanley hated squid/octopus, but he caught one for Moby anyway because he was old and tired (and in the process he got inked)

    Movie 2 - I saw this on TV one time and then it vanished. It was kind of anime like. It was about a brother and sister who were raised by wolves. Something was after them, but i don't remember what. Eventually the wolves were killed and the boy and girl (now older) turned into wolves themselves.

    Movie 3 -- OK here's the weird one!! Memory is shakey but i used to rent it every week as a kid (90-92). It started with a boy in a greenhouse. He talked to his plants and played music for them on a violen or a flute (?) A fairy type being came and befriended him and took him into some kind of fantasy world (or to meet other fairies) The movie was filled with classical music. At one point they were "flying" through a vortex type thing with music notes or flowers circling all around. I think it was "dance of the Sugarplum Fairies" that was playing but don't quote me on that. I also THINK at some point she changed sizes. Either she was small and made herself big to get his attention (she may have loved him) Or something like that. But he was clueless.

    So..anyone?? :o please?? lol

    Ok, the 3rd movie you're talking about I know I've seen it so but I can't reemmber it clearly and I've been trying to find it myself. I found it noce on VHS in a store when I was down south and KNEW it was that movie. But I couldn't get it because I had no money. But I remembered it.
    If you can wasn'tt here a seen with the guy where he's sitting in a leave (after being shrunk by the fairy), and it was somewhat like a jandula ride through white lillies or some flowers? I think I remember that much.
    The fairy was, I tink, a blond...
    I know what movie your talking abuot and I can't rember the name either! ARG!! :confused:
    Get back w/ me if you can! :o
    -Michele *^-^*
  • Jun 1, 2007, 05:13 AM
    The first movie you want to know about is called Samson and Sally the song of the whales. Believe it or not you may still be able to find it on tape. The very last movie is called a journey through fairy land. Its very interseting and beautifully done. Just be careful what type you get there are a couple flowting out there. Make sure it is the anime version not an americanised type. I have had that bad luck before its very frustrating when you expect one thing and get another:mad: . The second one I have no idea what that movie is about?:confused: But I will keep racking my brain to see if I remember it.:rolleyes:
  • Jan 27, 2009, 02:04 PM
    misselizabee Samson and Sally: The Song of the Whales: Jesper Klein, Helle Hertz, Per Pallesen, Bodil Udsen, Poul Thomsen, Kirsten Peüliche, Berthe Qvistgaard, Claus Ryskjær, Preben Neergaard, Ole Ernst, Meta Velander, Mathias Henrikson, Ingvar Kjells

    Samson Sally the song of the whales
  • Jan 27, 2009, 06:56 PM
    Quinn F

    #2 Epic (1985)
  • Jul 26, 2009, 04:32 PM
    Princess mononoke is movie 2
  • Sep 24, 2009, 06:40 PM
    Movie one is "Samson [Sampson] and Sally". I loved that movie, I used to watch it every week at my grandmothers.
  • Nov 27, 2009, 09:17 PM

    OMMG thank you so much for asking! I have not been able to figure out what movie #3 was for like my entire life & every time I went to a movie store or a book store I'd like look for hours! All I could remember to describe it was like a animie fantasia & now I know. So great.
  • Dec 13, 2009, 09:11 PM
    If you find number 3, please please tell me. I watched that movie years ago, it sparked my love for classical music and I've been looking for it for years.

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