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  • May 6, 2009, 06:47 PM
    Lost power to one room, and one wall, but other things on breaker work
    We have a mobile home, and we've lost power to a bedroom we used as a media room, and along one wall in our living room. Our 2 yr old daughter was flipping the light switch, she flipped it 3 or 4 times by the time I got to her, she'd flipped it again (yes she was doing it fast!) and then everything in the room died, and so did the two outlets along the wall in my living room. My husband checked the breaker, and that's when we found out our living room is wired to two different breakers... Since that didn't work my husband replaced the breaker for the room and that half of the living room. The weirdest part is that the breaker also works our TV.. but it still works:confused:there is a bathroom between the living room and bedroom, and the bathroom still worked as did the closet light in the bedroom because they are on a different breaker. We replaced the light switch in the room thinking that maybe it was causing a short if something broke in it, but that didn't work either... Please help... We want to sell this house and buy a bigger one, but can't sell it if the electricity in the bedroom and half the living room doesn't work.
  • May 6, 2009, 07:14 PM

    Sounds like a ground problem. Buy one of those receptacles testers from Home Depot
    $4.00 max. Go around and test all receptacles. I would first check the light that she was playing with, take off cover to light not switch she was playing with look for any wires that are loose, sounds like a wire that is not getting the right amp. Could just need to twist on a wire nut.
  • May 6, 2009, 07:21 PM

    Thanks. We changed out the light switch.. so I know that that one is okay but we'll try the other recepticals tomorrow.. got to get this place liveable (we use the room as storage now.. lol) Can't wait till we get in a real house with a basement and attic... then all 3 rooms can be used.
  • May 6, 2009, 07:56 PM

    This is going to sound odd, but do you have a GFCI on that circuit? If it popped, everything downstream from it would act as if the breaker blew.

    Happened to me last week at an office complex. I was able to check every component on the circuit but one (locked office door). When I finally got in, GFCI. Reset. The village rejoiced.

  • May 6, 2009, 08:06 PM

    Yeah.. we did it when it happened... and I just did it again... and nothing... hubby is going to test the outlets... but he doesn't know that much about electrical work. I'm about to tell the potential buyer who's hubby is more handy man than mine, that since they're getting it for what we owe on it, that it will just have to be their responsibility... I don't know.. I just don't have the extra money to get it fixed on top of our inspection and apprasial money we're spending for the new house.
  • May 6, 2009, 08:08 PM
    Missouri Bound
    YOu did it when it happened? You mean reset the GFCI? If it resets, there is power to it. GFCI will NOT reset if there is no power.
  • May 6, 2009, 08:13 PM

    There is only one GFCI switch in my home and its in my master bathroom. It's on the same breaker as the other bathroom, and will only reset the other bathroom... Hubby just told me..
  • May 6, 2009, 11:23 PM

    Change the fuse. Keep breaker shut off. Flip breaker switches a few times. Set everything to on. We just had the same prob. So far, the last 16 hrs. there's been no trouble. For us, though, everything went out except fridge and Microwave... thank God the fridge didn't go off... baby's milk would have gone bad.
  • May 7, 2009, 07:49 AM

    Originally Posted by ARobbins View Post
    there is only one GFCI switch in my home and its in my master bathroom. It's on the same breaker as the other bathroom, and will only reset the other bathroom... Hubby just told me..

    Homes should have GFCI outlets outside too. Did you check those, often an outside outlet is set on the same circuit as a livingroom etc.
  • May 7, 2009, 06:22 PM

    Meredith... thanks for suggesting that. I just went outside, and checked it.. but it just has a sticker on it that says GFCI inspected outlet. There are no test or reset buttons. Now the main breaker where the electric comes into the house... I'm going to have my husband check it out tomorrow after he gets off work. There are some wasp nests and some corrosion (not going to have him touch any wires, some of the copper is exposed) and if he thinks it could be the culprit I'll call our electric company and have them come check it out.
  • Dec 23, 2010, 01:49 PM
    Thanks for telling us the result of all that. Sheesh. Here is what the problem is:

    Mobil homes have power boxes OUTSIDE the house as well. They are called legs. If a leg is tripped then an electrician will have to turn the leg back on. (you can bet he's cussing you out as he does) The second problem you could have is this; you may have burned up a breaker in your breaker box. This means you will have to replace the breaker it self.

    Here is what you do:

    1. call the Electric company and tell them you may have a leg out on the power box out side. He will come and check the legs and get back to you.
    If that didn't fix the problem you have a breaker that is burned out.

    2. Try to see if your park land lord will swing in and check it for you. Most park owners have worked on trailers and he may try to look. Make sure you are SUPER nice to him and thank him, because it's non of his concern. Power is either YOUR resposibility or the power companys problem.

  • Dec 23, 2010, 02:07 PM
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