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  • Apr 16, 2009, 11:16 PM
    Am I adopted ?
    I've always felt I'm not part of the family in some way but can never put my finger on it, I have a birth certificate (seen it) but there are other clues which points me in this adoption direction...

    My name is now spelt differently to what is on the birth certificate, my mum and dad's choice, serveral occasions my parents forget the date of my birthday, there are no pictures of me as a young baby (the only ones are of me on my 1st birthday).

    I have a member of my family who was adopted by my grandma that really belongs to my aunt but they are known as sisters as the adoptive person hasn't a clue she was adopted, my parents especially my mum says things like that should never be told to the adoptive child and they should believe who ever broguht them up is their real parents.

    Nobody looks like me in my family, I don't have either of my parents looks when they were younger either... I am an only child also I don't connect with my parents.. never have had that loving connection as most families have.

    Things just don't add up!! Can anyone help me or at least advice on what to do.
  • Apr 17, 2009, 12:34 AM

    I really feel sorry for this.

    I will recommend to have DNA tested. If your mother's or Father's DNA mathces. You are their real son. It can be Obtained through Blood. Or may be by other things like Hairs as well. This is what I can suggest.

    I would advise you to see/speak with any qulified Doctor. They Knew many ways to prove if they are your real parents. Or your bad thought possibly taking you away from real parents. As when some one become suspecious about close members of family. Usually family members try to ignore it.

    if any why they are proved to be your parents. Remember to sever them as much as you can. This is a sin if you falsely blameing it.

    I would say even if they adoped you. You need to be thank ful to them as they gave you shelter name or brought you up when you were unable to do anything.

    if nobody loves you. There is someone loves you a lot. And that is your Almight God. Provided you turn yourself to him through worship. You can never fight with him at last you have to see me again. Instead if you worship him the way he told and tought us. We can have his mercy and blessing on us.
  • Apr 17, 2009, 04:59 AM

    Dear lord, I can't believe how many teenagers---and I assume you're a teenager?--believe they're adopted because of the lack of connection with their parents.

    Honey, ALL of us had that lack of connection when we were in our teens.

    If you REALLY think you're adopted, then confront your parents and ask them. If you don't have the guts to do that, then you don't want to know that badly--because if you ARE adopted, you're GOING to need information from them to find your birthparents.

    PS--ANY parent that loves you and does what's best for you is a "real" parent, whether they are biologically related, and whether they are your biological parent. Adoptive parents, birthparents, grandparents, foster parents--they are ALL real.

    What there IS no such thing as is an "imaginary" parent.
  • Jul 27, 2010, 10:09 AM

    Hmm, I want to say so much but I think a previous poster said most of it.

    As teens NO ONE thinks they are REMOTELY like their parents. Come on! That's what being a teen is about! Give them heck!

    Now from a parents point of view: While your concerns are valid they are simple to solve ask your parents directly. I may stun them but not much, trust me.

    Be careful because I tell you I am an adoptive parent and I believe like your parents my child is my own an I don't need to justify my reasons for loving him and I adopted him to LOVE. If my son asks me I will tell him. But I am not take his crap. I was there every brithday, stayed up all night when he was sick watched his first step, keep a roof over his head and taught him to ride a bike, to read, to speak, to sing to pray, got up out my sick bed to feed and cloth him washed him and wiped his little behind.

    And my son is not even ten, ask yourself who do you think did all that for YOU!

    Then be happy you found someone to LOVE you because love is not PROMISED even to birth children living with their birthparents.

    I am the child of a mother who was adopted as a child and the mother of an adoptive child. I believe in adoption and believe that we grow up in the families of our destiny and then we create our own.
  • Jul 27, 2010, 10:18 AM

    Please keep an eye on the dates - I realize you want to participate on the adoption threads but this is from 2009 and OP has not been back.
  • Jul 28, 2010, 04:33 AM

    Thanks but I posted not just for the original poster but for anyone with similar feelings or experience that's why I kept it general. I figured if I came across it someone else (like you,smile) would. Great day!
  • Jul 28, 2010, 05:43 AM

    The point is that you resurrected a thread that wasn't going to help the original poster.

    Better to answer more recent questions, so that you can help a poster that really does need an answer.

    This thread is closed.

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