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  • Mar 6, 2009, 08:43 AM
    My dog won't mate
    I was walking out with my dog and a family liked it. They said their soon going to be on heat and they where planning to mate her we made an appointment to the vet to see if there where any problems thanks god everything was just fine . They come to my house but my dog as if he wasn't smelling the on heat he smelled it a bit and come back next to me she was ready for sure cause she was posing in front of him with her tail up but he didn't take any notice of her my dog is 4 and a half years old what can the problem be ? Can anyone help me plsss
  • Mar 6, 2009, 12:14 PM

    Maybe someone else will answer your question but not me, I will not condone backyard breeding. Sorry.

    Why not go to the shelter on euthanasia day. Pick out 5 dogs that you choose to kill because that's what having a litter of pups will bring about.

    Good luck.
  • Mar 6, 2009, 12:48 PM

    I don't think like you sorry if someone really wants adopt a dog from a shelter , millions of pure dogs won't stop him .I wanted to mate him once cause I'm in love with my dog and wanted to keep one of his it would have been twice the fun ,its like telling a person don't get pregnant instead adopt one there are a lot for adoption which are going to stay without parents any way don't know why my dog did not wanted to mate the anyone had this problem before?
  • Mar 6, 2009, 12:56 PM

    Originally Posted by sasha123 View Post
    i dont think like you sorry if someone really wants adopt a dog from a shelter , millions of pure dogs wont stop him .i wanted to mate him once cause im in love with my dog and wanted to keep one of his it would have been twice the fun ,its like telling a person dont get pregnant instead adopt one there are a lot for adoption which are gonna stay without parents any way dont know why my dog did not wanted to mate the anyone had this problem before ??

    The only problem with your point of view, babies aren't killed if they don't get adopted, dogs are.

    There are 7-10 million dogs euathanized every year because of backyard breeders like you. I can't stop you, but I can give you the information. Personally, I don't understand how a person who claims to love dogs could breed their dog if they knew about all the dogs dying because of it.

    As for your question, it's likely that the only people who will come to answer it will be other backyard breeders (the very title should tell you something) who don't really know what they're doing when it comes to breeding dogs. So, whatever info you get will probably be the worst info out there, but whatever right? You want to breed your dog, who cares if you do it right.

    I have no problem with legitimate breeders breeding their dogs, but you aren't one of them. How do I know? Because a legitimate licensed breeder knows the answer to the question you asked.

    Be warned, I'm probably not the only one that's going to come here and tell you to stop.

    I won't wish you luck, but I will wish your dog luck, he obviously knows that this isn't right and is refusing to comply with your wishes.
  • Mar 6, 2009, 01:21 PM

    You say that kids don't get killed if they don't get adopted and I agree but they get killed the same without water food a shelter clothes ecc ecc so why people get pregnant when they can adopt and give a better life to some precious kid ?and of course I'm not a breeder but neiter a backyard breeder I just wanted to breed my dog once as I want another one of the same blood its not cause he didn't liked the I tried to mate him 6 months ago and I didn't asked my vet cause I took it forgranted that he didn't liked her but now I think that s because I never mated him.. in 2 weeks time I have an appointment at my vet and well see what he says... thank god today you can make this thing artificially ,you just have to pay
  • Mar 6, 2009, 01:33 PM


    you say that kids don't get killed if they don't get adopted and i agree but they get killed the same without water food a shelter clothes ecc ecc so why people get pregnant when they can adopt and give a better life to some precious kid
    So do dogs my dear, so do dogs. I love it when people justify breeding their dog by bringing kids into the equation. I made the comment about kids because you brought it up, but it's a totally different topic, has nothing to do with breeding your dog.


    and of course I'm not a breeder but neiter a backyard breeder i just wanted to breed my dog once as i want another one of the same blood
    You are either a breed, a backyard breeder or a puppymill breeder, choose one. Do you know the definition of backyard breeder?

    No Puppy Mills Canada

    Sorry, but the definition fits.

    You may think I don't understand, you have the best of intentions, you have homes for all the pups, you are only going to breed once, you just want another dog that looks like yours, blah, blah, blah. Well, welcome to the epidemic that is called Backyard breeding. You are part of the problem, not the solution.

    I'll tell you what. I will answer your question, but first you have to do something for me. This is no big deal if you really want to breed.

    Call your local humane society and ask if you can volunteer during euthanasia day. All you have to do is hold down the animals while the tech inserts the needle. Be forewarned, many of the dogs being killed will be puppys or older dogs that have been abandoned. If you can go through all of that and still want to add to the explosive population of dogs, then I'll help you.

  • Mar 6, 2009, 01:34 PM


    what can the problem be
    Well my first assumption is that the dog is more intelligent then you are.

    You cannot compare in anyway human children to animals. To even try blatantly shows your amazing ignorance.

    For every 1 human baby born, 7 puppies are born and 7 kittens are born.

    Out of every 5 puppies born only 1 will stay in its initial home. The rest will end up on the street or in the pound. Your precious puppies are not exempt. Yes, that mean the puppies you breed for your own selfish pleasure will most likely be abandoned and die. Why does it have to be that way? People like you.


    I'm not a breeder but neiter a backyard breeder
    Are you breeding your dog? Even one litter makes you a backyard breeder.


    I just wanted to breed my dog once
    What if every single dog had one litter? You think the shelters are overrun now! Then again, maybe you don't. You don't seem to be able to comprehend that there is a problem.

    Tell me, have you ever held a dog in your arms as it died? Maybe you should to understand why we are upset with you and what you are doing wrong.
  • Mar 6, 2009, 02:27 PM

    I told you I did nt mate yet so you can call me nothing of all that right ?I told you before I didn't mate him not even once so till then plsss 2nd I mentioned kids cause it's the same thing if you think that you don't have to breed better to adopt why not the same with children or kids have something less than dogs lots of kids are worse than dogs in shelters lots of kid s don't have a shelter so why not doing the same thinking and 3rd on our small island there is no euthanasia day.we people don't know about this day we don't kill dogs the way you do we make them go to sleep only if they are sick like with sandfly ecc...
  • Mar 6, 2009, 03:44 PM

    Originally Posted by sasha123 View Post
    i told you i did nt mate yet so you can call me nothing of all that right ?i told you before i didnt mate him not even once so till then plsss 2nd i mentioned kids cause its the same thing if you think that you dont have to breed better to adopt why not the same with children or kids have somthing less than dogs lots of kids are worse than dogs in shelters lots of kid s dont have a shelter so why not doing the same thinking and 3rd on our small island there is no euthanasia day.we ppl dont know about this day we dont kill dogs the way you do we make them go to sleep only if they are sick like with sandfly ecc...

    Tell me where you live, I guarantee that dogs and other animals get euthanized.

    If you want to talk about kids and over breeding in that area, start a new thread. You asked about breeding dogs, not kids.

    Also, no, you haven't mated him yet, but not for lack of trying on your part. You said it yourself, you will try again, so yes, you are a backyard breeder, and one of the worst I've seen because you obviously don't give a damn about dogs.

    Do what you want, screw the consequences, let's hope other people give some thought to the fate of other dogs and the quality of the dogs being produced. I bet you didn't even read the link I provided.

    As for your question. If you want to breed so badly, figure it out yourself, I won't help because I've seen the consequences of your actions and I for one cannot turn away and pretend it doesn't exist.

    I'd wish you good luck but it wouldn't be sincere, so I'll say good bye instead. :(
  • Mar 6, 2009, 04:06 PM

    Originally Posted by sasha123 View Post
    i dont think like you sorry if someone really wants adopt a dog from a shelter , millions of pure dogs wont stop him .i wanted to mate him once cause im in love with my dog and wanted to keep one of his it would have been twice the fun ,its like telling a person dont get pregnant instead adopt one there are a lot for adoption which are gonna stay without parents any way dont know why my dog did not wanted to mate the anyone had this problem before ??

    Sasha, as it has been repeated again and again, when millions of human babies are being put down every year in shelters, you can make that argument. Until then, it does not apply. You are very lucky if you live somewhere with only no-kill shelters. However, that doesn't mean that you don't have to consider the consequences of breeding without knowing what you're doing, and it doesn't mean that those puppies wouldn't wind up abandoned or living out their lives in a no-kill shelter. If you don't mind, could you please tell us what part of the world you live in?

    You can't tell people not to comment because your dog has yet to produce a litter; you've obviously been trying to produce one, and you came here asking for help with it. We're not making that up, are we?

    I'm glad that the title "backyard breeder" leaves a bad taste in your mouth. It's not a good thing. You might not want to be called a backyard breeder, but if you try to breed your dog, basing your actions on what you described and highlighting all of it with an "it's nothing" attitude, then you are going to earn that title for yourself. No one else would be doing that for you. By the way, from your posts, you would fit that title so tightly that you could wear it around like a hooker's dress. You could become its poster child.

    Take a look for yourself: from What is a Backyard Breeder?

    "Probably the best definition I have found so far to answer "What is a back yard breeder (BYB)?" comes from

    'The average pet owner that breeds their dog(s).'

    So, why are back yard breeders a problem? Well, they just breed dogs for the sake of it. They may have a sweet pet they want to try and reproduce or they think that their dogs are quality because they have papers and/or are registered with some registry. They think maybe they can make a few dollars selling pups, etc. They just put out dogs without real consideration for the future of not only the breed but the puppies produced.

    Often, BYBs breed dogs with faults. This perpetuates fault and problems in the breed. They do nothing to prove their dogs are of sound temperament and that they are breeding good representatives of the breed, etc. They just breed."

    I'm not against responsible breeding. The problem is that, as things are right now, I don't see how you could consider yourself a responsible breeder. You don't even know the most basic of basics. I'm going to have to assume that you don't have even the slightest idea of what it is that you don't know. I think that's the biggest problem here. What's more, you've treated it like it doesn't matter.

    If you want to breed, then do all of your homework, join a breed club, get a top-notch reputable breeder as your mentor, study genetics, pick the dogs you breed with each other according to their balance of genetic traits and the right dispositions, get your dogs tested for hereditary diseases, save money for emergency care, make up a contract for every person who adopts those puppies requiring them to spay, neuter and return all unwanted puppies back to you no matter what the reason, study early puppy development, learn everything you'll need to know about training; basically, take every ounce of responsibility that comes with the job before, during and after you breed. "just one litter" would not be "just a little thing" as far as I'm concerned.

    By the way, as I see it, backyard breeders who come here making excuses and trying to justify any irresponsibility generally come from one of three places:

    1) their ignorance of the overpopulation crisis is clouding what would otherwise be better judgment;

    2) they are aware of the most likely consequences of their actions, but they don't care;

    3) they're fooling themselves into pretending that what they're doing is perfectly okay because other idiots do it all the time.

    I'm guessing that you really love your dog, right? And I'm betting that you would naturally be inclined to love any of its puppies just as much. Here's the problem. While any potential puppy you keep might be fine, chances are that at least one of its siblings will wind up abandoned at the shelter at some point during its lifetime, whether the owners let you know about it or not. Your area might be no-kill, but you can't force any adopters not to move somewhere else where euthanasia as a means of controlling pet overpopulation is the norm. where do you think shelter dogs and abandoned dogs come from? The majority of those dogs come from people just like you. Everyone thinks, "it's not going to be my puppies." guess what. That's exactly what the majority of them are. Unfortunately so many of those poor dogs come from back breeders who never bothered to educate themselves on the subject of breeding because they think it's nothing important.

    Do you do your own dental work? Not unless you want to pretend you're a dentist. Would you perform surgery from home? Not unless you want to pretend you're a surgeon. So do yourself and the dogs on this planet a favor and don't go playing around with animal genes like they're pick-up sticks if you don't know anything about genetics.
  • Mar 6, 2009, 05:27 PM

    Originally Posted by sasha123 View Post
    i told you i did nt mate yet so you can call me nothing of all that right ?i told you before i didnt mate him not even once so till then plsss 2nd i mentioned kids cause its the same thing if you think that you dont have to breed better to adopt why not the same with children or kids have somthing less than dogs lots of kids are worse than dogs in shelters lots of kid s dont have a shelter so why not doing the same thinking and 3rd on our small island there is no euthanasia day.we ppl dont know about this day we dont kill dogs the way you do we make them go to sleep only if they are sick like with sandfly ecc...

    I would like you to provide us with the information to back up what you are saying, about this remote Island you live on that does not euthanize dogs except in the case of sickness, or "sandfly." I'm curious to know what that would be too! I would also be very interested to hear the rest of your argument when comparing breeding dogs, to adopting children.

    I think you need to get an education before doing either of the above. I don't think this is totally a case of a language barrier, if you do not speak English, as you do seem to have a pretty good grasp of text talk.

    This is definitely a case of someone who should NOT be involved in breeding or properly caring for dogs.
  • Mar 6, 2009, 07:36 PM
    Sasha, I'm still caught up in thinking about this story, so maybe we should have just one more quick chat. Your confusing statements, garbled thought processes and illogical conclusions are so far off that they look like they're floating around in outer space. I realize that some of this thread is on the harsher side, but I would really like for us to arrive on the same page.


    Originally Posted by sasha123 View Post
    if someone really wants adopt a dog from a shelter , millions of pure dogs wont stop him .i wanted to mate him once cause im in love with my dog and wanted to keep one of his it would have been twice the fun

    What are you saying? What's this "millions of pure dogs wont stop him" bit? What does that mean? Also, don't you think that most dog owners really love their dogs? So why shouldn't all of us breed a litter from them? What makes you so special that you should breed from your dog? You met the potential mate in the street. Boy, those are credentials. Could you please send someone from that family to speak with us here in the forum so we can help them too? By the way, what kinds of dogs are they? What's the age of the mother? If you don't mind, could you please post of the test results and all of the other information you've compiled that confirms that these two dogs are an appropriate match? Or did you just take a look and say "these two. i like my dog, and their dog is in heat. plus, she's kinda purdy." oh, one more thing. One litter is not "twice the fun." perhaps you could say that if it was likely that the litter would be comprised of only one dog. What happens if the litter runs to 8-14 puppies? Would it be more appropriate to call that "14 times the fun," or would it be closer to "twice the fun, but with 13 puppies that will have to be fun for someone else." if you want another dog similar to yours, why not go to the shelter or to a rescue group to find one? I'm sure you'll find plenty to choose from. I know you've expressed an interest in your dog's, um, blood. Well, if your dog is purebred, that blood will also run through the veins of another dog of the same breed. Why do you have to do it yourself?


    Originally Posted by sasha123 View Post
    you say that kids dont get killed if they dont get adopted and i agree but they get killed the same without water food a shelter clothes ecc ecc so why ppl get pregnant when they can adopt and give a better life to some precious kid ?

    We already covered most of this. I'm just wondering what on earth you were talking about with the food and water thing. What does that have to do with you trying to breed your dogs? If anything, you would be arguing against your attempted actions. Also, people don't generally make 8 babies at a time and then keep one while selling off the other 7. is any part of your motivation to make money off the "leftovers?"


    Originally Posted by sasha123 View Post
    and of course im not a breeder but neiter a backyard breeder

    Exactly in what way are you not a breeder if you are breeding or trying to breed dogs? Again, we covered this part too, but I'll repeat it anyway so that I know you don't miss it. Hands down, you would be a backyard breeder. Also, now that you've learned some things from this thread, if you do decide to keep going ahead with your plans, you can no longer use the ignorance excuse. You would be purposefully doing things you know to be irresponsible or unethical.


    Originally Posted by sasha123 View Post
    i just wanted to breed my dog once as i want another one of the same blood its not cause he didnt liked the i tried to mate him 6 months ago and i didnt asked my vet cause i took it forgranted that he didnt liked her but now i think that s because i never mated him 2 weeks time i have an appointment at my vet and well see what he says ...thank god today you can make this thing artificially ,you just have to pay

    I don't know how I missed this earlier. You seriously want to artificially inseminate your dog? Why not use that money to have your dogs genetically tested for hereditary diseases instead? Why not use that money to buy some books on breeding? Why not use that money to adopt a rescue dog instead and then give what's left to an animal shelter or to a rescue group that works to rehome the abandoned dogs of your favorite breed? I don't know of a vet that would help you with your homemade doggy arts and crafts project if they weren't in it just to make a little extra cash on your ridiculous plan. It's too bad that they can't do a transplant of a moral gestating brain instead. Get informed, and just try to think, think, think about what you really should do (or not do) instead of what you just feel like doing (or not doing) for the heck of it. Do the right thing, and know that you're doing it for the right reasons.

    P. S. I'm a little sorry to say this, but I will mention it anyway. It is very difficult to understand what you have been writing. I don't know if English is your native language; if it isn't, I can sympathize with some of the difficulties you could be encountering, and that's perfectly understandable; however, if you are a native English speaker, I would really have to ask you to try to communicate what it is you're saying in a way that can be understood by others. For future reference, you are welcome to read the rules of the forum for more information. Rule #2 of the posting rules: "Use the best English you are capable of. "Chat speak", all caps, lack of punctuation, etc. can be annoying, and will frequently result in the post being either unanswered or removed."
  • Mar 6, 2009, 09:27 PM

    Darnit, had to spread the rep. Amen Linny, Amen! :)
  • Mar 6, 2009, 10:09 PM

    Just listen to these girls. I mean I did, you should too. Don't be another backyard breeder out there, your just going to live with the guilt the rest of your life.

    Props to all of you smart ladies :)

    I wish I can be as intelligent!

    Too bad that linny has a lot of patience. I thought she was about to lose her's before alty's! Lol joking, all of your information should be read, revised and freaking stuck in this lady's brain!!

    Animals are voiceless! You make a worse for them I guarantee you, your not going to end up with a happy life, your going to live with the guilt forever and trust me, it comes back around!
  • Mar 6, 2009, 10:12 PM

    Candles ,lobster and champagne always work for me. And a little Al Green..
  • Mar 6, 2009, 10:15 PM

    Originally Posted by artlady View Post
    Candles ,lobster and champagne always work for me. And a little Al Green..

    Well that sure works for me hon... but did I miss something? Huh? LOL! Are we on the right thread here? LMAO! Well now I have to put on some Al Green. I've got candles, but... I'm missing champagne and lobster! :(
  • Mar 6, 2009, 10:33 PM

    Wrong thread girls, I know it gets confusing.

    Back to the other thread you go, shoo. ;)
  • Mar 6, 2009, 10:41 PM

    LMAO! What are you talking about girls? :D
  • Mar 6, 2009, 10:59 PM

    Linny; too bad your always right! Same goes for alty and starby :) for any topic whatsoever you guys always have the right thing to say :D I guess some people are just meant to inspire more than one person! Nahh more like the whole ask me help desk hahahah <333
  • Mar 6, 2009, 11:19 PM

    Hahaha oh stop it you guyss!! I learned it from all of you :) lol and TOO BAD; that when I opened this thread I was like if linny, alty, and starby haven't posted anything there is something wrong with the world and yup I was right! Lol I love the way alty just says it straight up, starby says it straight up but includes some info and linny puts info and she finds her way to get the point across! Bravo!

    All of you just make this site 100% better!

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