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  • Aug 15, 2006, 04:28 PM
    Celiac disease
    I have celiac disease and was wondering if my break outs on my face neck and head are related to the disease its like bumps in clusters and they hurt itch and takes a while to go away. Really annoying due to the fact I stopped wearing makeup like 3 years ago now back to putting concealer on because they get swollen and red. Please help with this I go see a dermatologist in sept. but still would like to know some answers or questions to ask the doctor.
  • Aug 15, 2006, 04:39 PM
    It is very possible you have something called Dermatitis Herpetiformis. Although the name sounds like a herpes virus it is not and is common with ciliac disease.

    The rash is caused when gluten in the diet combines with IgA, and together they enter the blood stream and circulate. They eventually clog up the small blood vessels in the skin. This attracts white blood cells (neutrophils), and releases powerful chemicals called complements. They actually create the rash. Iodine is required for the reaction, so people with DH should avoid using Iodized salt.

    Here is a good website
    that gives you info on DH as well as pictures so you can relate to whether or not this is what you have. Let me know.
  • Aug 16, 2006, 09:36 AM
    Did you look at the pic on the website? Does it look like that? I can do more research for you if you don't think this is what it is.

    Just let me know.
  • Oct 14, 2006, 07:34 AM
    This is a very good question. My youngest son was diagnosed with Celiac Disease this August (2006) and since has been on a gluten free diet. But I see those skin breakouts on his scalp/hair line. Looks worse than a pimple, but does not blister. I wash them three times a day with Ivory soap and have been using stridec, thinking it was acne related.

    This information has me wondering if I was doing the right thing. Will take the information to my son's doctor and go from there.

    Thank you both, MissD and J-9 for your question and post.

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