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  • Jan 17, 2009, 09:59 PM
    How to loss stomach fat?
    Hi,, I'm 21 year old girl. My height is 5.2" n my weight is 50 kg. I know according to BMI my weight is normal. But my stomach looks very ugly... so ho can I reduce fat of my stomach... help me... thanx
  • Jan 23, 2009, 09:42 PM

    Try to burn the fat 1st hopefully :)
  • Feb 2, 2009, 11:02 AM

    Originally Posted by candice09 View Post
    try to dance or jogg or use the threadmill. it will help. drink atleast 13 glasses of water a day. or take slimina weight loss supplement

    I've noticed that you've been advising this brand, as well as a few others, in almost all of your posts across the boards. Are you simply a very happy customer, or are you paid to name drop?

    I can't fathom why else you would also advise diet pills to a healthy young woman who is well within the range of a normal body weight.

    So what's the story?
  • Feb 7, 2009, 01:07 PM
    Cedric J

    The stomach is one of the last places to lose fat... so to get rock hard abs you need to do two things. One is to improve your diet so you lower your body fat percentage. Getting those last few pounds off could be near impossible too. The second is to focus on some exercises that work the core stomach muscles. There are tons of them out there to do, so don't just do crunches.

    Download the Simple Weight Loss Guide
  • Feb 8, 2009, 01:11 PM

    Have you heard of the special K diet? The food is really good and with exercise you can loose 6 lbs in 2 weeks.
  • Mar 7, 2009, 09:44 PM

    Stomach fat is just that... Fat that you have to still burn off which is going to be probably the hardest final 15-20 pounds you have to lose. The only way for that to happen is exercise through aerobics and circuit strength training. And I'm not talking about an hour on the bicycle or 40 minutes every day on the DREADMILL. You have to stimulate your fat burning through obviously proper diet to give you the consistent energy with almost military type physical training. Consistent and dedicated. Or just Do moderate exercise and keep your diet going and it'll just take a little longer.
  • Mar 7, 2009, 11:51 PM

    Have any of you considered calculating how much this girl weighs before talking about "the final 15-20 pounds" she needs to lose or "the 6 pounds she can lose in 2 weeks"? 50 kilos is equal to approximately 110 pounds, and she's 5'2''. Toning up and staying in shape are one thing, but suggesting any dramatic weight loss (or any weight loss at all, for that matter) in this case is really uncalled for and unhealthy advice. I realize that some of you are new here, so you might not be familiar with the standards AMHD tries to uphold, but just try to remember to calculate the height, weight and proportions of the people you're trying to help so that your advice can really apply to their unique situations in the best way possible.

    Tara, you really don't need to lose weight. If you're interested in having a tighter body or a more sculpted figure, you have to work and tone your body through exercise. Find things that you love to do, be they dance, yoga, swimming, running, walking, skiing, exercise classes or any physical other activity to help to keep your interest peaked and your motivation high. Don't be too hard on yourself! Feeling good is a very big part of looking good. Good luck!
  • Mar 8, 2009, 05:33 AM
    Yeah 5'2" She must be originally very petite. She also says she can't see her ab muscles because of a layer of fat. She can definitely afford to lose it through proper nutrition and vigorous exercise. Anyone with fat that covers muscle definition is a good candidate for fat reduction. Consider that
  • May 15, 2009, 08:41 PM

    Originally Posted by NJExit9 View Post
    Anyone with fat that covers muscle definition is a good candidate for fat reduction. Consider that

    I consider your post somewhat naïve at best, perhaps idiotic at worst.

    A person can be in great health and great shape without the "perfect" exercise mag body.

    You cannot move your abs or change the muscle separation. Its genetic. You can drop fat % (often to levels that may not be long term sustainable for some) and you can focus on frequency and intensity of workout... but that doesn't mean an average person will get the perfect 8 pack if they "do it right"...

    Some people's bodies simply cannot handle the low body fat %s that might be required for great abs.
  • May 15, 2009, 11:21 PM

    Hey hon,

    Your weight is just fine, you don't need to lose any lbs. I am 5'3" and 245lbs. I would LOVE to weigh 110 :P

    Try 100 crunches every morning :D they do WONDERS for a tummy that needs trimming :D and no skipping mornings either hehe. EVERY MORNING till your tummy is toned and shaped :D
  • May 16, 2009, 03:00 AM

    No matter how many crunches you do, it will not get rid of the stomach fat, instead it will build muscle on top of the fat.
    Cardio is a great way of reducing the fat. Running, jogging, brisk walking, try it!
    Once you have lost the tummy, then try the crunches.
  • May 16, 2009, 07:46 AM

    Originally Posted by PunkChic View Post
    No matter how many crunches you do, it will not get rid of the stomach fat, instead it will build muscle on top of the fat.
    Cardio is a great way of reducing the fat. Running, jogging, brisk walking, try it!
    Once you have lost the tummy, then try the crunches.

    Just to be clear on this... it's the "build muscle on top of the fat" line that some might misinterpret or not completely understand... and a lot of people don't get how fat is distributed at the belly anyway, so its worth a discussion... some of which isn't necessarily applicable to the OP'er, as her body might not "need" any weight loss at all due to her size.

    If you mean working these muscles will increase muscle mass "in addition to still having the fat", that is partly correct... with "partly" tied to the fact that muscle buildup from exercise is commonly tied to helping one lose excess fat...

    If you mean the muscle will build anatomically over the fat, its also partly correct, or not, depending on the fat.

    There is both subcutaneous fat and visceral fat. The fat that covers your six pack is subcutaneous... the muscle is under it. It is between your skin and your muscle. This kind of fat is commonly what one sees in the rear, hips, etc... reducing this layer of fat allows for better muscle definition, but again, no guarantee of 6/8 pack abs with normal health.

    Some people who strive for "perfect abs" find their body cannot handle the stress of extremely low body fat %... it can stress the immune system, throw off hormones, cause irregular cycles in women, cause fatigue... stopping your cycle might sound like a nice perk, but the accompanying screwed up hormones can also cause other issues, such as problems with bone health. This is why I was upset with members who say anyone without a 6 pack is a candidate for weight loss. Not always. Overall health is kind of important too, y'know?

    visceral fat is under the muscle at the abdomen. Here you can have both fat contribute to "belly issues"... the extreme belly, the "beer belly" that sticks out and bulges forward is a great ex. The visceral fat under the muscle pushes everything forward, bulging the belly out. Here you can work your abs all you want, but you won't see major change without a dramatic change in overall body fat. You won't have flat until you reduce the visceral fat... you won't see definition very well until you reduce subcutaneous fat. The visceral typically goes fastest, the subcutaneous goes at a slower rate. The OP'er here likely has a lack of excessive visceral fat, and some subcutaneous fat.

    This is where diet and activities that burn calories (the aerobic that was mentioned) come into play... but that does NOT mean a person should neglect their core (abs, back) until they've shed weight.

    Strengthening the core helps prevent injury, and the core is often one of the weaker parts of the body when someone hasn't been exercising. Tending to it through deliberate, controlled work is a good plan. Basic pilates, for ex, can get a persons flexibility up while strengthening their core in ways that running simply will not address. I'm not knocking the need for aerobic work at all... I'm saying supplementing it with weight work and core work early on will pay dividends you won't see right away. Don't "save" core work until later... begin to learn good form and control. As you lose the weight and get stronger, then you can change the intensity of the workout.

    And, any muscle building exercise helps you shed lbs, through increased calorie use and metabolism. The muscles of the abs don't just draw from "ab fat" for energy... it comes from all over the body... but since the abs aren't all that big, doing crunches or situps alone will not be enough to really lose overall fat.

    And again... some people simply aren't healthy at a low body fat %...
  • Oct 18, 2009, 01:50 AM
    To effectively lose weight you have to mix up some cardio exercises with diet.
    Replace the foods that you normally eat with the ones that burn fat.

    Flat stomach - the best ways to lose fat from stomach with exercises

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