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  • Jul 26, 2006, 02:20 PM
    My Eyelashes Are Horrible
    I have naturally curly eyelashes that grow in all weird directions. They won't go straight at all and I comb them and everything. I try to use mascara to make them look longer, but it just clumps together and looks awful. How can I get them to be straight ?
  • Jul 26, 2006, 05:08 PM
    I don't have curly eyelashes, but I know that sometimes, African americans tend to have curly eyelashes, and that's due to their skin. What causes the hair to be curly is the pores in which the hair comes out of. In white people the pores are lose, and equipped with lots of natural oils that help straighten, and soften the hair shaft. In africans, the pore is very tight, enabling oils and oxygen to nourish the hair shaft, causing the hair to come out curled, wavy, dry, and sometimes frizzy.
    The same applies for eyelashes. I think that you should go to a doctor (I don't know what hair doctor is called. You might even be able to go to a dermatologist) and ask them to take a look at your eyelashes, and maybe they could apply a softening cream, and then they can help shape your eyelashes. Good luck with this. Keep on asking questions, there's going to be someone who can help you out.
  • Jul 27, 2006, 09:21 PM
    Most women will do anything to have curly eyelashes, so you should be proud of your lashes. There's not much you can do about the way your lashes grow, but you can use products to control them. Using an eyelash curler before you apply mascara will shape your lashes. If you want to have long thick lashes without the clumps, look for a mascara that lifts and separates the lashes. If you choose to apply two layers, let the mascara dry for several minutes before applying the second coat. Going over your lashes with an eyelash comb would help get rid of any clumps.
  • Jul 27, 2006, 10:14 PM
    Pretty lady I think your words of advice were very helpful. But I don't think that newyork sweetheart has a typical "curly eyelash" problem.
    I think what your saying New York is that you have highly uncontrollable lashes, and on top of that they are curly.
    I know that you have probably tried as many different mascaras as possible, but NOTHING is seeming to work for you.
    I think you should take pretty ladies advice on how to apply mascara (with the exception of the eyelash curler... I think that would only worsen the curly ness, and it would further enable you to control your uncontrollable lashes).
    I would stay away from the eye lash curler all together. But I would definitely try taking pretty ladies other advice.
    I still think you should go to a specialist. They have specialists for everything now-a-days.
    I know pretty lady is a beauty and skin care expert, and Im just a new member.. WOW, hahaha. I would definitely listen to her over me, BUT... I know what its like to have to deal with uncontrollables. I have highly uncontrollable eyebrows. When I was little I used to be called wolverine... go figure.
    I can only imagine how difficult your eyelashes must be for you to treat. Please keep me posted on if pretty ladies advice helps for you.
  • Aug 3, 2006, 09:20 AM
    You could go to a beautician and get your eyelashes permed - I know, I know, your problem is eye lashes that are TOO curly - but eyelash perming might make the curl more uniform, or at least make it look less straggly
  • Aug 7, 2006, 04:17 PM
    I have that problem with my eyebrows... I was actually thinking about getting my eyebrows permed.. so I see how that could work with eyelashes.
    I don't think sweetheart just has a curl to her lashes, because is she did, I don't think shed be complaining, because having a curl is like desirable, and mosr people don't like having straight lashes that don't have a shape (like a curl) I think she just has them going in all different directions, and they may even be kind of thicker than most peoples lashes making them unmanageable, and hard to put mascara on.
  • Aug 28, 2006, 08:53 PM
    well I appreciate the advice... ive tried every kind of mascara... nothing works for them. I can't control them at all. The mascara advice would work but I can't get it on every lash. I spend about 15 minutes per eye trying 2 just trying to get them. I can't manage them whatsoever and the eye lash curler just makes everything worse. And I don't know about perming them, they just my end up worse than they already are (if that's even possible). But they do grow in different directions. I have to find a way to get them to b grow in a uniform direction from the root. I appreciate the advice eveyone =). If u have anymore let me know. Thanks :)
  • Sep 7, 2007, 04:39 AM
    HI... I have the same problem... my eyelashes are SUPER CURLY and they go every direction possible. I actually got an eyelash perm a little over a week ago. It helped a lot... it now looks much more uniform... the process took about an hour, they perm, neutralize and then condition, and then removed the rods... the only set bet is that one lid def came out better then the other... but I think I may give it a second try in 6 weeks, but my fiancé has even said that my lashes look sooo much better... and now when I wear mascara it doesn't just make them stick together anymore : )!
  • Oct 31, 2007, 02:56 AM
    Maybe you can try the local beauty salon and tell them your story. They might actually help you.
  • Feb 2, 2008, 02:33 PM
    little me
    i have there :confused: same problem
  • Feb 2, 2008, 02:39 PM
    Have you tried lancome mascaras? They are fabulous!!
  • May 11, 2008, 01:49 PM
    I have the same problem!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: I think it's a curse. I know many people would love curly eye lashes but they are toooooooo curly... I don't apply mascara the regular way instead, I put the brush on top of my eye lids and bush out that way. It helps a bit but wats really annoying is that I have this one eyelash that grows the oppisite way and sticks in my eye... I used to cut my lashed when I was younger because there were weird and obnormal and extremely bothersome. I'm thinking about cutting them again just to get the extra curl off than use the fiberwig mascara instead. The worse thing about cutting them though is they poke you little when they grow back...
  • Dec 30, 2008, 06:41 AM

    I get the curly eyelashes from sleeping-laying on one side and now I have the problem of them not straightening for me to have them look really nice:::What do I use-if anything is out there:::
  • Nov 30, 2009, 02:39 PM
    I have the same problem. Some of my lashes are curly, others are straight and often they are mangled and go in many different directions. I understand the problem NYSweetheart is having.
  • May 25, 2010, 06:52 PM

    I can not say that what worked for me will work for you, I am not a medical or beauty professional, please take all advice as such.
    I washed and sanitized a used mascara applicator, and used it to coat my eyelashes with a heavy hair conditioner at night before I went to bed. In a matter of days my eyelashed had more moisture and were easier to control. I also comb them and use clear mascara or mascara primer in lieu of a dark mascara to tame them during the day.
    Best of luck and I hope this helps you as much as it did me!
  • May 30, 2010, 10:10 AM

    You could try using an eyelash curler to create evenly curled lashes and then you could put on 1-2 coats of mascara and separate them with a brush.
  • Jun 12, 2010, 09:53 PM
    I have finally figured out that the mascara I've been using has been making my eyelashes so curly that they actually curl back on themselves. After over a year of research, I've found that by using only moisturizing, natural mascara, removing it every night, and then applying castor oil to them is helping straighten them out. So many mascaras have very drying ingredients in them, especially the waterproof ones. Maybelline's eye makeup remover with mineral oil works great, then I wash my face with non-soap cleanser, moisturize and, using a q-tip, apply castor oil to my eyelashes before bed. They're finally relaxing and growing in a uniform direction - they even look longer! Good luck!
  • Jun 13, 2010, 08:22 AM

    Make sure you remove all mascara at night. You could try curling them, then using clear mascara, then combing them while they are not dry yet. Try different mascaras.
  • Jan 19, 2012, 07:58 PM
    I have the same problem and what seems to work for me is a heated eyelash curler. Instead of squeezing the curler you just gently tug on your lashes. It works like a straightening iron. You will need to do it several times to get the desired effect but it will work.
  • Jun 4, 2012, 08:40 PM
    I have the same problem but only on one eye! Its really annoying because my eyelashes are really long but the way they curl on my left eye makes them look shorter and it also makes it really hard to put eyeliner on because they get in the way! Not sure there is much we can do :(

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