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  • Dec 31, 2008, 10:04 AM
    Why do I cry so much for no apparent reason?
    I don't understand this. I seem to cry a lot latley for no reason. Its like I'm having a great day/night out when all of a sudden something dawns upon me that I must start crying.:confused: Im not sure if its just 'not my time' or I'm going through.. depression.. I sure hope not, but I'm going to the doc's to sort it soon. But has anyone else got any suggestions of what it could be? :) Thanks. Becky
  • Dec 31, 2008, 11:52 AM

    It's impossible to say with any certaincy with never having meet you.
    You should go to the doctors asap.
    Has anything changed recently?
    Are you getting enough vitamin B? Lack of vitamin B can make people teary...

    You could try Vitamin B6 50mg or vitamin B complex..
  • Dec 31, 2008, 04:01 PM
    Hi... I do the same thing from time to time, but I can blame mine on being post-menopausal (ergo my user name :) ) I don't know what age you are, but your reasons could be tied to hormones, too, no matter how old you are. You should definitely talk to your doctor, especially if it's interferring with your quality of life too much.

    Take care...
  • Jan 8, 2009, 09:53 AM

    Thanks for helping! :D
  • Jan 8, 2009, 12:56 PM

    Did you speak to a doctor? How are you feeling now?
  • Jan 8, 2009, 01:17 PM

    I used to do this to when I was younger, sometimes it happens out of the blue now but I'm glad its hardly ever. I really think it's a hormonal thing. You may be depressed a little, I got on anti depresants and I was having anxiaty attacks so I quit taking them, and I have found ways to cope, when I feel like crying. I try and think about the possitve things more then the negative. To relax I close my eyes imagine myself on the beach listening to the waves, breathing deeply. Find whatever it is that helps sooth you and when you feel like crying try it I'm sure it'll help. Good luck!
  • Sep 17, 2009, 06:26 AM
    Hi I'm 20 and 8weeks pregnant I have had a lot of changes in the last few months I lost my job my house and my car and my partners hours got cut and we both moved in with My parents back in to my old bedroom from when I was growing up , it has been really hard as I don't handle stress very well I suffered from depression when I wad younger I I got through it OK but having parents that are .jWs and don't beleave in a lot its hard to live like that my reasones fore telling you my half life story is that I know that there are others out there just like me just hold on try your best and relax life is hard I know I been there done that , you be OK and stick to it, hated it being emotional is part of being a woman or becoming a woman,
  • Dec 10, 2009, 04:51 PM

    Maybe, someone out there can help me. I'm in my 40's and cry when I get embarrassed, nervous, or anxious. I have been going to therapist since I was 13. I take antianxiety pills, antidepressants, talk to God and nothing is working for me. It is especially hard for me when I have to speak in public. I start crying during my presentations. I try to avoid them of course but I'm in school and speeches are required. Can anyone offer any new insight. I have gone as far to consider getting my tear ducts removed. (No doctor will do it) Thanks for anything you can offer.
  • Feb 5, 2010, 07:38 AM
    I have to wonder what age you are. I am in my early 40's and I used to never cry about anything! Over the last 2 years it has gotten so bad that I can't control it. I cry when I watch American Idol and people do good or get kicked off, I cry watching commercials and listening to music. I did mention it to my doctor and he did some bloodwork. He does not think I have started going through the change yet and told me to try Wellbutrin... I have not gotten it filled yet and plan to do so today. My kids see me cry about every little thing and I'm afraid they think I'm going crazy... I feel like I am at times because I can offer no explanation for it. Also, I know of several people who started taking anti-depressants and became suicidal, so that is also a concern for me... I sure don't want to end up like that...
  • May 1, 2010, 08:19 PM
    I have a similar tendency to cry for no reason, often within minutes of feeling quite good. After many years of trying various things, from cognitive therapy to anti-depressents, I have come to the conclusion that the real problem is not the crying, but the sudden shift in mood. I have come to accept these sudden "mood swings" as symptoms of some form of bipolar disorder. Although I am less likely to notice "manic" episodes, doctors have told me that some forms of bipolar disorder are primarily depressive with only mild mania (bipolar type 2), and there is even something called monopolar disorder. It can take a lot of courage to seek treatment for this kind of thing, and no treatment is perfect. Currently, I'm finding that Seroquel helps a little, although I don't take a high dose for fear of weight gain and diabetes. I also rely on Clonazepam as needed, which is primarily effective not because it helps me feel "better," but because it helps me feel "less."
  • May 1, 2010, 08:19 PM
    I have a similar tendency to cry for no reason, often within minutes of feeling quite good. After many years of trying various things, from cognitive therapy to anti-depressents, I have come to the conclusion that the real problem is not the crying, but the sudden shift in mood. I have come to accept these sudden "mood swings" as symptoms of some form of bipolar disorder. Although I am less likely to notice "manic" episodes, doctors have told me that some forms of bipolar disorder are primarily depressive with only mild mania (bipolar type 2), and there is even something called monopolar disorder. It can take a lot of courage to seek treatment for this kind of thing, and no treatment is perfect. Currently, I'm finding that Seroquel helps a little, although I don't take a high dose for fear of weight gain and diabetes. I also rely on Clonazepam as needed, which is primarily effective not because it helps me feel "better," but because it helps me feel "less."
  • May 20, 2010, 01:44 PM

    It's not good to hide those feelings people! When you feel the need to cry don't hold it in it'll only make you feel worse! Just cry! You'll be surprised on how much better you feel afterwords! Trust me I talk to people on Facebook one in mind who has those problems.. .
  • Jun 16, 2010, 05:15 PM
    I was just asking myself last night why do I cry so much. I figured it out though for me,I think. I'm very sensitive to others and what they are going through. I cry when I see an elderly person by themselves in church, I cry when I see other people cry either on TV or in person or when I think that person is hurting and alone. I worked with someone who cried once in 10 years and I said I cried on the way to work this morning listening to someone on the radio. I told the person I cry all the time and he said he admired me for it. He wished he could do it more. This was a tough guy too. I cry when people tell me sad stories because I feel for them and their situation. I tell them please don't tell me this, I'll start to cry but they tell me anyway and I cry. That's mainly why I cry. It started in my early teens attending funerals and seeing family members sad. I also cried watching Shirley Temple movies when I was a kid. Those were the worst back then for me. Sometimes it makes things difficult because the tears just come. It gets embarrassing and I usually say I feel so bad for that person. Have never tried medication; but am thinking about it. I'll start crying in a room full of people and I'll be the only one tearing up during a show or movie. I think maybe no one feels bad for the person like I do. I just don't know. Like the above response maybe I have a disorder and don't know it.
  • Jun 29, 2010, 01:37 PM
    I do this 2 all the time I don't know why I'm 20 one day I'm happy I mean I love my life but all of a suddent I wake up I feel so depresed but I have nothing to be depressed about I feel so make I makes me cry I don't know my family members don't understand in fact I am crying write now I hate this help me plzzzzzzzz..!
  • Jul 9, 2010, 05:55 AM
    I have always been seen as 'over-sensitive', even since I was a child. I cry over the littlest things, even stories about animals that have been abandoned or a sad movie. But lately there's been some tension between me and my boyfriend as we're both going through a lot of changes job-wise etc and it's a long-distance relationship. He knows that I cry at the drop of a hat but now lately if we're arguing and I start crying he just gets really angry and tells me to stop. I know he's going through stuff but why does he have to get so angry with me? I can't help the way I am and if I'm crying during an argument then it's for a genuine reason. I've been depressed in the past and was in counselling for some time but the whole crying thing has been going on forever, think it's just because I'm a very emotional person. It can be very embarrassing though so I understand the feeling of wanting to get advice on it.
  • Aug 20, 2010, 12:07 PM
    I am 14 years old and I can be so so happy then all of a sudden I just cry.. its really stupid.. sometimes I could just be watching eastenders and then just cry or just in the car with my mum.. I really don't know what to do my mum thinks its my hormons but its I just feel really sad for no reason, Anyone that can help ?
  • Aug 29, 2010, 03:42 PM

    I cry sometimes when I don't expect it. But, there are other times, when I watch certain movies, that I'll cry... and I can't control it. For example, at the beginning of Star Trek, when Kirk's mother gives birth to him, and his father and her are choosing his name - just before, both know, he will die saving hundreds of lives - and she's no longer going to be with him, her husband, and that she'll be alone with only her new born son; James Tiberius Kirk.
    And an older movie, The Abyss, when Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio's character dies by choice in frozen water. And her husband drags her back to safety and revives her.
    Anything empathetic gets to me. I don't understand it. Is that bad; I mean, is there something wrong with me?
  • Aug 29, 2010, 03:51 PM

    Try volunteering. It sounds like you have a need to help out. Try giving your help, once a week, to a homeless shelter.
    I may be wrong, but it can't hurt. See if it makes just a little change in your outlook.
    If it doesn't, screw it... just take drugs... LOL! Just kidding.
    Seriously, see if it makes you feel different. If it does, then maybe God is telling you that you are a healer; maybe a nurse, or even a doctor; a psychologist. Someone who can definitely empathize.
  • Sep 14, 2010, 03:48 PM
    Please help me as well. My parents don't know about this. I always feel like crying. I feel like I have no friends when I have a bunch. I sometimes sit in my room just sitting and doing nothing. I am really scared that this will affect me later on too. I'm 13 turning 14 in a couple of days . High school just started for me and I think that's why I am crying because I don't like it and my best friends is in another class. I don't know what to do . I really don't think its because of that because its been happenening to me for a year so far.
    And I have noticed that the only one who can calm and sooth me down is one of my friends. I really love her and miss her. I still talk to her just not always and she isn't there anymore to sooth me down when I am crying because she went to a different high school
    I really don't want to tell my parents about this. So please do help me
    Is this because of depression
    And also can you tell me more about the antidepressant pills
    Thank you
    Sincerely sanam
  • Sep 16, 2010, 12:34 AM

    Okay, what you are going through is not normal. I really believe that you need medication. A psychologist is the best answer for you. She can diagnose and prescribe the right medication that will balance your strength.
    You are passionate; I can tell that about you. But, your sadness is... well, it's just too strong. And it's wrong. You are way too sad. Believe me when I say it will get in the way of any other thing that you want to do with your life.
    A doctor will know how to monitor you, and prescribe whatever fits best for you.

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