Does height really increase after 20 yrs of age by yoga and other exercises , if yes then how much, does anybody has exact proof or any idea who's increases his/her height after their teen age by exercisin:confused:
Does height really increase after 20 yrs of age by yoga and other exercises , if yes then how much, does anybody has exact proof or any idea who's increases his/her height after their teen age by exercisin:confused:
Your heighti s determined primarily by your genetic predisposition.
You can get a fair idea of your familial genetics by the height of
Others within your immediate and extended family. In rare cases,
Hormonal disorders may affect normal growth, but this problem is quite
Noticeable in early childhood. Healthy eating and good posture should
Also be taken into account, but unless these factors are seriously
Disrupted, their influence is small in the overall scheme of your
"pre-programmed" height.
Women or more likely to decrease in height as they age,
As mentioned already, your growth is determined by genetics, nutrition, and stressors. Once the growth plates "close" usually around 18-20 depending on gender, no further height is gained. My grandfather supposedly gained an inch at age 21, but that's pretty late for substantial growth.
Hi, honey1987!
I do agree with tickle and kp2171 above. I just wanted to add that it's possible with stretching to attain some additional, measurable gain in height, but not so much that it would be noticeable if someone was looking at you.
Is there a particular reason as to why your're asking the question, please?
You!! Its beoz I'm only 5'2 and want to gain at least 1 or 2 inches more
Can I ask why you wish to be taller honey?
Well the thing is, your HGH levels can improve when you are calm and relaxed - this is according to the latest studies and since yoga, stretching and sleeping can help you reach that state, they can improve your HGH levels. You also need calcium and protein to grow - This is not mine but from New and improved system to Grow Taller and Height Increase - Growth-FlexV Pro ™ System
Me too. I just turned 20 this week and I want to grow like 2 inches so badly. My height is only 5ft 41/2 inch. I do those stretching exercises from head to leg. I eat lot meats, fruits, and drink lots of water, milk. But nothing seems to work. I'm so pissed off right now.
One thing is that I won't give up that easily and will continue to have those foods. Hopefully I'll see some results.
I'll let you know when that happens. For sure
Its all genetics, folks. Look at some pics of your mom and dad, grandparents, if any one of them is tall, good chance you will be, but otherwise, nothing in the world will make you break through your genetic code.
And ill repeat...
Along with your genetic potential, which is passed through your parents but DOES NOT need to equal your parents, nor your grandparents, nutrition and stressors can prevent you from your "highest" genetic potential...
Flexibility can improve posture, which CAN make you appear taller... but show me one single primary medical study that's been independently reviewed that shows stretching will increase major bone length once the growth plates have fused.
Just one? Anyone?
JAMA? The Lancet? NEJM?
I am asking u how to increase height after 20
I'm going to 2o yrs old . My height is 5'1 n I want to be 5'10 . Is it possible ? If yes than tell me ***
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