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  • Nov 11, 2008, 12:56 AM
    Bone in my sandwich from Mcdonalds.what should I do?
    Tonight we went to Mcdonald's and when I bit into my double cheeseburger I found that there was a small sharp hard bone in it. I was able to pull the little bone out of my mouth and still have it... as well as the rest of my sandwich. Im wondering if there is anything I can do about this as I am very upset and my tooth still hurts. I don't think there was any physical damage to my tooth... it just hurts. But like I said I am pretty upset and disgusted. Can I sue them for this?
  • Nov 11, 2008, 07:29 AM

    First report it to the store manager. To be able to successfully sue you would have to prove real damage.
  • Nov 11, 2008, 07:41 AM

    Well as soon as you bit into it, you take it to the counter and have them do a report,

    Now it is honestly going to be hard to prove the bone came from that sandwich.

    But you can still report it, to the store, I have to be honest I would not expect them to do anything if it has been several days.
  • Nov 11, 2008, 02:22 PM

    All right thanks guys... Im not as mad about it as I was last night and Im thinking it wouldn't be worth it to complain or try suing or anything. I did a bunch of research online and people get bones in the sandwhiches all the time. I also found out a bit more about the process in which they get their meat... Im still a little disturbed so Im thinking I won't be eating there for awhile which sucks cause it is my favorite place to eat! I love big macs! So it will be hard. Thanks
  • Nov 13, 2008, 05:59 AM

    Why do you think I don't eat in fast food restaurants?
  • Nov 17, 2008, 11:41 PM

    I got a burger that had something like plastic bag mixed into the "meat". Weird. I was in college and on an EXTREMELY tight budget so it sucked. No money and no food. Not enough gas to get back to the store to complain either.
  • Nov 18, 2008, 12:03 AM

    I bought 80% ground beef at the supermarket, made sloppy joes for my family, and ended up biting down on a little piece of bone. Other times I end up chewing on pieces of gristle. Even when you slaughter the cow or the chicken yourself, there's a risk of getting something you don't want mixed in with the meat. In a company that deals with processing tons of raw meat or vegetables or fruits every day, the chances are even greater of accidentally putting something strange or unfriendly in the packages or cans, despite all sorts of sanitation and safety rules. House or inexpensive brands of sliced fruits or veggies can have leaves and small branches in them.

    There's probably no way to escape some kind of occasional contamination or oddity or hair or insect pieces in one's food every now and then. My favorite story is that of a coworker who bought a salad at a fast-food place and noticed a live praying mantis peeking out of the lettuce leaves at him. Mike complained and got a new (free and mantis-free) salad plus coupons for sandwiches...
  • Nov 18, 2008, 05:42 AM

    Lately in the news there have been a lot of "strange" objects found in the food at McDonalds restaurants. Don't know why, but this has been a real trend lately.
  • Nov 18, 2008, 05:47 AM

    Newsflash: Cows have bones.
  • Nov 18, 2008, 04:52 PM

    Yes... cows have bones... and so do all other animals... we have even cut up our own meat from deer and I have never biten into a bone before.
    I get your point though... I just don't think that I will be rushing back to any fast food places for awhile. They aren't good for us anyway and this is just another reason to avoid them. Im sure I will eat there again soon enough... as I said before I love Big Macs!
    But it will be in the back of my mind every time I go there, especially when we have kids and my kids are eating there.
    Thanks for all the advice... Ive pretty much dropped the subject now and moved on with my life. And I honestly felt that way the next morning...
    But thanks for the advice.
  • Nov 18, 2008, 04:56 PM

    Okay, you guys have all ruined my appetite, I was thinking of taking the kids to McDonalds tonight, not anymore. ;)

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