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  • Oct 8, 2008, 11:36 AM
    Outside in the rain
    So I came home from work yesterday to find a van in front of the house- I don't remember if it said animal services or animal control. Either way, I got out of my car and this guy came up and asked me if we owned a dog because there was a complaint about a dog being outside in the rain in the afternoon. I didn't understand the problem. Then he made it sound like he was outside for hours. My brother and my cousin came by to let him out because they knew that I was working late. He was apparently outside with food and water and under an overhang from the garage for about a half hour while my cousin and my brother were using a sander in the house. They thought it would be better for him outside than in the house with the dust and the noise. I agreed. The thing that makes me mad is that we have no idea who complained but we wanted to explain why he was outside. Now they just think we don't know how to take care of our pets. It wasn't even raining that hard. The dog is 11 years old and his been outside in the rain before. It's not like we're neglectful of our dog. I just don't know what to do at this point because now I'm worried that if I leave him outside at all the neighbors are going to complain. He's a husky and he loves being outside. Any thoughts?
  • Oct 9, 2008, 07:31 AM
    BSc Animal_Welf

    It sounds like you are a very considerate owner. It's the image though, people see a dog in the rain and the think aaaaaww that poor dog, The Siberian Husky was bred to live on snow and use ice for a pillow, they can stand half an hour in the rain. If your brother and cousin were sanding it was definitely better for the dog to be outside. The dog had food water and had a place to stay dry.
    It sounds to me that you have a neighbour that is trying to stir some trouble.
  • Oct 9, 2008, 08:43 AM

    That's kind of what I thought. We would hate for it to look like we were being cruel to our dog.
  • Oct 9, 2008, 08:51 AM

    I don't think the neighbor was trying to cause a problem for you. Just be greatfull there is somebody watching out for the welfare of your pup.

    I had reported two dogs being exposed to the elements and unfortunately we do not have a dog warden in my town. These poor dogs were left out 365 days per year with nothing but a small overhang over the front door and nothing else. When one dog dies they get another and another and another
  • Oct 9, 2008, 08:54 AM

    What a load of horse..

    Unfortunetly there are some people whose love of dogs make them act absolutley insane. I guess they like dogs so much that they feel it their business to "protect" them. All animals can be out in the rain really, my cats LOVE the rain and I've seen dogs out there too.

    I would have told the animal control that this is really too much. Also, if you know who did it I'd speak to them about minding their own business. Anyone can tell that you obviously mean no harm to the animal. Just people with nothing better to do I guess.
  • Oct 9, 2008, 09:02 AM

    Obviously we do not agree. I'm sure the person was looking out for the dogs best interest and perhaps the previous posters need to go hug a dog and get a more positive outlook.
  • Oct 9, 2008, 10:45 AM

    Or you could set a place at your dinner table for him/her.
  • Oct 9, 2008, 11:00 AM

  • Oct 9, 2008, 11:05 AM

    I guess before calling animal control I would have come over and knocked to see if anyone was home. Seems like a drastic first step to me.
  • Oct 9, 2008, 11:08 AM

    Glad you liked it:)

    I've got more y'know.
  • Oct 9, 2008, 11:12 AM

    Originally Posted by Tuscany View Post
    I guess before calling animal control I would have come over and knocked to see if anyone was home. Seems like a drastic first step to me.

    My thoughts exactly!!
  • Oct 9, 2008, 11:30 AM

    No, not a good idea. To go and nock on a strangers door nowadays can be a dangerous thing. You don't know who can hurt you.

    I would do additional drive bys before contacting animal control
  • Oct 9, 2008, 11:37 AM

    MOST of the time people know their neighbors. I would think that you could actually knock on the door and ask nicely about the dog. I would feel more than comfortable with doing that with any of my neighbors.
  • Oct 9, 2008, 11:47 AM

    Well, we just moved in last week, so we really only met our neighbors right next door. We went over and talked to them about everything yesterday and they have dogs- love them- and said it was probably the neighbors next door to them because they've called about them too they said that neighbor was "psycho."
  • Nov 23, 2008, 12:20 PM

    A HUSKY, outside, in the elements? OMG! Whoever complained is a busybody "do-gooder". I left my puppy in the car outside a coffee house (with the windows down an inch) and was gone less that 5 minutes (long enough to get a coffee - no lineup). It was the first time I'd left my puppy alone and it cried pitifully. When I returned there were two bicycle cops trying to break into my car. They had received 3 phone calls about a puppy in distress in the time it took me to get coffee! I have since spoken with an animal control officer who assured me I did nothing wrong and that there are people with good intentions who call them constantly to report unimportant things all the time. On the other hand, if no one ever called to report abuse, imagined or otherwise, actual abuse might go on undiscovered. You seem like a good and responsible dog owner to me, as am I. Small price to pay, I suppose, is putting up with the nonsense reports, so that real perpetraitors are dealt with.
  • Nov 23, 2008, 04:23 PM

    I could see this happening if your dog was insanely barking, or was howling like he was in pain.

    He must have shown other physical signs of the torment he must have endured while being out in the rain! After all, dogs should be kept inside, and not be subjected to climate changes! They need to be sheltered inside with a doggie sweater, and if he has to go outside, you must put doggy boots on him when the forecast calls for rain.

    Oh and don't forget his raincoat! It should be a bright yellow color, in case he flees so you can find and rescue him from this scary rain! What an autrocity! He could be scarred for life!

    How dare your brother and his friend be inside the house while your poor helpless dog is left out in the rain for half an hr! Didn't they know the phychological and phyical harm this nasty rain would cause? I think your brother and his friend should be forced to stand in the rain, while the dog sat inside dining on treats by the fireplace!

    Seriously though. People that take animal control away from actual emergencies, should be punished for doing so. There are dogs that are in trouble, and for someone to call for such a silly thing is ridiculous!
  • Nov 23, 2008, 04:38 PM

    Originally Posted by danielnoahsmommy View Post
    i dont think the neighbor was trying to cause a problem for you. just be greatfull there is somebody watching out for the welfare of your pup.

    i had reported two dogs being exposed to the elements and unfortunatly we do not have a dog warden in my town. these poor dogs were left out 365 days per year with nothing but a small overhang over the front door and nothing else. when one dog dies they get another and another and another

    There is a HUGE difference between a dog being left outside for 1/2 and hr. in the rain, and being left out for 365 days a yr. to fend for itself. Keep your response in line with the OP's post! The responses would be TOTALLY different if the dog was left out and exposed to the elements all the time, and being neglected by their owner. This neighbour was totally out of line, and only trying to cause trouble. The neighbours motives for calling might not be well intentioned at all! They might not like dogs, or maybe ZoeMarie or her brother for that matter, and called to just be mean, in hopes that the dog would be taken from them. Animal control have enough on their hands, without responding to such a moronic call!

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