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  • Jun 22, 2008, 09:37 PM
    Is it illegal for a 13 yr old to date an 18 yr old?
    I'm 13 and interested in this guy who's 18. This guy is also interested in me. We both feel the same way about sex (not having it) and I know he means this because I met him through my cousin and we've been hanging out for about a year. I think the relationship is only illegal if were sexually active; but he says its illegal anyway. I just wanted to know if its always illegal of if its only illegal if were having sex...
  • Jun 22, 2008, 10:08 PM
    A 13 year old has no busienss "dating" a 18 year old, there is not enough common interests and even things they should be doing together and sorry but the only reason I could even image a 18 wanting to date a 13 year old would be sex.

    But no, this relationship would only get the 18 year old in all types of trouble
  • Jun 23, 2008, 02:33 AM
    ... what are you two going to talk about?

    18 year old: I'm going to college next year
    13 year old: I'm going to high school next year.

    ... completely different
  • Jun 23, 2008, 06:53 AM

    Originally Posted by ISneezeFunny
    ...what are you two going to talk about?

    18 year old: I'm going to college next year
    13 year old: I'm going to high school next year.

    ...completely different

    I was thinking more along the lines of:

    "I love Hannah Montana"

  • Jun 23, 2008, 07:04 AM

    Originally Posted by ArianeTrue
    This guy is also interested in me.

    I think the the relationship is only illegal if were sexually active; but he says its illegal anyway.

    Sorry, Ariane, but this guy is NOT very interested in you. He's using the law as an excuse not to date you to be nice.

    There are no laws governing dating. You are correct that the laws only refer to sexual activity.

    I agree with the others that the gulf between a 13 yr old and an 18 yr old is too wide. I don't know what you mean by "hanging out", but I suspect he looks on you more as a little cousin, than dating material.
  • Jun 23, 2008, 07:16 AM
    Scott beat me to it. QI was going to say the same thing, that he thinks of you as a little sister or cousin, not as a date.
  • Jun 23, 2008, 12:31 PM
    There may be some laws that would apply here because anytime she is with him he is the " adult " in the situation. Anything he might do with her could render a charge of contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Staying out late ( past curfew ), watching an R rated movie etc. Also any activities such as driving too fast he could face child endangerment charges. Anyway you look at it 18 y/o and 13 y/o dating is a bad mix.
  • Jun 23, 2008, 12:39 PM
    Look I agree scott. He just isn't interested. Its OK to be friends and talk sometimes but he's an adult and you're a teenager, you are at two really different stages of life and it won't work. He should be working on starting his life and becoming a man. And your nowhere near that stage. Sorry I don't think its going to work
  • Jun 23, 2008, 12:54 PM

    Originally Posted by ArianeTrue
    I'm 13 and interested in this guy who's 18. This guy is also interested in me. We both feel the same way about sex (not having it) and I know he means this because I met him through my cousin and we've been hanging out for about a year. I think the the relationship is only illegal if were sexually active; but he says its illegal anyway. I just wanted to know if its always illegal of if its only illegal if were having sex...

    A lot of this is going to depend on what your parents say - our aunt and uncle who (presumably) are your cousin's parents.

    Do your parents have a problem with this? Your aunt and uncle? Does anyone know you and this person are discussing having or not having sex?
  • Jun 23, 2008, 01:46 PM

    Originally Posted by ArianeTrue
    Is it illegal for a 13 yr old to date an 18 yr old?

    Hello ArianeTrue:



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