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  • Jun 18, 2008, 11:56 PM
    First time going to court for child support
    I am a single (never married) irst time mother... I am taking my sons father to court for child support... He has a child from a past relationship... I don't want to cheat myself nor his daughters mother out of money... it is also very hard to show how much my sons fatehr makes because he is a bartender... I don't know what to expect... What are something's to expect and that I should bring up when I go to court?
  • Jun 19, 2008, 07:19 AM
    Well first you should know that the biggest portion of money generally goes to the oldest kids mom. Is he on the birth certificate? If so then there really isn't much that needs to be done the judge will award support based on what he makes (which I think you already knew) it isn't up to you to show how much he makes he will have to bring in documentation of his wages such as pay stubs the judge might also want his tax information.
  • Jun 19, 2008, 06:25 PM
    A common view about the services of attorneys is that we cannot afford them. But you have laid out some issues that may ultimately be settled by a judge. We get plumb-ers because we, ourselves, don't know how to plumb. If you don't know "how to law," you might consider getting a law-yer.

    And through the entire process,
  • Jun 19, 2008, 06:32 PM
    You need an attorney, a couple of thousand now, will be thousands of dollars in money.
    First you will need to request though the courts his bank records, you ask for 1040's, you ask for proof of where he lives, what he pays in rent, what he drives, show he is making more money if he claims he does not make a lot. The state has a forumla they use to determine what he pays in most cases, some issues are have you proved he is the father, or has he signed accepting he is the father. If not you may have to get a court ordered DNA test to even prove he is the father first. Next is health insurance and child care costs
  • Jun 19, 2008, 09:13 PM

    Originally Posted by IM4U
    A common view about the services of attorneys is that we cannot afford them. But you have laid out some issues that may ultimately be settled by a judge. We get plumb-ers because we, ourselves, don't know how to plumb. If you don't know "how to law," you might consider getting a law-yer.

    And through the entire process,

    There is no "may be settled by a Judge" here. These matters will be decided by a Judge. You can't write your own support order.

    I would say you need an Attorney and someone very familiar with family law. What you don't pay now (to retain an Attorney) you may lose in the long run through reduced support payments.
  • Feb 2, 2011, 05:40 PM

    First time going to court, am behind in soport by the time i go to court am going to be on time with my payment. What do i need to look to do i need a lawyer?
  • Feb 2, 2011, 06:23 PM

    Please don't type in caps - it's the same as shouting at us.

    The Court - IF you are caught up - will give you a warning and tell you to stay current (in most cases).

    If you do not stay current next time you could be put in jail.

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