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  • Jun 12, 2008, 11:16 PM
    How to get in shape
    I'm trying so hard to get in shape I just got a membership at 24 hour fitness... and also I've been running around the block at least twice a weed I lost like 40 pounds last year... but I'm just still in really bad shape my question is how long will it take to get in shape ? I weigh one thirty now and I'm 5'2... but most importantly what do I have to do I need to work on my whole body mostly my arms and stomach... but like how much do I need to exercise a day how long and all that someone please help... my dream is to get in shape and last year I worked really hard and this year I need it to happen please help
  • Jun 13, 2008, 01:46 AM

    Originally Posted by cheesseball
    ... how long will it take to get in shape ?

    5'2'' = 1.574 mm - 130 pounds = 59 Kilogram.
    With 1.574 mm length and 59 Kilogram weight your body-weight index is around 20, and you are at a perfect and healthy size-weight ratio. Congrats!

    If you are in shape... that depends on where these 59 kilograms are located, and how your condition is.
    What is more important is : how to stay in shape, and the reply to that is : keep that body index and keep training that body your entire life !

    Only info missing here : your age !
    Only advice : stay away from MD !

  • Jun 13, 2008, 04:27 AM
    I am 12 years old and this is my sports for the week:
    Monday= 2 hour hip-hop training after school
    Tuesday= PE in school (night off after school)
    Wednesday= PE and 1 & 1/2 hour netball training after school
    Thursday= 2 hour aerobics training after school
    Friday= 1 and a 1/2 hour hip-hop training-yes more hip-hop
    Saturday= Netball game
    Sunday=DAY OFF - but there's no such thing as that for me-im always doing something.

    By doing the above I'm very fit and healthy.

    When I grow up I want to be a personal fitness trainer. I still have much to learn I know but I hope what I have to say will help.

    1. Your diet is just as important as excersise.
    2. Just half an hour a day (consistantly) will make a big difference - and any spare time--WORK OUT!
    3. do different forms of excersise to target different parts of your body.

    When I train for aerobics I do 10 push-ups and 10 sit-ups a day. I suggest this and also jogging.

    If you aren't already maybe get involved in a sport! You'll have a lot of fun and it will keep you very fit.

    Follow these steps consistently (thats the key word) and you will soon become fitter healthier and stronger!

    Hope I could help =]
  • Jun 13, 2008, 03:09 PM
    First check out your nutrition, are you eating the right portions of healthy foods, this means 3 oz. of lean meats, like skinless chicken, turkey breast, fish, loin type meats. Eating, fruits and veggies with each meal, switching from white flour products, to whole grain, breads, rice, pastas, rice and cereals. Smaller portions of healthy foods! Making sure your getting at least 3 servings of low fat/skim milk, cheese, and yogurt products. Beans, legumes, nuts and seeds, are also low fat types of protein. Cutting out fatty, fried and fast foods, as well ad high sodium products like chips, and high sugar products like soda, cakes, cookies, junk food, in general. And drinking lots of water throughout the day! After that all you need to do is exercise the entire body using, aerobics, jogging, walking, biking swimming, resistance training, for at least 30 minutes a day 4-5 times a week, if your walking, build it up to 1 mile or 1 hr. a day. All this to speed your metabolism and reduce body fat, it takes the proper nutrition and exercise to get it back together, but once you get a handle on these ideas, you will see results!

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