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  • May 5, 2008, 09:27 PM
    A dozen similar posts merged, Am I pregnant
    Hi OK I relly need help. Ok last month my period was 2 days early. I know no biggie. Bt this month it is 8 days early. Nd I am having a lot of pregancy symptoms. I look up about inplantation bleeding. Which I think is what it is? It really brown. And barely bleeding. And makes since cause if it is I would have have to conseave last wed. or tues. I didn't have sex tues. Bt wed. I did. Now I feel really sick in the morning and sometimes in the evenings. I am always tired. I eat more. I am moody. I mean I like almost cried when I saw a homeless guy and when I watch a show. Anyway I need advice Please?

    This website is sooooooo helpful
    Thanks a lot

    Me and my boyfriend had sex about a week ago
    I mean we've had sex a lot after but that time I was on the spacer pregnancy pills
    But my period was over and instead of using a condem we tried the pull out method
    something very different had never done that before.
    OK now over a week later my nipples are verrry sore and my areols look swollen and a little darker. I was wondering if I could be pregnant? Please help

    OK but I failed to mention that I get sickish and nauseated a lot. I have to urinate a lot. And major lower back and dbdomin pains

    K me and my boyfriend had sex and he pulled out. Anyway now almost 2 weeks later I have been having sore boobs verrry sore and tender nipples which always seem hard. I have visible blue veins in them going to the nipple. I feel sick all the time. Been very sensative to smells. Like I usually love his cologne but yesterday when laying on him it was sooo strong it almost made me puke. And I know you could be thinking maybe he wore too much. But he chewed big red gum. And that got me nauseated to. I feel tired all the time.major recent headaches. My hormones have been crazy. I mean I yelled at him over nothing and felt bad. I always seem made. I seem weepy and want to cry way more then usual. I mean I waz watching the naked brothers band and almost cried. WHAT THE HECK? I just need help. AM I PREGNANT? I have 4 days until I'm suppose to start my period. But does it sound like I am

    Yeah I know its not I mean don't get me wromg I'm on the pill but at that time I was on the spacers which are fake. And I was told pulling out worked. But thanks

    Nah haven't taken one yet
    Suppose to get my period in 4 days

    OK for like 2 or 3 weeks I have thought I was pregnant had A lot of symptoms. Well for the past 2 days I didn't take the birth control pill. Because I decided if I was I didn't want to hurt a baby. Well today I started to bleed a little. I just wanted to know if its cause I stopped the pill or is it my period cause see I'm suppose to start tomorrow. But I don't know. So confused Please help

    OK I was wondering if you took a prenancy test while bleeding will the blood mess the test up.

    OK let me explain past 2 or 3 weeks thought I was pregnant but wasn't sure stayed on pill. Boobs got huge, blue veins, back aches,heart burn, nausia,fatigue,sensitivity to smell,sore nipples, huge arelos and dark,etc etc.
    Last month while on spacers we used a rubber but it had a whole :mad:, we also tried pulling out, and then once I didn't take my pill until WAY late that day after we had sex.
    Well anyway I stopped the pill 2 days ago. And today I start bleeding. Im wondering if I can still be pregnant. And if I'm bleeding cause I stopped it. And also ima take a test Saturday. I might still be bleeding and I was wondering if the I am will the blood mess it up?

    And can you bleed and still be pregnant?

    OK for like 2 or 3 weeks I have thought I was pregnant had A lot of symptoms. Well for the past 2 days I didn't take the birth control pill. Because I decided if I was I didn't want to hurt a baby. Well today I started to bleed a little. And just recently I went to the bathroom and passed a blood clot about the size of a quarter. I just wanted to know if its cause I stopped the pill or is it my period cause see I'm suppose to start tomorrow. But I don't know. So confused Please help

    OK I think I am pregnant. All the symptoms. Backaches,headaches,heartburn,swollen breast. Blue veins on them, I mean they look like road maps,nausia,fatique,moodiness,etc. But I'm on my period. Or at least I think. Either that or it could be that a day I started bleeding I had stopped taking the pill for 2 days. Is it from the pill? Also I mean I know you can be pregnant and have your period lots of people do but can you pass blood clots?

    Most are small. Biggest was the size of a penny maybe smaller

    OK but what about the prenancy part. Could I be? And still pass clotts though?

    OK thank you

    OK my period was 10 days early. I'm on the pill but I haven't seem to be taking on time for weeks. Anyway my period was different this month no blood clots and 8 days. But I always have blood clots is what's up so is there a chance I'm pregnant?

    OK last month I thought I was pregnant but I had my period. But I heard you can when pregnant anyway. I took 2 tests both negative. But I thought maybe it was too early and the tests were barely visible. Anyway I have lots of symptoms. Nipples,blue veins,nausea,headaches,fatique,recent hotness. I'm always hot,and I always got to pee now,all the syptoms but missed period, and of course the tests were negative. But I think I still am. I'm on my period now but its way different. No blood clots. I always had them. And it was 10 days early and so far has lasted 8 days. Can anyone help?

    OK my period was 10 days early. I'm on the pill but I haven't seem to be taking on time for weeks. Anyway my period was different this month no blood clots and 8 days. But I always have blood clots is what's up so is there a chance I'm pregnant?

    2 negetive at home test. Periods, but all da symotoms... can I be pregnant?
  • May 29, 2008, 09:21 PM
    Retaining water can cause your nipples and breasts to be sore. Also, when your body is gearing up for your period it produces extra hormones, estrogen and progesterone, which can also cause your nipples to be sore. You can always get pregnant after having unprotected sex, even just once. Wait it out, see if you miss your period. About 5 days after missing your period, take an HPT and then you'll know
  • Jun 2, 2008, 12:18 PM
    Again, your body can make these feelings trust me!

    Just relax and waitit out, I bet the second you stop thinking about pregnancy it will fade!
    Good luck
  • Jun 3, 2008, 02:55 PM
    If you think you are pregnant a lot, all of a sudden you will get all these pregnancy symptoms. Trust me. I am 10 weeks pregnant and I have had plenty of times to where I thought I was pregnant. 99% of women do not get legit symptoms until after you miss your first period. Just wait until you next period is due and take a test. I use First Response and I found out the day my period was due.
  • Jun 3, 2008, 03:43 PM
    Sounds like pregnancy symptoms to me especially the areolas and other feelings you describe.

    Get a test and see what happens
  • Jun 5, 2008, 03:59 PM
    I am not a doctor, but it sounds like you could be but then again it could be a stomach virus or something. Pulling out is not a form of birth control because a few sperm can still escape during sex. I would take a pregnency test. You should be close enough to your period to get the test that have early prediction. Hope it all works out and please remember this is just my opinion.
  • Jun 5, 2008, 04:15 PM
    Well who ever told you that "pulling out works" lied to you, and you need to tell them to read some real sex education books.
    While it does slightly reduce the chances there is plenty of sperm in all of the early fluid to get you pregnant, and of course the pill is not 100 percent.
    So if you don't want a baby, not having sex is the only sure method, but using at least two forms is best if you are going to have sex.
  • Jun 5, 2008, 06:04 PM

    Originally Posted by Desishea
    yeah i know its not i mean dont get me wromg im on the pill but at that time i was on the spacers which are fake. and i was told pulling out worked. but thanks

    Was this your doctor then if so I would find another doctor and good luck.
  • Jun 5, 2008, 06:32 PM

    Originally Posted by Desishea
    i was told pulling out worked.

    Whoever told you that is not a parent. There are millions of sperm in pre-ejaculate and all it takes is one sperm. He does not know when he is pre-ejaculating, it's impossible to tell.

    Unfortunately you are now playing the waiting game. Have you taken a pregnancy test yet?

    When is your period due?
  • Jun 6, 2008, 12:08 PM
    Pulling out works if you want to get pregnant.

    The "spacers" do not contain hormones, you're correct. To give yourself peace-of-mind, use a condom for backup. I became pregnant once (1.5 years ago) on birth control pills, so it can happen. The day you are late, take a pregnancy test. In the mean time, you should start taking prenatal vitamins for the health of the baby in case you're already pregnant.

    ... actually, my home pregnancy test was positive 4 days before my missed period, so you might want to test.

    Good luck
  • Jun 9, 2008, 07:54 PM
    Have you taken a pregnancy test? When was your last period? What kind of bleeding are you experiencing? It is not uncommon to have pregnancy symptoms while on birth control. Its all about the hormones and how your body is reacting to the effects of the pill. Its possible that the bleeding is occurring because you stopped taking the pill, for these same reasons. It is however also possible that you are pregnant. Really until you take a test and/or go to the doctor for an exam etc, there's not much of a way to know for sure.
  • Jun 9, 2008, 07:57 PM
    Well right now its light pink kind of looks orange. And yeah I know the pill sometimes makes these symptoms. I've had them before but these are way worse. My boobs like changed completely. Magger back aches. Heart burn. Sore nipples you name it I got it. No I haven't taken a test. And I am not sure when my last period was but it was last month around this time.
  • Jun 9, 2008, 08:12 PM
    Well, I suggest you go get a pregnancy test some time in the next week, or at least go see your doctor(they can do a test there as well as give you an exam/advice) good luck,and let us know how things turn out.
  • Jun 9, 2008, 08:31 PM
    OK thanks but ? Can u take a pregnancy test if your bleeding and will the blood effect it
  • Jun 9, 2008, 09:20 PM
    No the bleeding will not effect it.. a home pregnancy test will only show a positive if there are HCG in your urine or blood.. so no matter what if you are bleeding it will not effect it..
  • Jun 9, 2008, 09:55 PM
    Yes, you can bleed and be pregnant at the same time... but what you might be experiencing is what they call 'breakthrough bleeding' from not taking your birth control as prescribed...

    The symptoms you describe having could be pregnancy symptoms.. or just regular ole woman problems...

    To be absolutely sure before you start back on another round of pills, I'd go see a doctor and have them do their own pregnancy test and/or a blood test to make sure you are NOT pregnant before you start taking any more pills...

    And the only way to prevent the breakthrough bleeding is to take your pill like it says on the box...

    Good luck.
  • Jun 10, 2008, 07:06 AM
    We really cannot tell you what's going on, only a doctor can. We can't run tests etc. I'm sorry that we can't be more helpful, but if you are concerned about this then it's time to go to your doctor and find out what's going on.

    Good luck.
  • Jun 11, 2008, 01:13 PM
    All that matters is the amount of hcg(pregnancy hormone) in your urine. That is what measures on the test. If you are worried about it, you could get a qualatative blood test done at your local hospital, it shouldn't cost much more then a regular test at the store. (ex.10$) these are more accurate(however, they do have a margin of error. Just less likely )
  • Jun 12, 2008, 09:11 PM
    Time to take an hpt or go to the doctor. Blood clots, how big, if they're large, could be a miscarriage. Don't risk this, go to your doctor to make sure.

    Good luck.
  • Jun 12, 2008, 09:13 PM
    That could be normal period clots, I get those all the time. When I miscarried I had clots the size of my fist, 5 or 6 an hour. You know your body better than anyone, if you think that something is off then get it checked, no sense taking a risk.

    Good luck, let us know how it goes.

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