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  • Apr 20, 2008, 09:41 AM
    Bugs eating my cat?
    My cat started acting like she was being eaten alive by bugs about one month ago. It is spring in CA, so I assumed fleas and treated her with Frontline Plus, which has always done the trick in the past. After the second dose, the behavior is still the same (and I made sure to apply it correctly). Something "bites" her, she jumps, licks, and bites the area, and runs around the house, hiding under the coffee table or covers on the bed to escape whatever it is that is biting her. I am pretty much positive that my initial diagnosis of fleas was wrong because the Frontline, which is good until the end of 2009, has had no effect. In addition, she sleeps on a white sheet, and there has been no evidence of either dead fleas or flea dirt within the past month. I know what to look for, as we had a pretty bad flea case a few years ago, and I am not seeing any of the physical evidence. She is shedding, and it looks like she has a slight touch of dry skin. What on earth is making her act like she is being bitten? Is it possible that some other bug is biting her? She has been eating Purina One cat food for the past three years, and there has been no other change in environment or diet. Help!
  • Apr 20, 2008, 10:33 AM
    If she is an outdoor cat she could have picked up some kind of parasite that is trying to get under her skin. A few years ago I took off a disgusting looking worm on my cats back and flushed it down the toilet. Go over her inch my inch wearing latex gloves and use a magnifying glass.
  • Apr 20, 2008, 10:41 AM
    I would trying boming my house with flea bombs. Those bombs usually get rid of different types of bugs. My animals had fleas... and the front line alone was not enough. Iused bombs, and flea medicine as well as combing with a fine toothed flea comb and drowning them in soapy water. So far this year I have not seen one flea. I am hoping that the harsh winter that we had helps reduce the population.

    Make sure that you clean out any old debris from under your flowers, bushes, porch clean any piles of leaves that gather around fences or porches. I read that they like to breed and hatch in tall grass... so I am trying to keep grasss cut close. Sun Light is their enemy. Good luck
  • Apr 23, 2008, 06:10 PM
    Your cat has a severe allergic reaction.Many cats suffer with this,and many will lick till the skin is raw and icky.She may be allergic to the frontline,or even something new in her environment.There are many things you can try to weed out what she is allergic to.Start with things that you may have changed around the time all this behavior started.There are also pills that are similar to benedryl that you can try,they are called hydroxizine and a vet can prescribe these for her.Good luck.Another thing that I have noticed is that purina has changed their packaging for their larger bags,and my cats refuse to eat it now.It is made from a weird plastic material,and either the smell or freshness factor is affected.One of my cats has developed sores on her chin.I called the company to complain and ask them to go back to original package.They were nice and sent me some coupons,but I now have to buy the smaller bags,which is more costly.
  • Apr 23, 2008, 06:56 PM
    pompano is that hydroxine also used for dogs?
  • Apr 24, 2008, 04:08 AM
    Yes,it is used for both dogs and cats.There is also a spray called Betagen that is easy to use and seems to relieve symptoms very quick.You can get it through some vets,and also from internet suppliers with a prescription.It has an antibiotic ,gentimyicin,that helps with severe scratching that may lead to bacterial infections.Pets scratch with their paws which has dirt and debree that will get into open cuts.This is why many pets get ear infections,constant scratching with dirty paws.Vets sometimes will recommend monthly shots with a steroid,hydrocortisone,and it works well,but can only be given every 30 days.The symptoms will return usually right before the next shot is due.I hope this will help.It is a condition that is chronic,and your pet will appreciate you trying to make her daily life a little more comfortable.
  • Jan 5, 2011, 02:41 AM
    I know this thread happened some time ago, but I am in the same situation with my cat now. I refuse to believe the behavior you discuss, which is exactly like my cats current condition, is a neurological problem like my vet thinks. I've been calling them her twitching fits. I was wondering if you have any further news about your kitty?
    My girl is just shy of 3 years old, and began with these symptoms 2.5 months ago. During this time we have changed her food to a Rx diet, and she has been on a low dose of steroids, both to no avail. 5mg/day for one month, 2.5mg/day for one month, and now 2.5mg/every other day for a month. The steroids had no effect on her. But I too notice some dander. She definitely acts as if she's being bitten by something, though she is 100% free of any bugs, it scares her and she hides in the bathroom cupboards. I hate seeing her so uncomfortable, especially when I feel everything I do doesn't help her...
    Any further information would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you!
  • Jan 6, 2011, 06:56 AM
    My cat had a similar problem. The vet said he was now allergic to the frontline which we had used for 5 years. Unfortunately he had just been treated again and she said we would have to wait until the next cycle was due. I asked if shampooing the cat would help a bit, I thought it may remove the acting flea treatment or at least provide some relief. I was given St Frances Natural Pet Care Lavender and Rosemary aroma care shampoo (mild and gentle, relaxing and soothing) for dogs cats puppies and kittens. We now use advantage and the problem was solved

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