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  • Apr 6, 2008, 10:55 AM
    How to stop neighbor's dogs from eating way into my yard?
    I have a problem I need some input. I live in a leased townhome in Texas. I am the owner of two small dogs... Schipperrke and Min-pin. My neighbor has three dogs... 2 Pit Bulls and a Golden Ret (grown). We have ten foot wooden fences around our backyards. When my dogs go into the yard, the 3 dogs bark, shake the fence and on three occasions have bitten the bottom slats from the fence... have entered my yard on one of these occasions. It was very scary because I'd gotten my two dogs in just in the nick of time before they could take a bite. The dogs continue to throw themselves against my patio door. I grabbed my two small dogs, cell phone and ran out of my from door. I called the apt, manager, police, and animal control for this first time incident. But it has happened twice since then, the only difference is I caught it before they had the chance to eat two slats. The manager keeps replacing the wooden slats but this is not enough. Suppose I let down my vigil once and they enter and eat my dogs? What else am I entitled for the manager to do to prevent this from happening over and over? What are my rights as a tenant? Do I have to keep accepting this minimial 'after-the-fact' measure or can I demand them do more? If so what?
    I know this is a "book" instead of just a question... but please help me work it out. I am scared and desperate. Thanks
  • Apr 6, 2008, 01:10 PM
    I think that your neighbor needs to put up a metal link fence right next to the wood fence so that their dogs can not get to the wood. I have seen many yards like that because one wants a wood fence and the neighbor wants a chain link metal fence.
  • Apr 7, 2008, 06:31 PM
    Metal fences do wonders for dogs who can chew through wood. It is expensive though and the landlord might not go for this. May I suggest that you move to a safer neighborhood before it is too late? Yeah, I know you don't want to, but which would you rather have? You beloved pets or no beloved pets as the neighbor's dogs ate them for breakfast. Approach your landlord and ask him if he will let you out of the lease in case he won't put up a metal fence. (That is not always the final solution as they can probably hoist themselves over the fence or jump it if they want to). You need some peace of mind for your little darlings. I'd move the heck away from them in a heartbeat. Pitbulls traditionally like smaller animals to chase and tear apart.
  • Apr 7, 2008, 06:33 PM
    It may be cheaper than the landlord constantly replacing the wood and they could just put it up on the one side. Really they should put their dogs on a chain that doesn't allow them to get close enough to the fence to chew it up.
  • Apr 9, 2008, 09:00 PM
    Thanks for all the input. All the answers have given me something to thnk abou. I do need peace of mind, fear for my dogs and my safety, and feel the landlord won't go for footing the expense of the metal fence. Either I eat the cost or move. It will be difficult to move sice I have been here over ten years and am disabled. The landlord could help if only they enforced to townhome apartment rule that forbids large dogs and more than two. The police suggested I shot them if they come into my yard again... I can't see myself doing that at all. Just the idea of taking a life makes me sick to my stomach. But I dofeel better after reading your helpdul answers... thanks.
  • Apr 9, 2008, 09:04 PM
    Even if they put up a chain link fence... unless they buried it into quite a few inches of concrete most likely the dogs would dig under it. Also, I think chain links are easier to crawl over.
  • Apr 10, 2008, 04:46 PM
    Good answer, because I hadn't thought about that. I already have holes under my wood fence where they tried to dig their way under forst, then decided to just bite the fence. What about a long wood panel hammered into the ground next to the fence, then attached to the fence? Do you think that would resolve the digging under and eating the slat? Thanks.
  • Apr 10, 2008, 05:51 PM
    Try making the panel and every 8 inches put a spiked or pointed piece of wood drive that into the ground. I would also ask the landlord if I could pour a layer of concrete under it before I stuck the spikes into the ground.
  • Apr 11, 2008, 05:19 AM
    I would go to your landlord with the townhouse regulations in writing. Tell the landlord that he is in violation, and if he doesn't correct the problem, that you will report him.

    You can probably contact the landlord/tenant agency in your area, and get a copy of the regulations. I would also report this to the Humane Society, or the ASPCA, and see if they have anymore suggestions for you.

    You haven't broken the rules, your neighbor has. They should be the ones that have to move, not you.
  • Apr 11, 2008, 05:30 AM
    My sister and BiL have 5 dogs that are diggers (beagles and basset hounds). They had continuous break-outs until they lined the fence with electrical wire (found at feed and supply stores.) It only takes them touching it once or twice to keep them away from the fence. It also keeps the neighbors dogs from sticking their nose through and starting a fight.

    My boss has obnoxious neighbor dogs that bark and try to jump the fence to attack his dog. He bought this device that omits a high frequency noise that is unpleasant to dogs when they bark. I will have to ask him how well it works when he gets in and I'll update this post with the info once I see him.

    If you want the law to do something about this you are going to have to call every time the dogs get loose. I'm pretty sure your community has a "dog at large" law (most do). If you complain enough, they will have to see a judge sooner or later that will explain that they had better control their animals or find another home.

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