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  • Feb 22, 2008, 01:10 PM
    Over worried, crazy or pregnant?
    Hi everyone :confused:

    I had unprotected sex with my boyfirned 13 days before My period was due on. I am ALWAYS! Late on (min of 3 days late) and ALWAYS ALWAYS suffer from very very bad PMS: cramps, swollen tender breasts, migranes, grumpy, emotional, anxiety, depression, heavyeyes, tired weight gain (water retention). Sleepy etc etc.

    BUT For some reason I think the first time in my life I came on 3 days early and had NO PMS or period symptoms what's so ever even during my period, No tender breast what's so ever!! And that is an always

    I then did a pregnancy test with 99p HMP which came back negative 3 times.
    Since then discounting I could be pregnant, I am suffering with cramps, headaches stress levels are up, some sort of indigestion, mouth watering, consitpation, bad gas, peeing more frequent or just peeing and feeling like my bladder is not empty yet. And in relation to the watering mouth heartburn type thing makes me feel slightly sick had some dizzy or muzzy head situations as well.
    Oh and bad nights sleep and sleeping abit too much also.

    It has now been 21 days since I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend.

    Is there any chance I am pregnant as my breast haven't changed at all??
    I am I just worrying a little too much or is there a chance??
  • Feb 22, 2008, 10:05 PM
    There's a chance but I wouldn't put money on it or anything since your period did come and your tests came back negative. To be sure though, go to the doctor and have a blood test, it will tell you definitively yes or no.
  • Feb 23, 2008, 06:00 AM

    Originally Posted by kade07
    Hi everyone :confused:

    I had unprotected sex with my boyfirned 13 days before My period was due on. I am ALWAYS! late on (min of 3 days late) and ALWAYS ALWAYS suffer from very very bad PMS: cramps, swollen tender breasts, migranes, grumpy, emotional, anxiety, depression, heavyeyes, tired weight gain (water retention). sleepy etc etc.

    BUT For some reason i think the first time in my life I came on 3 days early and had NO PMS or period symptoms what's so ever even during my period, No tender breast what's so ever!?? !! and that is an always

    I then did a pregnancy test with 99p HMP which came back negative 3 times.
    Since then discounting I could be pregnant, I am suffering with cramps, headaches stress levels are up, some sort of indigestion, mouth watering, consitpation, bad gas, peeing more frequent or just peeing and feeling like my bladder is not empty yet. And in relation to the watering mouth heartburn type thing makes me feel slightly sick had some dizzy or muzzy head situations aswell.
    Oh and bad nights sleep and sleeping abit to much also.

    It has now been 21 days sinse i had unprotected sex with my boyfriend.

    Is there any chance I am pregnant as my breast havnt changed at all???
    I am i just worrying alittle to much or is there a chance????

    Yes hun you could be pregnant. Because I know when I was pregnant that's what I was feeling like was mouth watery and gas bubbles all the time. So I would go take a blood test eccept wait for about 2 more weeks OK hun?
  • Feb 23, 2008, 02:01 PM
    I don't know when you ovulate obviously but, usually women are most fertile in between 13-16th day before their next period and since, you had unprotected sex at the time it's likely. Well, it depends. Are you some kind of birth control? If not then that's one reason you should be careful on too.
    Oh, you need to relax! Stress throws off your cycle.
    Test yourself on a hpt 2 weeks again. You need to be fully protected next time as this always happens with relationships as it makes us women completey paranoid.. usually.
  • Feb 23, 2008, 02:38 PM
    Thanks guys

    I will wait 2 weeks and see how Im feeling and get a blood test done.
    Sorry I didn't reply as wasn't able to see the replys but I am able to see the responses now thanks for the messages/advice :).. and No unfortunately I wasn't using any type of contraception at the time, also anothr symptom I forgot to mention is discharge.. any more views would be much apreciated
  • Feb 23, 2008, 06:04 PM
    Don't wait for another hpt test. Talk to your doctor first. Ask him/her your situation as soon as possible. It's for the better. Good luck. Oh, talk in subcribing birth control pills. The pills will help you if taken correctly for unplanned pregnancy in the future.
  • Feb 23, 2008, 07:14 PM

    Originally Posted by sarah_s
    I don't know when you ovulate obviously but, usually women are most fertile in between 13-16th day before their next period and since, you had unprotected sex at the time it's likely. Well, it depends. Are you some kind of birth control? If not then that's one reason you should be careful on too.
    Oh, you need to relax!! Stress throws off your cycle.
    Test yourself on a hpt 2 weeks again. You need to be fully protected next time as this always happens with relationships as it makes us women completey paranoid..usually.

    And also, sperm can live for up to 5 days inside the woman's body. This is just from some study. I know someone else will probably have a different time frame. But if you had unprotected sex, guess what, there is always that chance. And it has been documented that some females have their period once after becoming pregnant somehow. I guess they would have had to have dropped more than one egg that month.
  • Feb 23, 2008, 08:33 PM
    Any time you have unprotected sex, you risk becoming pregnant, even condoms and pills are not 100 percent effective, so unless you want a baby, please use proper safety measures
  • Feb 23, 2008, 08:52 PM
    I agree with all of this advice, and yes, a sperm cell can live for 2-5 days outside of the body if it is in a warm moist kind of environment... so yes, the possibility is there.

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