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  • Feb 5, 2008, 11:01 PM
    Why some guys are very attratced to latin girls?
    Im a latina myself, half brazilian and half mexican and I so would like to know why some guys preffer latinas over white girls? mmm I guess thats about it...

  • Feb 5, 2008, 11:33 PM
    Many men prefer Latin women because they find them exotic and can be more passionate then white women. Latin women also generally tend to be voluptuous(large breasts and curvy hips). Moreover, women from other countries such as Spain, Mexico, and Asia tend to treat men better sufficed to say they don't just want to use the male.
  • Feb 6, 2008, 07:45 AM
    Why do some people like blondes? Why do some women prefer an athletic guy and some don't care? They are just wired that way. At least for a time.

    Generally speaking, I am almost always first attracted to brunettes, and I like skin that's a little darker. My wife and my previous girlfriend are both italian. I've also dated other brunettes, and a couple of blondes... its not that I don't find other physical traits attractive... I just lean that way more than not.

    My wife and my cousins wife are complete opposites. My wife likes guys who are generally athletic and built. She doesn't want a guy who can fit into her pants (shes long and lean). She likes short hair, clean shaven, accents are nice, bass voice even better... her "perfect guy" 6 ft 3in, 220 lbs, broad up top w a tight waist and butt.

    My cousins wife likes skinnier guys, doesn't mind long hair, not at all attracted to the "linebacker" form, prefers orlando bloom to vin diesel.

    Before this becomes yet another "inner beauty" smackdown where people chastise others for looking at physical traits... c'mon. It is one component, among many, that leads to attraction.

    A beautiful dark skinned brunette with the personality of an angry snake isn't sexy or attractive at all. While I might lean toward women with certain physical traits, the real, lasting attraction is always the personal interaction.

    And for some it might be curiosity. I had a number of women friends in college who had only dated white guys and then at school started dating other ethnicities. It wasn't a rejection of an ethnic group (white guys) it just was exploration.
  • Feb 6, 2008, 08:47 AM
    I've dated two women from Columbia South America. While I find beautiful women from everyplace, I like real blond's, I like Latina's, I like Asians.

    While the exotic thing is one factor I think a major thing is mindset... Latin women are not afraid to show their sexy side and play it for all its worth. They like Asian women don't feel a need to be more of a man than a man is. They celebrate the differences between men and women... and it really does work.
  • Feb 6, 2008, 09:13 AM
    I think it's all on where you're located.

    When I lived in TX, my fair skin and blonde hair turned more heads than latinas did, simply because it was less common.
  • Feb 6, 2008, 09:42 AM
    Hola oweda:

    Por que latinas es some hot mommas.


    PS. Yo se. Mi Espanol esta muy malo.
  • Feb 6, 2008, 12:55 PM
    I would guess from what my friend Doris says about her workplace that Latinas are passionate and somewhat aggressive... and good looking. A great trifecta for romance. :)
  • Feb 7, 2008, 03:02 AM
    Guys Guys Guys... you all have it ALL wrong. The reason why men prefer LATIN WOMEN... is because store bought tortillas don't taste the same as homemade.


    Just kidding... and don't go all races on me and sh*t... I'm a latin male myself. Just thought I'd make some of you laugh.
  • Feb 7, 2008, 04:12 AM
    Really? I thought Latin women made Spanish rice for you when your at home... not Tortillas.:D
  • Feb 7, 2008, 11:02 AM
    No... That would be your chick that makes my rice... Heh heh!:D

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